my mind is in constant battle with thaughts of my dad. im 37 have had symptoms of cd since i was 4. diagnosed in 97. was always a sick underweight child. had strep throat 8 times one yr and had tonsils removed. i always looked up to my dad. he always has been a workaholic. he doesnt let things like physical mental pain get him down.he lost his leg in a motorcycle accident and was working remotely from home right after then returning to work when he got his prostesis and without pain pills. im so glad he didnt lose his life. he just always seems to keep going. he tried instilling this in me which i feel im like that most the time as im still here after a the battles ive faught. unfortunately he left when i was 13 and left the parenting job to my mom who took it real hard and fell into a deep depression. she always was compassionate and nuturing which my dad lacked(remembering the worst flares ive had and he was forcing me to eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich had a fever of 105.4 20 bmsday. lost 15 lbs that week)i know its lack of knowledge but he lacks compassion as he gave me a sandwich 2 asprin and went to bed. it was his first time he had experienced one of my flares. he still expected to go me to work. this is when i lived with him for 6 months when i was 28.hadnt seen him much between 13 till then. i lost my mom 3 yrs ago but she had brain surgery in 03 and was paralysed and couldnt talk but i felt her spirit. she never had energy so it was up to me to take care of my brother and me. i kept in contact with my dad over the yrs. although i wonder why i try since ive had one phone call since 08 from him. ive been on disability since 07 which he disapproves of. i have severe crohns,vertigo which prevents me from driving hyperthyroidism psoriasis one kidney, disk degen with stenosis had surgery on neck, osteoarthritis osteioperosis,history of pancreatitis,gul stone surgery,pmdd social anxiety depression and im severely allergic to most meds including crohns ones, also said i have borderline autism. what a battle. but i keep going. my issue is i love my dad and just want his acceptance and want him in my life without him thinking im a failure. my docs told me to file disability . which i worked for 5 yrsafter they first told me to. my job to me is tking care of my beautiful 4 yr old. which isnt satisfying my dad as every coversation always has the question found a job yet? which breaks my heart. i wish i could always be as strong as him. but he hasnt been there to really see the extent of my issues. i was in the hospital when he got into his accident and after i got out offered to come help him he refused and wanted to do it on his own. i believe in mind body spirit but im broke .flaring and depression has sat in. im severely lonesome.somedays i want to forget my dad exsists. but i keep hanging on to hope that he will come around. sorry for so much rambling have so much on my plate and noone in real life for support. im lost. thank you to anyone who replies with advice, insight, support or thier own story. much love to all of you:hug: