My flabbiness

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Dec 12, 2010
my flabbiness

Ok, so after having 3 kids in 7 years, then losing wieght with my IBD I have lots of flab going on. I'm at 130 (I'm 5'5") so I don't think I really ned to lose weight but I need to tone...big time! I have a wrinkly belly and wobbly thighs.:ylol2: I always say it looks like someone chewed my stomach and spit it back out..:blush: The problem is I have a really bad back and sit up KILL me. I'm also not in full remission so I get crappy too. My kids are still very young and depend on me 24/7 so I need and easy routine to do at home too. Is it even worth trying to tone up? Will the flab turn to fab..ever? :D
Have you tried yoga or pilates? There are alot of dvd's out there, and most of them are pretty cheap and easy to do....

That's my goal this year too, to get rid of a few inches around the waist and butt... :)

Good luck!!
"Flabby and untoned" is my body signature! And I don't even have the birthing of three kids as a reasonable reason for my body being what it is.

My horror at my body's condition has made me sit up and take action. I have MS so my mobility is quite limited (I'm usually not able to leave my home to go to the gym and can't do a lot of the videos that are out there), and I'm also trying to address my ostopenia (thank you, Prednisone!).

What I've started doing is filling a backpack with my canned goods and walking up and down the stairs at home (make sure they're equally balanced so you're not further injuring your back). I'm also using the large cans of tomatoes as weights because the smallest weights are too heavy for me. To most people, this may sound ridiculous, but I've actually started to notice a difference in the three months that I've been doing it. My arms are a little less flabby (got a long ways to go yet, though). I also just put on my favourite tunes and dance around for about 15 minutes every day. That's my 'cardio' and if you've got disco music on, those 15 minutes are KILLER!
Thank u both for getting back to me :thumleft: I've done Yoga on the past but haven't found much motivation in doing it again...maybe if I get Wii fit? I haven't seem a set or instructor I really like. I'm not really that picky I swear! It's just with the joint pain and back pain some things I have to completely skip over. Maybe I'll give Pilates a look at.

Good idea with the cans! I'll have to do the same until I can find wieghts for cheap. I don't have stairs to go up and down though. I do dance around with my 4 y/o. She and I both LOVE Just Dance 2 for the Wii (Xmas gift, lol). My back kills the next day but I can;t say no to her sweet face!
Any yoga or pilates DVD's by Karen Voight are really good, Keli Roberts has got alot of good dvd's. I have quite a few by Jennifer Kries (The Method Pilates) I love her as an instructor. All of The Method tapes I use have an arm segment about 15 minutes long done with really light weights.

When I first got into Pilates I got a few different ones from our public library, it gave me an idea of who I did and didn't like. Nice to try them without buying. Another good place to look is Value Village / Thrift stores, the ones that are there are usually still brand new, so even if you don't like them - you've only paid a couple of bucks for them.
Don't know whether you have one or not but a yoga mat is a really good investment (and not expensive) they don't look like they have a lot of padding, but they make a huge difference.

Good luck with your flab to fab goal :thumleft:
Core Rhythms really tightened me up after an abdominal hysterectomy-no floor moves, all the ab exercises are standing up. Plus it's a bit corny, which I love!
lol...corny is always good! Thank you both, I'm going to check out the library tomorrow. As much as I go there for my kids I don't kn ow why it never clicked to look for exercise dvds!
Ditto above about Pilates. I would recommend taking a class first so you can make sure you are doing the moves right. It should be relatively easy on your back and good for toning your core. I did Pilates after my first surgery - I had been in the hosp for a month and then a long recup from having my colon removed. I had a lot of back pain from guarding my incision and all my core muscles were not existent. The Pilates helped a lot.

Good luck! - Amy
Anything for the core is good. I am also starting to really enjoy some cardio on the elliptical. I find that it's easy to do while the kids are napping or watching tv. Let me know if you find something that works. Because of the pred and having 2 kids less than 2 years apart...I'm holding onto some extra weight and flab :(
Agree on "The Method" Pilates DVD's--they are what I used to lose 25 lb before our wedding 6 years ago. I haven't had the energy for much exercise lately, but when I do I use those DVDs and some yoga ones with Baron Baptiste--he's a little annoying but the workouts are good.
My belly is out of control a beach ball...and I know I need to exercise but I am so afraid to since I am in a flare...if I pull at my stomach...will I make a stricture worse? or is it good to do it...get the digestion working...relieve stress...maybe help move some gas out? I am just nervous too with the Prednesone...I don't want to end up even more hungry and totally bulking up even more. Any thoughts?
My kids are still very young and depend on me 24/7 so I need and easy routine to do at home too. Is it even worth trying to tone up? Will the flab turn to fab..ever? :D

For a start, some gyms have free crèches where you can leave the children with a trained child care worker, whilst you work out.

I think Zumba gives you a good workout and you can get DVD workouts for at home. Pilates is good for toning, again get a DVD for home.

Plus everyone I know keeps raving about that computer exercise program called Wii Fit.

How old are your kids? Perhaps you can power walk around your neighbourhood with them in one of those jogging pushers.

Or get a exercise bike and ride it whilst watching TV.

Yes, flab does turn to fab. Watch your diet, drink plenty of water and do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, and you will soon be fighting fit and full of wit!