My experience with Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Jul 24, 2013
I have been seeing an acupuncturist who gave me herbal teas and put me on a diet eating cooked vegetables (mostly leafy greens), meats/eggs, and 1 serving of fruit a day. No oil, butter, or spices except for some salt and ACV. I started in October, but struggled getting used to the diet for the first couple of months. I started feeling good - less discomfort and more energy. I started going to the gym more, but the diet was the hardest part. My lab results in December:

Hemoglobin: 9.0 (Normal Range: 12 - 16)
RBC: 3.12 (4.00-5.20)
WBC: 3.1 (4.5-11.0)
Albumin (protein) 3.3: (3.4 - 5.0)
C-Reactive Protein: 79 (<9.0)

For once though, Vitamin B12, Total Protein, and Vitamin D were all in the normal ranges. So I became more diligent with my diet, no "cheats" or anything like that. Also, I added more Yoga in my daily routine, and I began tapering off my immunosuppressants (as part of the plan with my acupuncturist). Here are my lab results from last week (it's not as extensive):

Hemoglobin: 9.6
RBC: 3.08
WBC: 3.9
Albumin: 3.5

RBC went down a little bit, but everything else on the chart that has either been too high or too low are all moving toward the normal range. So even though I am not where I want to be in regards to health, I am so happy that I am not where I was even a few months ago. I honestly can't wait until my next appointment with my GI doctor in March - hopefully my inflammation markers be stable too! :)
Hello Basmah,

My husband has also recently started on TCM & feels great. His Dr also recommends he taper of mapcaptopurine. I really hope you find long lasting relief. Have you started to taper yet?
Yeah, I started off with 100mg of Mercaptopurine, and I have been tapering off 1/8mg at a time. I am now at 75mg, and I have to say that I feel quite a bit of yo-yo symptoms - mostly some nausea and diarrhea, but no discomfort except right before I go to the bathroom. Your husband should make sure that he doesn't taper off too much at a time, otherwise it could make him feel awful, and return back to the meds.

As restricted as my diet is right now, I am loving TCM. I was initially losing weight that I did not need to lose, but I think it was just getting rid of all the "bad stuff". I am not gaining weight, but am at least maintaining it, and I am eating a lot more lol (especially on gym days). Preparing soups and teas several times a week can be exhausting, but it is so worth it. I am glad your husband is feeling great too, and I hope that if he decides to taper off meds that it'll work out well for him :)
Hello Basmah,
Thanks for the advice. He has not started to taper yet. I cannot believe the change in him after 2 years of bad health. I hope this really does help both of you. We're getting used to making his soups now. It certainly creates a distinct aroma. I also have a friend of a friend (40 something male, paramedic)diagnosed with CD about a year ago, being treated by the same Dr. According to my friend he's doing great & has not touched any other medication. I have my fingers crossed. Please let me know how you are progressing :thumleft:
Hahaha, gotta love the soups. I just realized that cabbage and broccoli together in my soup is a no no. Cabbage alone is fine, but I am not sure about broccoli yet. I try my best to make the soups somewhat interesting by mixing in meats (usually poultry with ground beef) and adding a little bit of apple cider vinegar and/or lemon juice.

I am really excited though because I found a great deal on a pressure cooker on Amazon. Soon my soups will only take about an hour or 2 to make instead of half a day lol.
It's good that he is being proactive after 2 years - I have had bad health for 11 years :/

Better late than never!
Exactly!! My husband used a juicer for making cabbage juice but eventually it made him feel nauseous. Hats off to both of you for trying it. I hope the soups help. There was a good recipe for bone broth on the forum. That might be worth looking up too. Hope you are feeling much improved very soon :)
I just experienced my first moxibustion today. It smelled nice, like mild flavored hookah/marijuana, and it's made my stomach nice and warm. It's supposed to help stimulate the area and heal any potential scarring due to the Crohn's.

Also, Getting sick this weekend really screwed up my sleep, so I was happy to get a little nap in on the table :)
but struggled getting used to the diet for the first couple of months. I started feeling good - less discomfort and more energy. I started going to the gym more

I had the same experience as you.

But I mainly use Western Herbal Medicine instead of Traditional Chinese Medicine - although there are some TCM herbs in my mix. Also taking a few supplements like Vitamin D3. These combined with watching my diet and I am doing well.

In regards to your other post; are you avoiding fruit because of the TCM doctor?

Certain types of fruits and veggies (especially raw ones) are considered cold in TCM and can cause abdominal pain, mucus, depletion and fatigue.

Personally I find TCM very confusing but it seems to work well for many ailments.

I found acupuncture particularly useful for UC. This is because stress and anxiety will set off a flare, and acupuncture relaxes me.
My TCM doctor said that I can eat 1 serving of fruit a day. When I eat some, my body yells at me to eat more, and then I feel less than stellar the next day. The doc stated that it's possible that I am not eating enough protein and veggies throughout the day, but I also think that it might have something to do with a sugar addiction. I am just giving myself one month to up my protein and cut the fruit, and I will slowly enter it in my diet.

TCM is pretty confusing at first, but the more I read up on it, the more it makes sense - eat healthy foods (cooked foods - don't our GI doctors tell us never to eat raw veggies?), exercise and meditate, and take care of your body. It's all about balance. I have this book called the Chinese Medicine Bible on hold at the library. I will tell you if it's any good. How are Western Herbs working with you? I just find this stuff interesting, and I wish I started this earlier.
but I also think that it might have something to do with a sugar addiction.

I suggest you get the book "I Quit Sugar - 108 Sugar-Free Recipes" by Sarah Wilson.

It follows an eight week detox program of no sugar. You can re-introduce some fruit at the end of the eight weeks. The recipes are really nice and healthy.

