My daughters story...

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Crohn's Mom

Mar 9, 2011
my daughters story...

Hi all..
I am a "Crohn's Mom". My sweet daughter was officially diagnosed in February 2010; however she has been symptomatic since 9 years old when she was suspected of having Crohns; she just turned 18 last week.

I will try and keep this relatively short. My girl is very sick right now and is waiting to have surgery on the 21st of this month. She has been on prednisone, 6mp, Apriso, protonix, and Iron supplements for the past year. And Cipro since her hospitalization in November for severe pain caused by a high grade stricture and abscess. Since being released from the hospital (on 120 mg of prednisone....then 80, and so on..) she has been progressively getting worse. We have had soo many problems with doctors being "afraid" of her because of her being a minor, and others being "afraid" to treat her disease. Finally, in January I had enough of other's recommendations and got her into the Mayo Clinic here. After the 2 years she has suffered, with her symptoms getting worse and all other doctors seemingly confused, one trip to the Mayo clinic and they (seem) to have the answers.
They ran numerous blood tests, tried to do another colonoscopy ( couldn't get in there due to the severe blockage), upper endoscopy and a MR enterography (sp?).
Sadly the MR test showed that she is nothing short of a mess inside. From what I remember off the top of my head, she has a ton of inflammation in the lower right side, illeum, and part of her colon. She also has a very large mass, kind of mid right side,.. from the way the surgeon explained it; it is a bunch of intestines basically twisted, turned, torn and glued itself together. The doctors have said there is no other choice except surgery. We were also informed that is a good possibility that she will loose her right ovary as well due to all the infection that has surrounded it for so long.

Right now she has tapered down on the steroids to 15 mg to get her ready for the surgery and allow the resection to have a better chance of staying together after wards. When she went down from 20mg to 15mg her body began swelling terribly; especially her knees. It was so severe that, overnight, it looked like she had tumors growing out of the sides of her knees and now there are terrible stretch marks all over :( I was so scared that her kidney was failing so we took her to the local ER for blood and urine tests. Her kidney function is normal, thankfully! Her doctor called and said that she just needs that surgery so badly and needs to be off those nasty steroids sooner than later.

So that's our story in short. I am scared out of my mind quite frankly as to what this surgery entails and praying with everything I have that it is successful in every way! The doctor wants her to start Remicade infusions (or something similar) as soon as she is healed from her surgery, before this nasty disease has a chance to attack her again.

I am happy to have found this forum; I feel so alone sometimes because people really do not understand that Crohn's is not just a bad case of diarreah , and it can be so debilitating to the one's who have it, and also the care takers who love them so much and feel so helpless.
I want to welcome you to the forum. I'm so sorry that your daughter is so ill. You are in a good place as there are other parents here that are in similar situations. I think it's wonderful that you have decided to join the forum on behalf of your daughter. You are correct in that many people do not understand the nature of the disease.

I have Crohn's Disease so I can relate to the disease and some of the symptoms. It is a lot more complex than most people realize. I'm sure you are suffering as well. My brother and I both have Crohn's Disease, so I know my mother has been through some stress, agony, and pains watching her children hurt. No parent wants his/her babies to suffer, no matter how old. In my opinion it is, "a bully," seems to be at its worse when people are down, stressed, coping with another ailment. People can have varying degrees of it, and it can strike anywhere in the digestive tract. Different people suffer different symptoms, it's definitely not a one-size-fits all disease. It sounds as though your daughter is on the right course for treatment. We are glad that you found us. Please feel free to post and ask questions. We are here to support you.
Thanks ! I do understand all too well the symptoms my daughter has as I have been marked "possible Crohn's" for many years. It is funny how mom's will jump through hoops to take care of their kids and make sure they get the best care possible; yet, when it comes to themselves they let the problems just go and go. I keep telling myself that as soon as she gets "healthy" I am determined to get to the bottom of my own symptoms and insist on proper treatment for me.
For now tho, my life is taking care of her. She is my top priority for the moment.
I appreciate your kind words as I am just a mom scared for my daughter and worried if we are making the right decisions about her treatment plan and surgery. :)
Hi welcome :)

Aww...I feel so bad that your daughter is going through this and also how tough this must be on you. It is ashame how many people just do not understand Crohns and how it impacts ones life. You have come to the right place for support and to speak with knowledgeable friendly people. I hope that everything goes well with the surgery and that your daughter feels well soon.
If you need support for yourself and your own symptoms please feel free to post. We have many members who are still waiting for a diagnosis. You do not need to suffer or tough it out alone. Hugs to you.
Welcome Crohn's Mom!

I am so sorry to read what your daughter is going through :( It must be so hard for you to see her this way. I don't have any children but I do have CD and just had surgery 8 weeks ago. My mom was at the hospital every single night and barely left my side. I know she was very stressed and worried about me, as she does often.

I will say that having surgery was the best thing that has happened to me so far and I have never felt better. I pray that this will be the case with your daughter as well.

I will definitely keep you and your daughter in my prayers.

