My Farm Boy

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Apr 28, 2012
We'll I had HOPED and PRAYED that I would never type a thread just for my son.

My hubby doesn't want my son's named used. (Oops I forgot to tell him I already have in the past.)

Here's an over view of my Farm Boy's health.

He has had chronic sinus problem and had his tonsils removed because of repeated infection since 2 months old. History of canker sores.
Growth slowed down to an inch last year.

Other than that he has been in great health.

The last 3 months
Once in awhile he would say his throat hurts.
slight belly pains
Lose 10 lbs in 3 weeks. Dropped down to 38 lbs and he's almost 4 ft tall. He's a string bean anyways.

The last two weeks
Increasing belly pain after meals BUT nothing that stays long and has always gone away with in an hour.
Lose of ALL appetite.
Today his mouth is filled with canker sores. Can't and wont eat.

His Allergist and even his new GI feels that it's EoE.
However I know that it might be IBD. I hope not. :( I hope it's not both.

Has any of your kids have it hit this fast???
I mean my boy was great, no problems what so ever a few months ago and today he drops in the video store and says his stomach hurt and I even had to give him his first suppository because his not poo'ing.
FW - That is terrible. He's in my prayers. I sure hope it is an easy answer and an quick solution...
Actually, your son sounds quite a bit like my 6 y.o. She's had her tonsils/adenoids out at 21 mo and then her adenoids out again this past April (yes, the stupid things grew back!). She has Obstructive Sleep Apnea and is scheduled for sinus surgery next week. She only weighs 35 lbs but that isn't surprising because she barely eats. She complains of stomach aches and sometimes vomits mucus (crazy bad post nasal drip!). She doesn't have any allergies, just small airways and crappy sinuses.

We have high hopes that this sinus surgery will be the answer to her problems and once she heals she will eat, sleep, and grow as she should. I hope your son's problems are a relatively simple fix as well. I know we are quick to be alarmed, but so many illnesses present with similar symptoms.
But I thought he was on swallowed steriods ?

The Allergist put him on it.
It worked (kind of) for two weeks but then wore off.
His new GP said to take him off until he's scoped.

However at the appointment with the Allergist yesterday he said IF the scopes are far way that he doesn't want my son to go too long without it.

So right now no swallowed steroids.
Don't know yet. I'll find out by Friday which hospital can get us in first.

Mary do you know a Dr. Dematos at Mott's? That's who we'll see if we go with Mott's.
Remember O had no symptoms except slow growth and not gaining weight and then one day BAM! The big D for two weeks and she was admitted into i.c.u., on fluids, ptn, iv steroids, oxygen and receiving blood transfusions. So yes it can hit hard and fast.

10 pounds in 3 weeks should be sounding all kinds of alarms. What does your GP say? Our Ped would be sending us all over the place testing for every disease known to man with a child that young losing weight that quickly.

Good luck!
O.K. responded before all the steroid talk..I understand the rock and hard place but keep in mind if you can get him in for a scope and it is relatively soon going back on steroids may mask what is going on.
Swallowed steriods is a treatment for EoE period.
But without knowing he has EoE ( only a biopsy can dx )
You could be wrongly treating another disease .

Case in point - DS had various symptoms ( which we now know was upper / lower Gi crohn's related).
At the time allergist tested for soy alkergy since it tended to happen around foods with soy.
He tested positive so we took away all soy . Declared him soy allergic etc...
Year later we challenged soy at the hospital no symptoms he passed.
So treating what fit without doing all the tests did not really help my child.
In fact it let him be in pain for a year extra since we thought he somehow had managed to eat something cross contaminated with soy.
My son's serious problems came on that fast FW. What are you calling canker sores? Does he get apthous ulcers on his tongue?

I hope you get good news!
Yes Dex he has gotten them on his tongue before. Right now their on his gums and inside his cheeks. My hubby also has a bad history of canker sores.

Both his GP and Allergist want answers quick. A year ago to get a GI appointment 5 wks away would have been unheard of. I do know the GP wrote on the referral the he wanted Farm Boy scoped.

He was able to put 8lbs back on but I've been supplementing with his calorie smoothies. I figure he needs an extra 600 cals a day to keep him around 45 lbs.

I really hope this is EoE. He is still healthy and energetic. He has no joint pains, no eye problems and no skin problems like Grace.

Here's a question,
Devos said they could get him in at the end of the months, hopefully on the day Grace gets scoped.
BUT they said it would be with a PA.
Would you go with this or say you want to meet with a GI?
If we choose to meet with the GI then that appointment will be at the end of August.
Only a Gi - for my child is complicated
Pa would be fine for follow up or run of the mill reflux etc....
For initial appt I like to have a full eval .

We wanted in fast for DS for a dermo
So I agreed to see a pa for the first visit.
DS scares most medical professional so it was the same.
We wasted three appt ( final one with the actual dermo- second was with a fellow)
Before we realized they couldn't help DS.
When I switched dermo docs I insisted on seeing the actual doc first .
Things went much better .
Can you take both appts? Maybe see the PA and scare him/her enough to get you an earlier GI appt? But if that doesn't work, have the first GI appt in your back pocket?

