I lived in southern Spain from 1985 to 1993 and had a number of Crohn's flares including a severe rectal haemorrhage due to a burst crypt abscess in the small intestine. ( have had Crohn's since 1970.) I went to a private hospital in Malaga as Spain was not in the EC then and we were not entitled to the free Spanish health service. The gastro used to come and see me with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. They did however put me on IV steroids and was in for 8 days. They wouldn't let me leave until we had paid the bill, some $14,000 in cash. Go figure! Eventually I realised I was not getting good treatment and the communication problem was difficult. In the end my GP, who did speak English as he was born of French parents in Morocco, advised me to repatriate to England, which I did. I have no wish to go back, even for a holiday. It was like a third world country, maybe it is better today but I wouldn't bank on it. I got Leishmaniasis from a stray dog and flew back to England at least 6 times for a diagnosis, even though the disease is endemic amongst dogs in southern Spain and doctors should have been able to diagnose it properly. I was eventually diagnosed by the School for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in London, given the appropriate antibiotic and was cured within 7 days.