Monthly B-12 Injections

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 26, 2008
I had an ileocecectomy last month and twelve inches of ileum/cecum were removed. I am going to be taking monthly B-12 injections.

Anyone have thoughts or advice? Any experience?

I am also on Remicade (300 mg) and Imuran (50 mg) to keep the inflammation away.
I had a small bowel resection about a year and half ago and now have to take b12 shots monthly as well. They really aren't too bad.

I take mine in the stomach, but I know you can take them in the arm or buttocks. I use my stomach, because I can't use two hands on my arm and my butt is too hard to reach.

My advice is to use the 1cc syringes that are designed for diabetics. The needle is really tiny. Try to inject it into fat. Also, if you rub the spot after the injection for a few minutes, it will minimize bruising.

I don't know what your Dr recommended, but when I started them I was told to take an injection every other day for a week, then every week for four weeks, and once a month from then on.

When I first started taking them, I noticed a huge increase in energy. Hope this helps.

I was getting B-12 every other month, but since my resection of 18" My doc wants monthly B-12 injections.
I would need that but I take a weekly nasal spray called "nascobal" anyway, it's pretty expensive, but it does the best job at keeping my b12 levels up.