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Dec 18, 2013
So after my sigmoidoscopy, the GI suggested I take modulon. This med makes me so sleepy :( I feel like a zombie. It's only day 2 of taking it. The pharmacist says it's the same idea as Dicetel. Dicetel landed me in the ER after taking for a few days. Hoping this doesn't happen again :( Though reading up on it, it's a treatment for IBS. Is it possible to have both IBS and IBD? Just wondering
According to a few people yes you can have both...what other test have you done? a flex sigmoid doesn't go very far into your colon and doesn't rule out Ulcerative Colitis or Crohns. I suggest calling your G.I and telling him you had bad reactions to Dicetel and tell him how you are feeling while taking this new medication... when i dont feel good about a medication I stop it... I am not diagnosed but my doctor suggested i do all sorts of stuff that didnt go well ( Imodium, fiber, and ativan)
here's a link where some of our forum members either said there gi said you can have both or have been diagnosed with both.
Thanks Stevi! I will be seeing a GI on Wednesday, a different one than what did the scope. I know that IBS doesn't wake you up from sleep and cause bleeding. I have a timeline to show this GI of what has been done and what has happened. Hoping she is going to do more tests. Being woken up to poop at 3:30 am really sucks for me because I have a hard time sleeping as it is :(
I get woken up too :( but its not that early its more like 7-9 but i used to sleep past 11 and even to like 1230 before i had my issues..and i also bleed..not constant but weekly. I loved sleeping in. stupid pooper.

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