Mucosal endoanal flap procedure?

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Jun 18, 2011
I am due to have a mucosal endoanal flap procedure sometime in the next few weeks, I would really love to hear from anyone who has had this procedure..I was tested for crohn's disease and have just found out that my results are normal....hence this operation. I have family members who suffer from crohn's disease so i was a little suprised by the results. I have had 2 surgeries already one abscess laid open (which was a very rushed procedure, and when i came to from the anaesthetic I could feel it was still there). Then in October last year I had a seton drain put in after being in excruciating pain from a bigger abscess. Still in pain and flare ups at present, they have decided for this procedure. Would love to hear from people who have had this done and there results?

Hi Bec,

I don't have Crohn's but I have read about this procedure previously for complex perianal disease. Studies seem to indicate that it is quite successful provided you don't have Crohns.

What tests did you have done to determine if you had Crohns?

I guess my only concern at having this procedure done would be, since you have a family history of Crohns I would want to be 100% sure that I was indeed Crohns free before proceeding.

Dusty. xxx
Thanks for ur support Jeannette, its very much appreciated!!! :)
Dusty I had a colonoscopy and some biopsies taken, they apparently came back normal, what other tests are involved in testing for crohn's?? Although i have family with this they choose not to discuss anything about this, which makes things a tad bit difficult..My colorecatl surgeon told me it has a 70 percent success rate, so i just figured anythings worth a shot!!!! Fingers crossed!!!
x bec
Dusty I had a colonoscopy and some biopsies taken, they apparently came back normal, what other tests are involved in testing for crohn's?? Although i have family with this they choose not to discuss anything about this, which makes things a tad bit difficult..My colorecatl surgeon told me it has a 70 percent success rate, so i just figured anythings worth a shot!!!! Fingers crossed!!!
x bec

Colonoscopy would probably be the main test to diagnose if the Crohns is an area the scope can reach. Was the colon clear of inflammation as well as the biopsies being normal?

Good luck hun!
Dusty. xxx
Ok, so I got a phone call on Thurdsay to say the endoanal flap procedure is being performed this coming friday!!! Arghhh, out of all the procedures i have had this one is terrifying me the most!! Painwise....Guess I have to think long term....Fingers crossed this works..
Ok, so I got a phone call on Thurdsay to say the endoanal flap procedure is being performed this coming friday!!! Arghhh, out of all the procedures i have had this one is terrifying me the most!! Painwise....Guess I have to think long term....Fingers crossed this works..

Hi becsy. I've recently had a post-seton advancement flap procedure for fistula and abscess. As far as I read. it's not the same procedure, but doesn't sound terribly different either, at least from a patient perspective? Happy to discuss if you think it'd be helpful. Best of luck. Don't be afraid!
Thanks Sawdust...Yeah I just haven't come across anyone that has had this or anything similar sounding....I have had a seton drain put in but that has been flaring up for the past 9 months of having it in...and gets very uncomfortable..hence the colorectal surgeon wanting to op for this procedure..they have gone for this one because they can't afford to cut through any muscle to risk incontinence, plus i sustained damage from the birth of my daughter 2 years ago......I guess i should be used to operations but i think its the head, saying oh no, notagain!!! How did u find recovery for yourself?? and thanks for replying to my post!!! :)
Well, for me, the toughest part of recovery was not eating. For all intents and purposes, I did essentially the Dulcolax/Miralax prep you would for a colonoscopy the day before surgery. Then, nothing to eat for the next four days, liquid diet several days after that. They kept me in the hospital for several days to keep me on the IV and gave me meds for pain and to keep me from having a BM. Despite not eating, I didn't lose any weight until I went home.

I didn't find the pain any worse than anything associated the seton TBH. I was on the pain medication they gave me at the hospital, but really none at home, and none that I had to ask for additionally. Not eating was the hardest part for me, slightly ahead of the sheer lack of energy I had. Turns out, not eating for so long really zaps your energy. :)

Surgery was about a month ago and I'm nearly completely back to normal. It might be a little weird to explain, but it actually took me a little while to get used to not having the seton. While I am "normal" again, there was a period of getting used to my old "normal" with the seton. I asked a number of times about why I could have this procedure since I do have Crohn's. It was explained to me that it would have a higher likelihood of success since I have my flare under control and it wasn't really near diseased areas of bowel. So far, so good.

I don't know how similar or dissimilar this will be for you. Hope you're comfy, at ease, and most of all, healed up!
I have 2 perianal fistula's that are both currently treated with setons and Remicade. The first seton has been great since I had it placed in Feb. 2010. The second one has caused me problems since October 2010. I just had it put back in last Friday. Fingers crossed it works this time. What interested me in this thread was a comment you made, sawdust. That since you have a flare under control and it isn't near diseased areas of the bowel this procedure would probably be beneficial to you. I guess my first question is, what is this procedure exactly? I have never heard of it before. I'm just wondering for what might come down the line for me and because Remicade has really cleared up my ileum after less than a year of getting the treatments.
Hi anna. I had an advancement flap procedure for a perianal abscess and fistula. Essentially, they pulled out my seton, and then created a "flap" to cover the hole from nearby tissue. I no longer have a seton in place. My doctors didn't believe that my Crohn's caused my fistula and abscess, and since I'm not on any of the biologics to treat my Crohn's, they could not rely on them to heal it up. So, they chose this course of action.

I also know that it's not always an option to patients with IBD (and why I haven't been cheering aloud here at the forums). So far, so good for me, but I had a number of "fortunate" circumstances in my case, as far as I understand.

Sorry to hear you're still having a rough time, anna. I will cross my fingers for you too! Hopefully you get some relief very soon.
Wow thanks sawdust..... It certainly sounds like a similar type of surgery, I should find out a little bit more today as I have a pre amision appointment, and i guess they will hand me my picolax stuff today :( I figured that i would be on a clear fluid diet and I don't mind to be honest..the thought of BM is really freaking me out after this again and I am very glad that it has worked for u!! I will post again after the surgery....
Fingers Crossed... :)
Ok so update on this.....*sigh* I had this procedure done in sept 2011...5 weeks later the scar that had healed was leaking some yucky stuff so I went to the ER, they put me on antibiotics and sent me home..a few weeks later I had an mri that showed a collection, I was than in ER 2 weeks later with my biggest and sorest abcess so far, they kept me in for 3 nights and I had it drained, was told by another colorectal surgeon that the advancement flap procedure hadn't worked and the fistula tract has step possible LIFT procedure...SInce than I have had several outpatients appointments where they delay me for 4 weeks and than want to send me for another mri...I have spoken to my gp for a referral to another colorectal surgeon at my own expense..any ideas..should I get retested for Crohn's...I have a family history as my Grandmother and cousin had the disease.. I just feel stuck and I have also lost nearly 10kg in the last 3 months...have bouts of constipation than severe diarreah, along with abdominal pain (kinda gastro like stomach pains) Or maybe thats stress related but I am no stressed than before...I wish I could understand my so over these abcesses and continuous pain around my butt...
Aww, becsy. I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. :( These things can be pesky and a literal pain in the rear. Unfortunately, reoccurrence seems to be theme with these things. Did your CR surgeon speculate why the LIFT procedure might give better results for you? I hope you get some good replies here and some good advice. :hug:

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