Hi Cronie,
I agree with everything that's been said above. My son is 17 and was diagnosed last year. They most certainly are our babies and, I'm learning, that this will never, ever end. :ybatty: And, you feel all the more protective when you know that something just isn't right. :frown: Even when the symptoms are on the 'backburner', you worry that, at anytime, something will flare and you just don't want to see them suffer, even the smallest bit.
But, Swirl, jlanier and Shawn, I also completely understand your feelings and you are certainly not wrong. I feel them myself when MY mother continually gives me advice as to how to care for my son. When things are good (or even just 'alright'), I also don't want to be constantly reminded.
Luckily, my son is very patient and considerate but, I could tell, after a few months he was getting tired of my constant 'is everything okay?'. I made him a deal, a New Years' resolution - I would stop asking, if he would promise to tell me if anything seemed to be off. Unfortunately, he's had some issues lately which have necessitated 'discussions' but, I have still kept my questions to the bare necessities and he has let me know of even the smallest symptom.
Cronie, maybe you can have a similar honest discussion with your son. I am truly finding it less worrisome as I believe that I am 'aware' of all issues so no worrying doubts, questions and, I'm sure, my son is relieved that I'm not hounding him endlessly :boring:.
Swirl, jlanier and Shawn - try to be patient with us moms and dads... we worry tons and tons, admittedly, maybe sometimes needlessly.

But, we love you and just want you all to have the best of everything!:biggrin: