MR enterography oral contrast?

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Feb 9, 2013
Hello everyone.

So I was told by my doctor that I need to have an MRE to make sure that my Crohn's isn't present in my small bowl, and I was told I'm going to have to drink three bottles of contrast before the scanning...:(

I've had a CT before, and I could hardly even stomach one bottle of barium! I was told the contrast is different than barium, and have any of you had to drink the contrast used for a MR enterography scan? :( I'm just really scared and dreading the day I have to drink down all of that contrast...

Is barium as bad as the contrast they give you for a MR enterography? Or is it about the same? I just want to know what to expect..thank you
Hummm, if it is the CT enterography, yes, I've had it in the past. The drink is really easier to down than the baryum meal can be. When I did it they gave me, I would say 1,5L maybe 2L of liquid. They don't give you a very long time to drink it though, the time laps was the "hardest" even though doable part. Pretty much it is sweet water with a slightly bitter/chemical taste to it.

One thing you should be warned about (they forgot to mention it to me), it is quite laxative. Be safe, bring extra clothes and allow yourself a few hours after the exam without much planned. I have an ileostomy and it was not fun at all as it was going through me non-stop.

Other than this, the exam is "easy", it is just quite annoying with the fluid excess!

Good luck,

They gave me 15 min to drink each one. It tastes like a gooey very light lemonade. It's not that bad since you have to fast and are thirsty anyway. I had ct scans but not for a while, since then only MRI's so I don't recall the difference in the oral contrast b