My 8 year long journey, my diagnosis, and how it can help YOU!

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Oct 22, 2010
Hey everyone.....

I hope you are all doing well! I'm so sorry I haven't been around much lately, my illness has been at its worst the past three months (I got a full time job that has not been the best decision).

I want to share some good news with you all! MY DISEASE NOW HAS A NAME!!! I am diagnosed, 100%, letter and all! After 8 long years of symtoms, life interruptions, tests, and lots of heartbreak, I have finally been diagnosed after a week long stay at a German hospital. I have behcets disease!

For those of you who don't know my story, let me start at the beginning. I started getting sick at 15, so 8 years ago. For the first few years my illness brought on mouth ulcers, extreme abdomen pain that would only last a few minutes at a time, and digestive issues like constipation and D. When I went to a doctor about it, I was referred to a GI who diagnosed me with IBS without even touching me, sending me on my way with some IBS medication. I decided to just live with it and enjoy life regardless.

As years went on, the IBS got worse, as well as the ulcers and other symptoms. There would be times in college where I would be stuck in the public bathroom almost all day because of the D. I ignored it though and kept moving day by day.

4 years into the illness, June 2010, I decided to drive overnight to my husbands apartment 6 hours away for the weekend. When I woke up the next day after my drive. I was in so much pain it was insane. The room was spinning, and the pain was too overwhelming to ignore. I ended up in a urgent care facility who said it is probably nothing and gave me some anti nausea and I was sent on my way. I ended up in the ER twice in the next week because of the pain as well. The first ER found nothing wrong and sent me home, and the second diagnosed me with a hernia after poking around my abdomen. I had surgery for the hernia later that month, but they did not find a hernia and the pain never went away.

The next couple months I learned to live with the pain since no doctor could find anything, the pain came and went, but never truly went completely away. At that point I was having D upwards of ten times a day. I thought I must have crohns instead of IBS, and went back to my GI from a few years back. They agreed and suggested a upper endoscopy and colonoscopy to confirm. Both tests came back normal, which was devastating, and I was again flagged with IBS. When I went to get a second opinion, I spent almost a year doing tests for crohns to try and prove it was IBS... Small bowel follow through, pill cam, blood and urine tests galore. My GI knew something was up because of my severe mouth ulcers, fatigue, and other symptoms, but we could figure out why I was having so many issues when EVERY test came back normal. Even when I was hospitalized in April of 2011 all tests came back fine for GI issues.

After my pill cam came back normal in August of 2011, I decided to take a different route and consult with a rheumatologist. If it wasn't crohn's, it had to be something. At that point my symptoms list had grown out of control...joint pain, digestive issues, severe abdominal pain, weakness/fatigue, mouth ulcers, etc. my Rheumy suggested lupus as the culprit (attacking my intestines like crohn's) and did blood tests. My ANA came back positive, suggesting an autoimmune disease, and when I was put on a prednisone trial I got much better. At that point my Rheumy loosely diagnosed me with mixed connective tissue disease, and put me in plaquenil and prednisone long term for treatment. I finally thought I was getting somewhere.

Unfortunately, in the next few months (June of 2012) I had to switch doctors, and I had to take a step back again. My new Rheumy did new blood tests, in which my ANA was negative, and ended up taking me off my meds and telling me it was nothing in his realm of study. I kept seeing him these past few months, hoping and praying when I see him my ANA would test positive and he would out me back on my meds and give me a diagnosis. Instead, every time I saw him he said there was nothing new to say and that I was fine. Even when I told him I was buying a wheelchair and could not shower he would not do anything for my discomfort. I had also started seeing a pain management specialist who said my abdominal pain was just some nerves firing off incorrectly, despite the swelling and heat coming off the spot. All three doctors including my GP could not find an answer so I was ignored when I pleaded for help.

And now we are at present time. As of now my symptoms list is pages long. Some of them are: chronic abdominal pain, intermittent chest pain, joint pain in the wrists and knees, very bad D, multiple ulcers in the mouth and genitals that last over a month and make it where I can't talk/eat, chronic fatigue, left kidney pain, dizziness/blurred vision, cold hands and feet (raynauds phenomenon), and rashes on my face and legs. As the list has gotten longer over the years, every single doctor would right off every symptom as something minor, and they would never look at the bigger picture. If I fought them, I was treated as a drug seller or a hypochondriac, or they would simply ignore me.

