Multiple Issues, Not Sure if Crohn's Related

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Mar 7, 2013
My son is 14 and was diagnosed 2.5 years ago. We have been through many things and meds. Currently just completed 6 weeks EN and moving back to food. EN made him feel better.

Biggest problems are not gut related - are these EIMs - is ther help?

1. lots of saliva in throat - feels stuck there and can't cough it up.

2. tightness of chest when playing football( running hard) and can't breathe. Chest sounds clear and blows no problem into asthma tester. has an inhaler to help now. Helps a bit

3. Low white blood cell count - taken off AZA - still low. Has infected toe form ingrowing which is healing very slowly - is this the problem?

4. taste buds weak - found zinc is low so now supplementing and htis can affect taste.

The crohns symtoms are ok the above are driving him mad. Docs have no idea about the saliva/mucus in throat and throat is clear of infection. They are not convincing about breathing problem as chest sounds clear.

Please help if you can...:(
I don't think any sound like they are crohn's related but they could be side effects of medication. Even coming off meds the side effects can often linger.
The tightness/breathlessness sounds like it could be caused by anaemia. Has he had his iron checked recently? I went on a hiking trip in June and I was severely anaemic. It was pretty physically intensive and whenever I went up hill I started wheezing to the point of sounding like a wounded animal with a lung problem. Went to the GP... blood oxygen levels normal, everything was fine. Only a while later did I make the correlation between the palpitations/breathlessness/tight feeling and exercise and figured it could be the anaemia. I've since had an iron infusion and am feeling much better, symptoms gone :D It might not be - since this is only going off what I've experienced - but I hope you find the cases soon. :)
Yes, breathlessness/shortness of breath could be caused by anemia of either Iron or B12 (I had breathlessness and was deficient in both iron and b12, it eased up when I finally got treated for it) and the other symptoms could possibly be a result of any of the combination of medications that your son is either currently on or was recently taken off of.
Thank you so so much both of you. I think you have answered my question...
He struggles to keep ferritin in normal range. He is nearly 15 years old birthday week after next and we have had infusions before. In fact he just had one on Tuesday and another on the 5th to come. i looked up symptoms of anaemia and he has had loads of those things. Now I knew he must be suffering with anaemic problems but NOONE in the medical profession has linked these to his issues. I am so mad about it as noone can recommend a palatable iron supplement that is ok on his tummy. He really struggles with sytron and has tried spatone. Have been using a tablet from health food shop but his levels have dropped despite taking this. Again thank you so very very much. A huge relief for me.
lots of saliva in throat - feels stuck there and can't cough it up
We had this in our family's case too. May you get more strength as you go through this situation. wishing a quick recovery.