Hello, just reading through the post and came across this, just wondering if you ever found out about your blood work to check if the miscarriages may be autoimmune???
I am new to the site and have not been diagnosed, still waiting to see the Gi Specialist, but have been told by two family docs they think it is UC, anyways I have had 3 miscarriages, two at 5 weeks and one at 10 weeks and the most recent one was right when my symptoms got really bad. I had my son 11 months ago (a month early but healthy and happy) and have had tummy issues since. We have been trying to conceice for 6 months now and was pretty bummed to conceive and loose it right away, but I am now wondering if it may be related...it makes sense if your body can not take care of itself, then it surely can not support other. We have decided to stop trying to conceive until I see the GI Specialist and go from there
Good luck to ya hun