Modulen and diarrhoea

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May 8, 2014
Hi everyone

I’m just wondering if anyone else on here is taking modulen and experiencing diarrhoea (green) it’s happening between 5-7 times a day.
I just let my son try it and he's got heartburn. Concerned to continue with Modulen.

How much of it are you taking it a day?
Please talk to your Gi about your formula and een concerns .
Children have a different disease than adults and use een differently.
Your Gi will determine how much your child needs to drink for een to work
They can also determine how much diarrhea is a problem and how to manage
You need to speak to your Gi
@Andy1982 yes. My daughter did have an increase in diarrhea. It’s hard to tell. If you are doing formula only and no food, then sometimes at the beginning it is a matter of liquid in liquid out. It should settle down after about a week or two. But sometimes it’s a matter of the formula not being a good fit for your system. If the GI ordered EEN and the formula, I would let them know. There are others you could try that might make you more comfortable.
I just let my son try it and he's got heartburn. Concerned to continue with Modulen.

How much of it are you taking it a day?
Hi @asadmom, I would like to know how you solved this issue. I've been doing some testing with ensure and fortimel during last week and I have also suffered from this, although instead of heartburn is more like stomach cramps and daily diarrhea with some urgency. I am quite shocked since I believed a liquid diet would help to calm down my digestive system but it seems to be the opposite so far.
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Hi @asadmom, I would like to know how you solved this issue. I've been doing some testing with ensure and fortimel during last week and I have also suffered from this, although instead of heartburn is more like stomach cramps and daily diarrhea with some urgency. I am quite shocked since I believed a liquid diet would help to calm down my digestive system but it seems to be the opposite so far.

Hi @patulsius, sorry you are not feeling well! I actually didn't resolve the problem. I backed away from Modulen and did Boost instead for my son and he didn't have trouble with Boost. It's been almost 6 months (I even added nut butter, bananas, coconut oil and protein powder) and he didn't gain a lb so I stopped getting Boost. Recently switched to Neocate Jr and bought a ton of Modulen ready to go. My son would have stomach cramps if he drinks Neocate too fast otherwise only the taste brothers him. He is showing weight gain on Neocate so that is a very pleasant surprise. Once he finishes the Neocate I will have him try Modulen again and see if he can tolerate it this time around with the same benefits.

@kiny Do you know why we would get discomfort from Modulen or drinks alike?
Symptoms should generally be mild on EN. The first days on EN you could get Herxheimer reaction symptoms from the large number of bacteria that die off. There could be some heartburn involved with this, some diarrhea. But all of this should be temporary and manageable.

It's not that unexpected when consuming a liquid diet that there's some initial reaction to a sudden change in diet. As long as CRP and especially calprotectin drops. I don't know how it works in the US, but it is a good idea that if you start EN, you let a local doctor do weekly calprotectin checks by handing in a stool sample. Once calprotectin has dropped, you can just do a monthly check.