Otherwise, I'd go the GI route. My experiences with PA's are always, "I'll have to ask the dr about that" and a complete waste of time.
A sees a Dermo PA and she is great. For anything major (like biopsies) she calls the doctor in for approval and the doctor communicates with the GI as well.

I would probably take the PA appointment and at least get the ball rolling that way (if you truly think his issues are GI related). I'm sure the PA can schedule some basic testing and help to determine if you are looking in the right direction.
Oh man FW...:ghug:

What is a PA?

Matt has always had sinus/breathing type issues. Came to head when he was 10 and he ended up having a reduction of enlarged turbinates. The surgery plus nasal spray solved that issue and outside of that he had always been well, very well.

I don't know if you have ever read Matt's story but other than my partner and commenting on how tired he looked at one point there was nothing to indicate that Matt had crohn's, and we a million and one legitimate reasons for him to be tired. No EIM's, no nothing. Oh he did go through a phase of mouth ulcers six months prior that responded well to B Complex.

So what it came down to was a couple of random vomits, a few days of reduced appetite and then a night of vomiting. That was it. If Sarah didn't have Crohn's I wouldn't have looked twice at his symptoms. As it was come the Monday I asked the GP to run inflammatory markers and other baseline bloods. I don't know why I asked and fully expected they would return normal. The rest as they say is history. (((sigh)))

So yes, it hit fast and it hit hard.

So hoping that for little guy this is NOT the case. Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Physician's Asst. or Nurse Practitioner...Actually, it's what you should be :dusty:
FW - my son's symptoms came on really fast... I just assumed he had the same stomach flu that everyone else in the family (area) was suffering with, but his didn't go away. Even took him to the doctor's twice and they said it looked like the flu - I didn't notice the weight loss initially as he was always in hockey gear, - it was my Mum that noticed it. He has mouth ulcers, diarrhea and then cramping. He didn't lose his appetite that I remember.

I pray you get answers soon!

No idk that GI. Saw a lot of them so I am very surprised I don't. Must be newer. By my research it looks like she was at Taubman Center odd as well because her biography reads she did her fellowship before her residency. When will you know where your going? How are you able to go to a Motts now? Did your insurance allow it or CSHC? I really hope this is nothing and that your paranoid:eek2:. Doubtful though as your usually pretty spot on. Please let it be nothing. Praying for your family my friend. You take care. Do you have a date for the scope???

P.S. if tagging me the name Mary was spoken for, so you can tag me as Queen as well and I will see it. Sorry for the late response. ;)
Hi FW, Sorry to hear about your son. My 8 yr old's son's Crohn's came on quick. He seemed to have a flu for a few days, but then it got worse. Fevers and nights sweats, mouth ulcers, belly pain, no appetite and major pain when he did eat. Similar to Champsmom, my mother visited and commented that he looked pale and thinner than the last time she saw him. A trip to the dr and blood work was ordered, he was anaemic. Within a week we had a working dx of Crohn's. Scopes confirmed the dx 2 wks later. No meds were prescribed until they were absolutely sure of the dx. When I look back, there were little hints of Crohn's even back to his toddlerhood (ie. he's always been bothered by constipation). My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you get some answers soon!
Little Farm Boy will get his scopes in 8 wks.
Meant with the GI's PA at Devos (LOVE HER). She was great and very informative.
She agreed, scopes would be the best option.:(

So I guess I should just start stocking up on the Miralax.
Sorry to hear about your poor boy! At least having gone through it all with Grace then you know what to do and who to talk to if you need anything. It will be good to get the scopes done - at least that will give you some answers, although 8 weeks is quite a while away. Hope he manages to start eating to keep his strength up.
Oh my, the poor wee fella...:ghug:

It is good to hear though that they aren't going to fiddle fart arse around, even if it is 8 weeks away. Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Hope your 8 week wait is not too eventful and he feels okay!

Sounds like you're heading in the right direction (((HUGS)))) xxx
Thanks everyone.:hug:

He has to wait 8 wks because he needs to be on a PPI for that long.
This has more to do with EGID'S and *IF* he has it.

Out of curiosity, if your kids take a PPI, how high is their dose???
Farm Boy is 6 and was prescribe 20mg once a day.
When DS was on it, ages 12 and 13, he was on 20mg. He weighed between 70-80 pounds when on it.
:(New appointment for my farm boy age 6 almost 7.

Stomach pains before having BM's.
His BM's are now loose and happening 2-4 times a day.
3 bloody stools in the last month
For the last year and a half he has only grown 1 1/2 inches.:eek2:
Low grade fevers at night.
6-8lb weight lose.

GI has ordered labs to be run today and for his GP to evaluate him.

