My Daughter

Crohn's Disease Forum

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My daughter just started the Last few Months where she can't eat Lettuce It runs right through her (TMI)
someone said to her that It might be a Symptom of Crones Disease???
She is 19
She also can not Have Spagehtti sauce it gives her severe Heart Burn where she throws up.
Pop Corn and cooked Carrots run through her too but not like Lettuce

Just wondering are these Symptoms??

What other Symptoms do you get If you have Crones or similar diseases??
thank you
Hi jollymom
and welcome

Yes these do sound symptomatic of Crohns, but there are a lot more complications other than food issues. such as - severe abdo pain, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, gas, bloat, fatigue, joint pain, bleeding stools, caused by inflammation somwhere in the bowels, etc, but not everyone has ALL these symptoms, everyone is different, and everyone is at a diffrent stage in their treatment, some are in remission, others are flaring, the list is endless!
I would advise you to take your daughter to her GP and ask for a referral to a gastroenterologist, who will probably do a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy, both will determine whether Crohns is present.
In the meantime, she needs to abstain from these foods, especially anything containing corn.
good luck and have a scoot round the forum to arm yourself with some info for the doctor.
Joan xxx

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