How are Western Herbs working with you?

Really good. I am very happy with the results so far. I have however been off them for a month. Starting up again on 1st March.

I wish I started this earlier.

Oh so do I. But better late than never.
Hello both of you

Hope you are feeling better now Basmah. DH was told by his TCM Dr to stay away from salads & raw vegetables and ice cold water. He was told his too much for his stomach to digest & it was causing inadequate intake of vitamins & minerals which was causing the fatigue. He went back today & is now on tablets. One of which has a long list of ingredients. I'll miss the smell of the herbs wafting through the house.
I suggest you get the book "I Quit Sugar - 108 Sugar-Free Recipes" by Sarah Wilson.

It follows an eight week detox program of no sugar. You can re-introduce some fruit at the end of the eight weeks. The recipes are really nice and healthy.

I have heard about it before, and checked out the website. My diet right now is pretty self explanatory, but I might check it out just to see what she has to say about the effects of sugar addiction.
Hello both of you

Hope you are feeling better now Basmah. DH was told by his TCM Dr to stay away from salads & raw vegetables and ice cold water. He was told his too much for his stomach to digest & it was causing inadequate intake of vitamins & minerals which was causing the fatigue. He went back today & is now on tablets. One of which has a long list of ingredients. I'll miss the smell of the herbs wafting through the house.

Yeah, there's something about cold foods and drinks that cause the stomach and the spleen to "work harder". For those on immunosuppressants, our bodies can't really afford to work that hard.

I have been dealing with some stomach flu on and off for the last 2 weeks, so I have been dealing with a lot of diarrhea, fever, and fatigue. I started feeling better today though, but man has this winter been rough.

Hahaha I am so going to miss the soups and the herbal teas when I am done :shifty:
A small update:

My dad went out of town a few weeks ago when I got sick due to the Naproxen, and came back a few days ago. He said that my face looks fuller, and my color came back. Whenever my dad comments on my looks health-wise, I know he means it. My energy is a lot better, and I am sleeping so much better. I have noticed that on the days I either have diarrhea or go to the bathroom often are just when I eat or drink too much.

I am still only eating eggs, sometimes fish, and soups consisting of meat, leafy greens (found some asian markets nearby that are greens-heaven), carrots, and some potato. The only things I have added are ACV to the soup, and sesame oil, green onions, and amino liquids to make egg pudding. It's a great pre workout recipe and super filling or I have also entered pears in my diet, and so far, so good. My next will be homemade applesauce.

I fractured my foot a couple of weeks ago, so I am homebound for the next 2 months. As much as I miss work, I call it a blessing in disguise so I can relax and take care of my health. I am still able to go to the gym often, and I am hoping to train to walk the Team Challenge half marathon in August. I went to see my GI doctor a few days ago.My blood pressure (normally low) was 100/58, and my pulse (usually around 120) was at 72. The doctor didn't comment on my weight for once (which has at least stayed the same, thank goodness). He was impressed with how energetic I seemed to be. He is still hesitant about tapering off meds, so we decided that we'll talk about it after the colonoscopy on the 9th - dun dun dun!

I am waiting for my lab results, and will post them up as soon as possible.
Fingers crossed the results are good & great to hear your Dad thinks you are looking well. DH is all good at the moment. Out boxing so that's encouraging. Hope your foot is feeling better soon & enjoy some time to look after yourself
Update on lab results:

Hemoglobin: 12.3 (Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!)
RBC: 3.64
WBC: 3.9
Albumin: 3.7
C-Reactive Protein: 56.5

I don't remember the last time my inflammation markers have been this 'Low' - it's exciting. This brings me so much hope! :)
My colonoscopy sucked because the prep didn't clean out everything. My doctor said that from what he could see though, the colon was fine, but parts of the intestines and rectal area were pretty inflamed. I didn't expect much to change since I have just started showing major improvements, but he isn't listening to me when I say that the diet that I am on is the main thing that's helping me. He wants me to switch to another biologic medication. I know what my body is telling me, so I am getting a second opinion. Luckily, I found a GI doctor who is into functional medicine and the microbiome (more progressive, basically). I am meeting her in a couple of weeks.

Good news is I officially am half-off my 6mp! And I am healing much quicker now every time I taper off, so I won't be surprised if I am off this med in just a couple of months. I added in some eggplant and yellow squash to my soup, and I gained 4 pounds :)

Sorry to hear you still have some inflammation. I hope your new Dr is open to listening to YOUR opinion and giving it some value. You know your body!! How much 6mp are you on now?
Well done on gaining weight :thumleft: Take care
Right now I am on 37.5mg, and things are going well with my Crohn's. My problem now is that I have osteoporosis - yes, at 28. It turns out that around 60% of people with crohn's gets it. The part that ticks e off the most is that I asked for the bone density test, and if i didn't, I wouldn't have found out about it. Anyway, since I am trying to wean off medicine and supplements, I am trying to find ways to get more calcium the natural way. Bone broth is wonderful since I am already eating all that soup, and I found out that consuming 1/2tsp of ground eggshells is equivalent to about 1000mg of calcium per day. The more you know!

I am currently tapering off the 6mp biweekly since I am doing so well. Next week, I should be down at 25 mg, and then 2 more times until I am off that med! woowhoo!! How's your husband doing, bmwife?
The side effects of the illness & the drugs are horrible. Have you previously taken pred? I hope the crushed egg shells work. I'll have to read up on that. My husband does tend to be more prone to injuries now. He hurt himself when training & had to rest for a week or so.

37.5mg is great. Let me know how it progresses. We have an appointment in a couple of weeks so it will be interesting to see what the Dr says about his taper.

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