Hi Crohns Mom and :welcome:

I'm so sorry to read about what you and your daughter are going through. :(. On the upside this is a fab place for support and info with loads of friendly and knowledgeable peeps hanging out here!

First up, hang in there Mom! I know it's easy to say but things will turn around for your daughter and the sooner she gets that diseased piece of bowel out the better, she just won't get better while ever it is there. They can throw all the meds they like at it but at best they will only hold her on an even keel, if that. My daughter had quite a large resection done when she was 14, she went undiagnosed for 18 months. It was emergency surgery and she was also a mess when they went in but the surgery resulted in immediate remission and she has stayed that way for close to 5 years now. She lives away at university and is well and truly living life to the full. Five years ago I would not have believed it was possible, she was deathly ill and was so emaciated I couldn't even begin to imagine that she would have any sort of a future, how wrong I was. :)

My son has recently been diagnosed and the last 3 months haven't been easy sailing but we are getting there. He has a drain in at present (abscess) and is scheduled for a resection on 7 April. The GI has said he will require Flagyl for 3 months post op and his Imuran will move to 100mg daily as his maintenance medication.

Did your daughter have her abscess drained?

Do you know if she has any fistulas?
If she does then surgery is indeed the only option but by the sounds of things the inflammation has been present too long to avoid it either way. Look to this as a new beginning Mom, your baby has been ill for so long it becomes hard to remember what life was like before but there will be so many happy and joyful times ahead as she starts her recovery and she is no longer racked with pain and suffering.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, have a good look around the forums and make good use of the search function! Pop into the Parent's of Kids with IBD forum.......................

I look forward to seeing you around. Take care of yourself and your beautiful girl. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Lots of love, :hug:
Welcome Crohn's Mom!! When I read your story, I immediately thought of ^^Dusty^^ and Roo!! It does sound like surgery is her only option now but for most on here who have the resections, it's been a miracle. She'll come out of it so much better off, you'll be amazed. Good luck!!
Your poor daughter! I have had Crohn's from being 7 and I know how worried my mum has got when I'm really ill so I sympathise with you totally. I really hope she gets better and it's unfortunate it got this bad and has led to surgery, if only the doctors would have been bold enough to treat her! I hope she gets better as soon as possible and starts enjoying life as a healthy 18 year old!
Thanks everyone for your kind words! I couldn't help but tear up as soon as I started reading your post Dusty ~ I know there are others out there like my daughter and I, and possibly much worse off, but it sure feels good to know I am not alone after all. Friends mean well, but honestly, I feel like they get tired of hearing about a chronic problem so I tend to "clam up" and keep it all to myself.
Yes, she does have fistulas and many of them throughout that mass. (btw, she has lovinly named her "mass" her alien baby lol.. long before the doctors "found"it, she knew it was there )
I know in my heart that the surgery is her only option to get well..I just hate that she has to deal with this at such a young age.
This morning when I woke her to give her meds she happened to have a 102.1F temp so I put a call in to her GI doctor and am now waiting to see what he wants her to do.
I wish they could have scheduled her surgery much sooner than they did because I knew when she started to taper off the prednisone that she would just be getting sicker by the day. I have a strong feeling that I just may get my wish if they don't get her fever under control ~ and, thats the LAST thing we wanted ~ surgery as an emergency.
Oh day at a time right ! This too shall pass....
By the way...she is an AMAZING young lady that just keeps going strong. She barely makes it to school this year(she is a Senior in highschool) and still has managed to keep a 4.2 GPA while taking AP and honors courses and doing everything to get herself ready to go to University in the fall. :)
WOW!!! Your daughter is amazing. Probably from having an amazining mom! You are lucky to have each other. I hope you both get some relief! Your at the right place! Peace, Sue
Hi Crohn's Mom and welcome!

You are not alone and you have come to the right place for support and answers and advice!

I know the surgery seems very scary - I can't imagine what it must be like to see you child wheeled in for surgery, regardless of their age (I'm 43 and my mom still freaks). But I really think she will feel sooooooo much better after the surgery and recuperatiion! It's her chance to feel better after so much time in pain, and possible attain remission like Roo did!

Hang in there and we're there for ya, every step of the way!

- Amy

PS Can we get your real name???
Thanks Amy :) I already feel so welcomed here; what a great feeling! name is Tracy
I hope my signature comes through now lol
I'm so sorry you are going through this with your daughter. I have two sons, 14 and 11. I've had Crohn's (maybe colitis)for 14 years and I couldn't imagine seeing my children go through what I have been through. I just had surgery 3 weeks ago, and my mother was scared to death and came to see me daily. It had just occured to me days before my surgery how scared my mom must be for me. She has probably spent just as much time as I have over the years researching Crohn's and trying to understand it. Good luck to you both, and I really think your daughter's surgery will be the best thing for her. I bet she will feel a 100 times better!
Thanks Kris !
I too have spent many, many hours researching Crohn's...and I will probably never stop :)

I hope you are recovering well from your surgery, and you are feeling awesome !

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