MoviPrep-Please Help!

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May 4, 2009
How long does it take for MoviPrep to start taking effect? I have never had it before, Last time I had Picolax, and that took about 20mins. I have taken my first glass of MoviPrep and still have loads to do. I find it so hard to drink it. It tastes disgusting and I keep gagging and im trying so hard to keep it down. What happens if I have to go before I have finnished it? Should I take some more untill I can see it is all clear?
Thanks I rly need some help cpz I dnt know what to do. I dont even know If i can take it :(
x x x x x
Oh, you poor thing!! Just keep sipping it here and there. If you feel nauseous take a break....Keep drinking until everything is clear...I have never used the moviprep, but do the best you can....In the past I have been sitting on the toilet and drinking at the same time just to be sure it is all clear.
No they didnt :( I wish thay had!
I've done 3 and a bit glasses and I porbs have a few to go but I'm taking it slowly and it is almost running clear now. My sis just bought me my lappy so I can watch a DVD! I'm just guna take it slow. I dnt care how long im sat here. I just dnt wana be sick!
x x x x
Ok I think I'm done now. Sometimes it looks colorless and sometimes it looks a little bit yellow. Do you think that is ok? I'm just guna leave it, I have to do more tomorow morning anyway so I'm sure it will be fine. ? ? ?
x x x x
as long as it is clear - like no bits in it and primarily clearish you are probably ok. For next time - I get lifesavers (no red or purple - I usually get butter rum) and suck on those while I'm drinking that crap so I don't taste it so much. I bet the tic tacs are ok too - and would probably do a better job of drowning the nastiness out. Hope everything goes well for you LMV!!
Ok I think that is fine then. Thats a rly good idea for getting rid of the taste.
Hopefuly I wont have to drink as much tomoro. Can't wait for it all to be over now. And I never want to do this again!!
x x x x
I feel your pain Holly! Sounds like that's the same stuff I ha when I was in the hospital. Was supposed to do 4 litres of it in the evening and I managed about 2.5. It was NASTY and I had to sip water after every mouthful so, between the peeing and the pooping I was on the loo every few minutes for HOURS! And then, they said it wasn't clear enough so I had to do another couple of litres in the morning!
Its stupid they make you drink so much! Why do you need to?
If you just dont eat much the day before then there isnt much to come out.
If they say something is wrong tomorow I think I am guna just scream at them!!!
x x x x x
xX_LittleMissValentine_Xx said:
Its stupid they make you drink so much! Why do you need to?
If you just dont eat much the day before then there isnt much to come out.
If they say something is wrong tomorow I think I am guna just scream at them!!!
x x x x x

Yup, four f%@king litres! I was supposed to do 1 an hour but just coulnd't do it. Once it got to midnight and I should have been well finished, they gave me the option to have a rest and continue in the morning, or to keep going. I chose to have a break, but spent half the night on the loo anyways :( It all looked clear to me, but they said it had to be like wees coming out your bum, with NO bits in it at all!
Was torture and I wouldn;t wish it on my worst enemy! The actual procedure was easier than the prep!
Good luck, it will all be over really soon :)
Oh its disgusting isn't it? I feel like gagging just reading your post, you poor thing...

Not sure I have any tips, I just held my nose and glugged down in as quick gulps as I could manage.

It will soon be over, I am thinking of you.

Lishyloo x
Oh, the other thing I do is this. They say to start drinking around 5 in the afternoon. Apparently they want you so strung out on no sleep the next day! I usually start drinking by the latest 2 in the afternoon, that way by 10 hopefully I'm DONE and can go to sleep. For some reason the last time I was up until 2 in the morning still and still felt kinda "squirty" the next morning too. The nurse was nice and slowed my IV saline drip down so I wouldn't have to go rushing to the bathroom right before the scope. So, I guess sometimes my idea works and sometimes it doesn't :O)

Holly - they make you drink so much because they want to clear you out - but also - you need that fluid for your kidneys too I think. The crud that is in there that makes you poo isn't so good for the old kidneys if you don't have fluid constantly going in as well. So, drinking fluid is super important with those cleanses. Unfortunately - the more you drink - THE MORE YOU GO!!!
God bless ya Littlemiss V .Sorry i can't help ya.......

Big hugs though and hang in there !!!!!
I just got the prep for mine, and it's two little packets i have to mix with a half cup of water, one in the morning, one in the evening.....I'm thankful it's not your movi-prep, i was thinking of you when i went to pick it up.

Hopefully you're clean enough and don't have to drink more of that crud! :(
Umm..wanna share the name of that miracle packet Tam?? Does it tell you that you have to drink lots of other liquid with it? Hmmm, me thinks I want that for next time.....which is probably coming my way, way too soon :O)
It's called Pico Salex.
they say to drink a cup of fluid an hour, but i will take a cup of plain water an hour over four litres of nastiness! :)
I can't see how a cup an hour would allow you to produce enough to poop everything out?! But yay if it works!
I think I had the one Tam had last time. It was very strong and works rly quickly. Today I got up early to prep and I have done the whole lot now, and even after being on the loo for 2 and a half hours and drinking all of it it is still coming out bright yellow!! I dont understand it because it was clear last night! We have rang them and they have said to still come along. I hope they can still do it :/
If they cant i think I am just guna cry! I was crying earlier while trying to keep it all down, mum was on the other side of the door saying I had to keep going! So awful. I dnt think people can rly understand how bad and truamatic it is untill they have done it themselves, or seen someone go through it
x x x x x
You're nearly there Holly!

When I had mine I would run nearly clear and then next trip to the loo there'd be more stuff in it. And I had to drink more - it's a bit of a marathon really isn't it!

Don't worry though, if there are no 'bit's in it I am sure you will be good as gold. It will all be over before you know it :)
today is my second procedure so yes second movi prep.
id been dreading it since it came in the post. I stuck it out of sight in my meds cupboard!
1litre last night (7pm) and 1 litre today (6am).
I guess im quite fortunate as Im a bit of a fish and was able to swig down a full 250ml in one go.
it wasnt bad that I thought to myself! well I cudnt have been more wrong every glss I had it just got worse!!! managed it and my gosh!!
on my way to appointment now on the bus. my bum is tweaking (if u no what I mean!!??) hahahaha...
I have 3 anal setons down there which are now very tender. I hope there gentle.

:poop: :cry: :ysmile:
By my estimation you should be home now.Did you have someone to pick you up?

I hope it all went ok.Please let us know.Best wishes.
Hi, yes it went well. Opted for just gas and air and no sedation and my gosh I Forgot how painful/ uncomfortable the procedure was. Ouch!
Back home now. Managed some toast and a cup of coffee (with milk! Haha)
I considered gas & air but not for long.Why be brave,no-ones going to give you a medal.
I might consider G & A for the time though. hahaha.

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