Does this sound GERD?
He's been on a double dose of PPI (40mg) for 5 months and it didn't help in the long run.:ymad:
Oh Goodness FW, when is the appointment? Hope you get clear answers and a solid plan in place to get him feeling well.
Today, he's not "ill" yet. He can still keep up but even his teacher said something's off. He's been so wiggly while sitting and says his butt hurts be I can't see anything down there.
I hope it turns out to be something minor and easily "fixed" but I'm glad they are following up and taking it seriously. Hope results come back quick and are good news. Good luck today
Oh no, really wish you weren't having to worry about your poor boy as well. Hope they get to the bottom of things!
If his bottom hurts and he's had bloody stools, maybe he has a fissure? A's is quite small (and internal so I can't really see it well) but it really bothers her. Cortifoam helped with the pain but it did nothing to heal it.

Whatever is going on with him I hope you get solid answers soon!
I’m so very sorry to hear that your lad is having problems Fw. :ghug:

Some of the symptoms could account for GORD but bloody stools, pain before defecating, increase in stools and low grade fevers shouldn’t in a clear cut case. If he has a good appetite and isn’t vomiting despite the GORD then FTT shouldn’t come into it either.

Good luck hun, I hope it proves to be something that is easily treated! :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
Thanks everyone:ghug:

The GP found a fissure and when he was pressing on my son's right side it caused major pain and the GP said that's the TI area.:(

He sent us of for blood work and now we wait.
Of course it's the week before Easter so knowing how things go I won't hear to the middle of next week.:ghug:

I'm thinking of calling the GI tomorrow and updating. I don't think anything will be done but who knows.

Oh, the GI wants ds on a low acid diet.
He already can't have corn, milk, egg, soy, fish, wheat
but hey lets take away some more food (apples, chocolate and oranges)
. He'll grow for sure.:ybatty:
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Oh dear, sorry to hear that. Wow, what exactly is he going to eat? Not much left after taking all those out! Hope they can get things organised reasonably quickly :hug:
No call back yet. :ymad:
I assume that's good but it would have been nice to hear.

Farm boy continues his up and down of tummy pains and poo problems.
Last night while doing his homework he just laid his head on the table.
He seems to be dealing with fatigue.

:applause:We're going on holiday soon. The kids are so excited as is my hubby. He's worked seven days a week for the last two years without a day off.
I'm excited at not having to clean or cook.:luigi:
Labs came in and it looks all normal.

Labeled by the GP, IBS:ymad:

So for now continue with low acid diet until next GI visit.
Sorry to hear your son is still suffering but YAY on the normal results! Hopefully that gives you some piece of mind on your holiday!!! I hope that your family has a GREAT time :ycool:
Well it's time for the kids visits with the GI tomorrow.

My son is having pains in his belly button area.
It's now to the point you cant push to hard on it or it might hurt all day.
He does have moments with sharp pains in the area but will go back to a dull ache.
This has lasted for months.:frown: Nothing that stops life for him.
Nothing to much more in the way of symptoms.
He has had acid reflex but says it's not that type of pain.

Does that sound like any of your kids? Thankful he's not having a hard go of it like his sister but I don't want to ignore it either.

*IF* the GI thinks its worth investigating I will ask for a FC stool.
Well you know by now I am President of the FC Fan Club...I know it isn't a reliable indicator for everyone but I would definitely run it because look what happened with my asymptomatic non (for now) Crohnie.

Is he still on the special diet? PPI? Has he gained any weight?
Sounds quite like Amy. Pain by belly button and heartburn. Our paediatrician didn't seem to care, but put her on amitryptaline for sleeping/pain. It seems to help. Hope the appointment goes okay, no harm in doing the FC :ysmile:
Well you know by now I am President of the FC Fan Club...I know it isn't a reliable indicator for everyone but I would definitely run it because look what happened with my asymptomatic non (for now) Crohnie.

Is he still on the special diet? PPI? Has he gained any weight?

Still low acid diet and no dairy and TN's.
No on gaining weight but has but put on 3 inches of height this year.:dusty:
Yes he's still on the PPI but his stomach has improved with the acid reflex.

We'll see what this GI says. This is our second visit with this GI. Hopefully she knows to give me what I ask for.:ybiggrin: She seemed great the last time.
My son had a quick onset of the disease, with pain around his belly button. It ached constantly and was really painful after eating. His CD is mainly in the jejunum of the small intestine.

Hope your appt goes well and you get to the bottom of your son's issue!
The GI ordered a FC stool test. She said right now since he's doing well except the stomach pains that we would wait for the Fc results to come back.
If that's normal ........................
Stick my head back in the sand I guess.;)
The BEST Christmas news I could have gotten..........................

My son's FC was 17, anything over 50 is high. YA!!!!!

So head back in sand!

Most moms ask for cars, phone or jewelry.
All I ask for is normal lab results for Christmas.:ylol:

Grace's was never posted. But I'm not going to dwell on that!!!!
That is brilliant Fw! :ybiggrin:

I hope you do get solid answers at some point and whatever they are it is something middling in the scheme of things! Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
It's hard not to immediately think that the siblings have the same issues. And sometimes (DustyKat) they do! I think it is always worth checking into - even for the mama's peace of mind. All that to say - so glad you have great news.

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