My doctor wants to put me on Rinvoq, been on Remicade for years but it's losing effectiveness. Thinking about switching doctors.

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Jul 17, 2023
I've been on Remicade for years with varying success. It started great and worked perfectly for a couple years, but circumstances led me to missing treatments for nearly a year and a half, and once I restarted it it hasn't been as potent. A few days ago I spoke with my doctor, for all of two minutes, and he said he's putting me on Rinvoq. He wouldn't, or couldn't, tell me about side effects, or provide me with any documentation on the medicine. He just told me to Google it, start taking it, and he'd see me in two months.

I did Google it, and it's a very new drug, just approved for Crohn's by the FDA this year, it has nasty side effects, and it's ridiculously expensive. Over 6k for a thirty day supply. I asked about alternatives, and he said he'd do Rinvoq, see if it worked, and if it didn't he'd refer me to someone else. I looked up the producer of the drug, Abbvie, and it turns out that the company pays my doctor a variety of general payments. If you're curious, you can look up your own doctor through openpaymentsdata.cms. It's required by federal law for payments to doctors like these be available.

I will say this, and his general behavior makes me quite angry. In the two or three years he's been my GI doctor he has never remembered that I need Remicade every four weeks, not eight, or my first name, or in general seemed to care at all. The sum of our conversations is less than half an hour. I've had bloody stool and ulcers for months, and he has suggested nothing, just tells me to Google over the counter things. Despite this Remicade just isn't working well anymore. I feel ok for a couple weeks before falling into a full flare, vomiting, constant bathroom trips, no energy. Searching for a new doctor, getting another referral, doing more tests, all while being in that condition will be miserable. And I'm trying to start my first year of Uni in August. Has anyone tried this Rinvoq? The symptoms I read were worrisome, and since I'm on public insurance I'm not sure I could afford it regardless. Has anyone here had to change doctors quickly and continue medicine before things get too bad? I've read a lot about Remicade alternatives like Humira, Stellera, etc, have has anyone stopped Remicade and had good luck with something else? I've lost fifty pounds this year, missed a lot of work, and I just want to go to school.
Can I ask what dosage you are on. You mentioned every 4 weeks, but is it 5, 7.5 or 10 mg/k every 4 weeks? If you feel good for a couple weeks, you might just need to up your dosage to 10 mg/k every 4 weeks. My son was on a 4 week schedule on Remicade but on 5 mg and was only good for 2.5 weeks. He was put on 10 mg/k and that did the trick. Eventually it was reduced back to 5 again. Have you gotten your levels checked on Remicade lately?
My kiddo went from remicade to humira but that was due to an allergic reaction to remicade.
He also switched from humira (after it stopped working-he had been on humira for over 5 years) to Stelara
Stelara has worked well for 6 years now.
Definitely get a second opinion /switch docs.
It’s not uncommon for remicade to stop working if you take a break .
That happened with humira for my kiddo.
He had surgery and had to stop for 8 weeks.
Humira never worked as well again when restarted.
Can I ask what dosage you are on. You mentioned every 4 weeks, but is it 5, 7.5 or 10 mg/k every 4 weeks? If you feel good for a couple weeks, you might just need to up your dosage to 10 mg/k every 4 weeks. My son was on a 4 week schedule on Remicade but on 5 mg and was only good for 2.5 weeks. He was put on 10 mg/k and that did the trick. Eventually it was reduced back to 5 again. Have you gotten your levels checked on Remicade lately?
I am currently on 10mg, and have been for a while. I recently had blood tests and a colonoscopy done and my Remidcade levels are normal, it just isn't effecting the inflammation like it used to.
My kiddo went from remicade to humira but that was due to an allergic reaction to remicade.
He also switched from humira (after it stopped working-he had been on humira for over 5 years) to Stelara
Stelara has worked well for 6 years now.
Definitely get a second opinion /switch docs.
It’s not uncommon for remicade to stop working if you take a break .
That happened with humira for my kiddo.
He had surgery and had to stop for 8 weeks.
Humira never worked as well again when restarted.
Thank you, I'm going to ask about Humira and other alternatives for the short term while I look for a better doctor. Is Humira IV or injections? I don't mind doing injections, it would be more convenient while I'm in school.
The issue is humira is also anti tnf blocker tge sane as remicade so odds are not good if you lost response to remicade
Humira is an injection
That was why my kiddo switched to Stelara after humira
He lost response to anti tnf drugs

good luck 🍀
The issue is humira is also anti tnf blocker tge sane as remicade so odds are not good if you lost response to remicade
Humira is an injection
That was why my kiddo switched to Stelara after humira
He lost response to anti tnf drugs

good luck 🍀
My current doctor refused to prescribe anything but the rinvoq, so I'm looking for another opinion. I hope I get something that works. Thank you.
Rinvoq I think is new and is tablet rather than injection form so long term could be great for patients.

But it's so new I would hard avoid for that reason alone we really have no idea what the long term effects of it are. New meds on the market should be absolute last resort since their safety profiles are not hugely accurate.

If you don't have socialised medicine then the cost of any new med is also just not worth it when others exist that are cheaper and you haven't tried those yet.