Im not really sure what its all about Cat. They asked me if they could take some DNA for further research along the lines of what genetic strain is affected, can they make a 'match' against other peoples genetic strain, rah rah. Its all beyond me. But I figured what the hey, if they can find out anything from takin a few extra bottles of blood off me then by all means go ahead.
They did say something about possibly getting dna samples from other family members of mine in the hopes of making connections somewhere, although no one else in my family has anthing like crohns. We are usually a healthy bunch, apart from the old man who had a heart attack then developed diabetes, but cmon already, hes 75, you gotta expect something to start givin way at that age.
Might be interesting though if they find some kind of marker to find out if my kids might be more susceptible. Who knows. Not me. I just gave em another vein and told em to take as much as they wanted. NOt that my veins are much good. They got totally trashed when I was in hospital. Ive got a thrombosis? in one now. Some of em dont wanna give much in the way of blood at all, half the others are still carryin bruises.
I wouldnt make a very successful junkie *yeah im laughin at that myself, considering im now going to be takin some kind of drug every day for ever*