My Blood tests

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Jun 16, 2012
I just realized how helpful this could be if I posted the results of some of my tests and got some feedback from you. So many of you are so smart and have way more experience at this and could probally explain and teach me somthing. My doctors do talk to me, I just dont understand most of what they are saying, they are so fast and I am so slow lol

Im not sure how to show you this, lets see if this works
Hi Sherry,

Different labs have different reference ranges so these statements are probably correct but not for sure. Your potassium for most would be a low-normal. I don't know glucose stuff yet, sorry. Your iron and ferritin levels are ok. At 34, your doctor could very well tell you that your vitamin D is normal. However, the vitamin D Council would say get your level to at least 50. Others would say even higher than that. I personally make sure mine is at least 65.

They did find blood in your stool.

Your IGG and IGA levels potentially point to Crohn's Disease.

*edit* Oh, looking at your post history you're already diagnosed. Are you wanting to know what these mean?
yes sorry. I was diagnosed. Still in a bit of a sureal world yet and I think all the drs are crazy ( not me, I wouldnt have this /sarcasm off )
I am trying to see whats on this that maybe wasnt told to me. Or that I forgot as my world went into a tailspin and the last month feels like its been a week!
The vit D issue is that about a year ago the level was at 11. Been working on getting that one up, but I wasnt sure what mid range was. Sounds like 50?

The tests that point toward crohns. The drs at the hospital had mentioned that those were high. Do you know what those mean? Are they my white blood cell count? Do u know what is mid range on that? I think it was discribed to me that the white blood cells are there to attack an infection, or maybe it was inflimation? that doesnt exist?

No idea about the iron and such. I also dont know what mid range is on most of this.
If your D was at 11, great job getting it up! Most labs will put the "normal" vitamin D level at low 30's and higher. I'm not sure if there's actually a range for it. So I can't state if 50 is mid range or not but I can say that's what the Vitamin D Council would conservatively recommend 50 and others would recommend higher.

The tests that suggested possible Crohn's was your IGG and IGA antibodies. A level greater than 35 would mean you're positive and elevated levels of either IgA or IgG are found in about 55% of people with Crohn's. There's another test they could run called neutrophil specific antibodies (NSA) that, coupled with IGG and IGA can help differentiate between Ulcerative Colitis and CD but I didn't see that test so I assume they know it's Crohn's based upon other tests.

IGG and IGA are not your white blood count. Increased white blood count can indicate infection and inflammation, yes.

Regarding the blood in stool, that wasn't a question. Your test results indicate there was blood in your stool.

I hope that helps :)