Hi Everyone,
I just recently found this website and thought it might be nice to be able to talk with some people who have either experienced or are currently struggling with some of the not-so-fun things associated with Crohn's disease. So my name is Dave. I'm 22 years old and I'm from Glenview, IL (suburb of Chicago). I was diagnosed with crohn's in May of 2009 during my junior of college. Around the middle of March 2009 I started having an annoying pain in the lower right part of my abdomen. I figured it was just a bump or bruise from lacrosse practice and didn't think much of it. Well it didn't go away and I started losing weight and sleeping all day, everyday. After about another month I decided it must have been my appendix so I went to the emergency room and got the CT scan which showed nothing wrong with my appendix, but it did show some inflammation in my small intestine. Being a dumb college student I basically ignored this and thought it would go away on its own. Another month later it was only getting worse. I couldn't really stand up straight or eat anything without getting some shooting pains in my gut. So i finally drove home and saw my primary care physician who suspected crohns and got me into a gastroenterologists office that same day. She also thought it was probably crohns and wanted to do a colonoscopy to confirm it. Luckily, I was able to have the colonoscopy the next day and it was decided that I definitely did have crohns.
I would consider my case a mild to moderate one and I'm very thankful that it's not worse but it has been difficult to adjust to living with this annoying illness. I have been taking Pentasa for about the last year but will be coming off that in a couple days. I started 150 mg azathioprine a month ago and the game plan is to stay on that basically forever I guess. I think the most difficult thing I have had to deal with so far since being diagnosed is the feeling of being all alone and I'm hoping maybe this community can help with that.
So that's kind of my little story. Thanks guys!
-Dave M
I just recently found this website and thought it might be nice to be able to talk with some people who have either experienced or are currently struggling with some of the not-so-fun things associated with Crohn's disease. So my name is Dave. I'm 22 years old and I'm from Glenview, IL (suburb of Chicago). I was diagnosed with crohn's in May of 2009 during my junior of college. Around the middle of March 2009 I started having an annoying pain in the lower right part of my abdomen. I figured it was just a bump or bruise from lacrosse practice and didn't think much of it. Well it didn't go away and I started losing weight and sleeping all day, everyday. After about another month I decided it must have been my appendix so I went to the emergency room and got the CT scan which showed nothing wrong with my appendix, but it did show some inflammation in my small intestine. Being a dumb college student I basically ignored this and thought it would go away on its own. Another month later it was only getting worse. I couldn't really stand up straight or eat anything without getting some shooting pains in my gut. So i finally drove home and saw my primary care physician who suspected crohns and got me into a gastroenterologists office that same day. She also thought it was probably crohns and wanted to do a colonoscopy to confirm it. Luckily, I was able to have the colonoscopy the next day and it was decided that I definitely did have crohns.
I would consider my case a mild to moderate one and I'm very thankful that it's not worse but it has been difficult to adjust to living with this annoying illness. I have been taking Pentasa for about the last year but will be coming off that in a couple days. I started 150 mg azathioprine a month ago and the game plan is to stay on that basically forever I guess. I think the most difficult thing I have had to deal with so far since being diagnosed is the feeling of being all alone and I'm hoping maybe this community can help with that.
So that's kind of my little story. Thanks guys!
-Dave M