This past week, my whole situation was flipped upside down. A week and a half ago I began to have severe chest pains that felt like I was being squeezed together with a corset. I didn't think anything of them at first, but after 24 hours of them I could not function. I waited the weekend out in my own home on muscle relaxers (only thing that helped), and went to my GP last Monday. He took a look at me, saw my EKG was abnormal and my heart rate was through the roof, and I was sent to the hospital. I was then admitted for a possible heart attack, and was in the hospital for 5 days going through tests on my heart and lungs. While I was there, I made sure my doctor knew my chronic illness symptoms and that I was undiagnosed to make sure if these pains were related that they could help that way and maybe even get me a diagnosis. The entire time I was in the hospital, all of my heart/lung tests were coming back normal, like every test does for me, and I was told they thought I just have the flu and I would be going home soon. I was devastated that I was being written off yet another time.

When my doctor came in to see my last Friday, he had great news for me. They had figured out what disease I have! The doctor who had been put on my case was a heart specialist, but he looked through my entire medical records (which is a book basically), and he told me he knew something was very wrong and he really wanted to figure it out for me. He assembled a team of specialists from around the hospital to look at my records and current symptoms. The Rheumy who was pulled in figured out that I have behcets disease as all my symptoms fit, and it explained my chest pains perfectly.

Behcets is a disease that is VERY rare. Most doctors in the united states probably don't know this disease even exists. It mimics three other autoimmune diseases: Lupus, Crohns, and RA, yet when tested you will not find proof of disease. Behcets causes these autoimmune symptoms because it is your immune system attack the blood vessels in your body, not the actual organs themselves. It can attack any part of the body since we have blood vessels everywhere. The classic first signs of behcets is oral ulcers, and you have to have three ulcers or more in a year to get diagnosed with behcets. Other common places behcets attacks is your brain, eyes, and intestines, and skin. Behcets can even cause the same ulcers in your intestines like crohns, or it could just inflame the outer portion, causing crohn's like symptoms but it will not show up on tests. Actually there are no actual tests for is diagnosed based on symptoms and ruling out the three diseases mentioned above.

Why am I telling you all of this and making you read so much? Because if you have behcets too, I don't want you to suffer anymore and be undiagnosed any longer than you have to. I don't want you to have to keep begging for answers when they aren't coming. I want yours to be caught early to minimize the damage it can do.

As for me currently, I am now looking at a long journey of healing. After 8 years of being undiagnosed, ignored, and untreated, I now have a lot of damage to try and repair. Behcets has done damage to my eyes, intestines, skin, heart, joints, and lungs. Right now the blood vessels near my heart are inflamed, causing an angina, or a condition where the heart isn't getting enough blood. My doctors are afraid I might have a heart attack if the swelling doesn't get better quick enough. I start my treatment plan tomorrow, which they said would be prednisone. If that doesn't work, they also use remicade, methotrexate, and drugs used to treat AIDS to treat it. I'm really hoping for my chronic abdominal pain goes down with treatment as well, as I am tired of taking pain meds all the time.

So, if your story sounds similar to mine, and you have tested negative for crohns, I would highly recommend bringing this disease up to your doctor. Yes, it is rare, but it would be better to rule it out then not know what's wrong with you for years to come.

Also, for all of you still searching for answers.....NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! I know it can be so heartbreaking, but at some point they have got to figure out why you are sick. If you are stuck with doctors who are pushing you away and not trying to figure it out, CHANGE DOCTORS. If I hadn't ended up at the German hospital, away from my regular Rheumy, I would have been ignored for far longer. If you get stuck with one doctor and they don't keep moving towards helping you, fire them and get a fresh set of eyes on your case. Even with the rarest of diseases, there has got to be a doctor out there who knows it and can recognize that you have it. You have to be proactive when the answers to your health issues aren't obvious!!

I hope you are all having a good weekend. If you got through all that, I applaud you. :p I hope to feel much better very soon so that I can be in here more often! Remember, us spoonies have to stick together!

Some more info on behcets:çet's_disease
Wow! Allie all I can say is Wow! :)

I'm so sorry that you've suffered for so long but I am so happy for you that you FINALLY have a solid answer!
You're inspiring :)

Makes me almost want to go find yet another doctor and start trying to figure out what's wrong with me once again.

Thanks for sharing your story with us !
I hope the healing comes quickly - you deserve it ❤
Allie, thank you for writing out your full story - I knew most of it but didn't know a lot about what your illness was like at first onset. What a long, difficult journey it's been for you! I'm so glad you've finally made it to that light at the end of the tunnel and can start on truly proper treatment, and I hope you get some real and lasting relief! Please do update us with how the treatment is going and I'm guessing you might get some good advice about remicade or methotrexate from the treatment section here too. You know I will never kick out anyone from the Undiagnosed Club even if they get a diagnosis that isn't IBD, so absolutely do stick around and let us know how you're doing & help out the newbies, etc. I hope the doctor visit today went well and that you didn't end up being admitted again - update please when you are able! Thinking of you and hoping that it only gets better from here on out! :)
Yes thanks for such a long post. I will raise this disease with my Rheumy but honestly don't think it sounds like my symptoms fit so well and my inflammation was not responsive to steroids. Had some tests to look for inflamed blood vessels too and nothing. Also had the three things mentioned ruled out but as yet this one hasn't come up.

It is something to try though and I think there is a place in London that will assess you.

My new Rhuemy is the Hospital's expert in Vasculitis (blood vessel inflammation) so maybe he will have good knowledge about this disease.
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Wow. I can't even tell you how much I admire your strength throughout so many difficult years... you're an inspiration! I am so so so glad you finally have a diagnosis and I hope that from this point forward you have a huge improvement in quality of life. Congrats on getting a concrete answer and tons of kudos to the rheumy that figured it all out! Thanks for telling your story :hug:
Hi aliieinwonder, you have me almost in tears right now. I also have Behcet's Disease and I have been dx for almost 3 years after many years of suffering as well. My neuro-opthamologist put it together for me and knew the rheumy to send me to for a firm dx. That is the reason that I am on Remicade.

I have been having symptoms of CD for several years as well and my prometheus test confirmed but colon and upper scope both do not show damage consistant with CD. Now my GI is questioning my DX. It might just be from my Behcet's.

Have you had a prometheus test done? just curious.

As you can see from my signature I have been battling with a lot of diffrent things some since birth. Thanks for sharing your story. This could be the case for some of the undiagnosised especially if you have oral and genital ulcers, which is a hallmark for Behcet's.
Aww you guys are too sweet! I just really hope that if others here on Crohn's forum have behcets, and their doctors have been writing them off with IBS, that they see this and they might get somewhere farther in their diagnosis. Especially if they are having issues with really bad mouth ulcers (genitals too...even though my ulcers "down there" didn't start until 6 months ago), skin rashes, and eye problems. This disease does not have any kind of test to confirm, so it would be so easy for a doctor to overlook that possibility and tell you it was all in your head. :(

When I went to see my new german rheumy who had made the diagnosis yesterday, they reiterated that it was behcets disease, and that I need to start on pred soon. Unfortunately there was a miscommunication at the hospital, and my blood tests werent done correctly, so I'm having to wait until my blood tests come back to confirm the diagnosis, then I get to go on a treatment plan. Apparently my CRP was high the entire time I was in the hospital...which kind of shocks me because my CRP hasn't been high, ever. So they want to do a little more digging before starting me on a med that will change the blood tests. So for right now I'm trying to rest as much as possible and treating my chest pain with pain meds and muscle relaxers.

EarnellZWifey, wow! How did you end up with both behcets AND Crohns? seems like my body is also sort of falling apart, but it looks like all of the issues could be explained by the behcets disease, even the bowel inflammation and abdominal pain. I do not think I have had the prometheus test done.....but, with all the tests I have had in the past 3 years, it is hard to tell. :p It is good to know I'm not alone with this weird and rare diagnosis. :)
Thanks for this post. I am so glad you have a dx (I think the genital ulcers really help confirm this dx). I really hope the treatment works well for you. PLEASE keep us posted!
wow, powerful story, I imagine it's a bittersweet moment to get the dx. You don't want to hear it but at the same time you've been hoping to hear it for years. Allie, please do keep us in the loop!
Actually, when he came in and have me my diagnosis, I don't think any part of me was upset, lol. I know it sounds awful, but after 8 years of symptoms I knew I was telling me I was sick wasn't news to me! I was absolutely thrilled. Now that it has been about a month and it has had time to sink in, it isn't so thrilling.

I saw my Rheumy at the German hospital one last time a couple weeks before Christmas, and I was put on a pred taper. I started at 20mg, and Im now at 10mg. What stinks is I am not feeling any better and my flare hasn't gotten better either. :( The chest pains are still there, I still have a couple ulcers in my mouth, etc. When my doctor and I talked about me going on the pred, I wanted to make it clear that I didn't care how high the dose was, I just wanted to nip this in the bud, but he didn't want to do that at all. He seemed more worried about the pred side effects than what the Behcets is doing to my body. This worries me, because the more I read and the more Behcets patients I talk to, the more I realize my Behcets is actually much worse than it should be. Other Behcets patients have told me they are shocked I'm on so little pred when the Behcets is causing an angina, and I am very close to having a heart attack. That kind of organ involvement just usually isn't seen, so now I am worried about how progressive I am going to have to get to get these chest pains to go away. :( I'm getting very tired of this high heart rate and feeling like Im being suffocated. I've also read in medical journals that the prognosis of Behcets gets much worse when it starts to attack the intestines, and mine has been attacking my intestines for almost 3 years, so that worries me even more.

The real kicker is my doc said to come back in 4 months....yeah, that isn't going to happen. I am calling him on Monday and getting an appointment, because I know these chest pains are serious and I don't want to play around anymore. I'm just hoping he doesn't do the same thing and only put me on a minimal amount of meds when I seem to be in such poor health. :(
Well done Allie, your persistance and endurance has paid off!
Don't know whether congrats is in order, but it feels good to finally have a name for something that you just knew was there but couldn't be detected!
I wish you well on your new long journey to better health and happiness, good luck xxx
Good luck Allie. I really hope you are able to get effective treatment! 20mg does seem a bit on the low side for adults.
Allie, you got a dx! I just saw this. My gi is also thinking I have Behcet's! I've been dealing with neuro symptoms that have me really low functioning. I've had mouth ulcers since I was 12! Milk of magnesia works great for them, just dab a little bit with a qtip. It works wonders. I get the ulcers on my vuvla now too, I lost all my pubic hair, and the hair that grows back is silver. I am so close to a diagnosis. I am so happy you have one. I can't believe you have Behcet's! I knew we had similar symptoms.

Have you been dx'd with tachycardia? I've been on betablockers for tach since August. How is your treatment going now? Behcet's is scary. All my love, Allie.
Allie- Your story sounds so similar to mine. I wonder if you ever experienced a burning pain in your back? The only way I can describe the pain is like really terrible heartburn, but in your mid back instead of your chest. I too have had horrible chest pain. One night I even thought to myself that I hoped I would wake up the next morning. I like you have taken so many different pain killers and muscle relaxers it is scarey. Two of my doctors really suspect Behcet's, but my rheumatologist is still unsure. I don't have a diagnosis yet, but I am on Humira. I started it 2 1/2 months ago and am just starting to feel better. I wondered if you might be able to describe the type of rash you got on your legs. I have been breaking out with red spots all over my legs lately. It is really weird. They come and go. Anyway, thanks for your story and I look forward to hearing more from you. It would be nice if I could get to the bottom of what has been haunting me for so long.
Dahlface, YES, I have been diagnosed with tachycardia. My heart has been beating at 100-120 resting ever since I was hospitalized last December. One doctor put me on Beta Blockers for a month, and they helped, but they didn't keep me on them. Doctors freak out every time they see me because of my heart rate, yet they never do anything about it. It makes me really mad.

TDSF, I don't get that kind of pain in my back. :( I just get the squeezing pain in my chest. I've had these pains since December, and they still haven't done more tests to investigate it further.

As for the rash, it is really hard to describe because it is so simple. They are just red bumps on my thighs. You almost want to pop them, but they are solid. Some are white instead of red. I get the same bumps on my face as well.

So as far as my disease goes, I am in a major flare right now. I seem to only be surviving because of my muscle relaxers for my chest pain, tramadol to take the edge off my stomach pain, and caffiene for the fatigue. On June 25th I had a procedure called a plexus nerve block, where they put a large needle in my spine and injected numbing meds into the area of my abdomen where my chronic pain is. Basically they are trying EVERYTHING to try and keep me away from pain meds, and it is driving me crazy. I keep telling them my pain is not being helped by the tramadol anymore, and they literally told me it wasn't their problem. WHAT?!? They are a PAIN management clinic! Its not like I am saying I have a pain they can't explain and that they should give me pain meds even though they don't know whats causing it...we know what is causing it now. My behcets has attacked the main artery in my abdomen, and it and the area around it are extremely inflamed. You can feel the inflammation by hand and it is warm to the touch. Yet they won't help me. When I told them it was affecting my quality of life, that I have a hard time being normal, they told me that was a mental health issue, NOT a pain med issue. I was SO insulted. Don't I deserve to be comfortable?!?! It is NOT normal to want to check myself into the hospital. I know it isn't.

Anyway, the procedure has put me into a major flare. My German rheumy put me on 30mg pred and doubled my immunosuppressants, but it is not working as fast as I would like. We are in the middle of moving from Germany to Atlanta, GA, so I have a lot of stress keeping me from getting better.

Anyone know of a good pain doc in Atlanta? Anyone know the magic words to say to a pain doc so they will stop all these crazy prodedures and watching me in extreme pain and finally let me be comfortable? I am getting really desperate here. You would think being diagnosed would make it where they would stop treating you like a drug seeker....well, I thought WRONG. Would they do this to a lupus patient? To a Crohn's patient? I feel like they wouldn't.