That makes me mad and sad to hear what your nurse said...:voodoo:
Formula feeds are PROVEN treatment at inducing and MAINTAINING remission in cases worldwide, there are MED JOURNAL articles on this, I have read most of them, some are from Japan and the Netherlands.
Yes, if the pt d/c's the formula after the six or eight weeks, symptoms can return so WHY D/C it?
WHY discontinue a treatment that is WORKING, and is HARMLESS?
Violet has been on EN (with food, not exclusive) for almost FOUR years now, and she is NOT her GI's only pt on it for years. We are in USA where many people simply refuse to do it, per her GI, but in other countries it is the NORM.
Even if it doesn't completely normalize disease activity, as it has not in V's case, it GREATLY reduces the SYSTEMIC effect of active disease. This is not my opinion, that is direct from V's GI.
He said the formula has anticytokinergic effect, i.e., it "blunts" (his word) the effects of TNF and other cytokines on the whole body, as well as providing nutrients which these kids often lack due to malabsorption.
Violet had active TI disease the entire 3.5 years since dx, but she was WELL and healthy globally despite that. Her growth and development has been stellar, due to being so well nourished.
I am NOT saying it is a cure all or that it will fix all the issues; clearly, for V, it didn't as she is now on Humira.
But it is an important adjunct to meds, and her GI and I both want her on it until she is sixteen and done growing.
If your doc isn't a proponent of it, you shall not get much good information. And as for nurses...I don't deal with them, I email her GI directly and we bypass nurses.
Please investigate this treatment, your girl mirrors V at dx and you have NOTHING to lose by trying it. we use these drugs without blinking an eye but hesitate on a safe treatment...that boggles my mind and according to V's GI is an American other countries they are not given a choice, EN is first line.
Edited to add:
V was tachy at dx and for weeks prior. It was a direct result of malnutrition PER the DOC.