Moving across country

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 17, 2015
Hello everybody,
I'm in need of some advice. My boyfriend wants to move across country and I want to go with him. It's just, I'm letting worries hold me back. I have great health Insurence now, but I know i won't get so lucky with that when I move. I'm really scared. I want to move, but I feel like this disease is holding me back. I don't want to be in debt with medical bills.
Where is it you're wanting to move? Are you here in the US or somewhere else? Are you staying in the same country or moving to a different place all together? This would help us a little better as far as having some ideas for you. Thank you. :)
Where is it you're wanting to move? Are you here in the US or somewhere else? Are you staying in the same country or moving to a different place all together? This would help us a little better as far as having some ideas for you. Thank you. :)
I'm in the US and staying in the US. I'm moving to Washington state.
Ok. Well, there are good and bad doctors here just like anywhere else in the US. Biggest thing is checking out the reviews. The nice thing with PPO is that you can change doctors if you haven't found the right one. If you have Kaiser, it can sometimes be a bit tricky finding the right doctor.

If you're looking into moving in my area and have PPO insurance feel free to pm me and I can give you my GI's name and info (if you'd like). I'm sure he'd be able to refer you to one of his colleagues if he can't take you. I'm leaving for work shortly, so won't be getting back to you till later tonight or tomorrow. But, will reply. Just let me know.
Hi casscass,

I've moved a lot & played the insurance game in different states. Unless you're moving & have a guaranteed job w/ health insurance I would start, well, at the bottom and enroll in Medicaid. Which will be fine while you're looking for work. It is a process to enroll but it's retroactive from your application date. Good luck! It's a pain in the butt, but I never let it hold me back from seeing different places.