My husband was diagnosed with Crohns in April...

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Dec 31, 2016
Hello all,
I have been a frequent visitor to this forum from April when husband was diagnosed with crohns. My husband is 43 yrs old and have always avoided regular milk and chicken as he used to feel that it will lead to diarrhea. He was always on lactose free milk and on and off used to get diarrhea episodes. Two or three vowel movements were very much common for him. Our physician told us that he has IBS by doing a colonoscopy in 2007. In the beginning of 2016 he was highly constipated with blood in stool. Our new physician asked us to see a GI and recommended colonoscopy. In April, 2016 the GI said that he has IBD and crohns. He first started Imurano and After his blood work they added Humaira. During this course of medication he got a inflammation (pinnacle type) in the white area of his one eye. We saw an eye specialist and he gave different eye drops and eventually one worked that helped his redness to subside. From November first week he started having joints pain which slowly turned in to stiff joints. Mobility was becoming more painful day by day.
First the doctor stopped the Imurano and started Metotrexate. Then after seeing no change in his condition the GI stopped Humaira... still no change and they did his MRI and said his crohns is not completely gone as in the report it says residual crohns can be found. He stopped all medication and started steroids 30 mg daily (prednisone ) medication. He told not to taper until he feels better and these pains are because of Humaira and will start Imurano again with entviyo or stellar ( spelling of medication might be wrong😊).
Now after all this story my concern is he is still in pain after leaving Humaira no change in his pain and he is taking ibuprofen like m&ms.
Is joint pains common in crohns... earlier he had swelling and pain and now just pain. Is there anyone out there who had the same problem with Humaira. I am concerned about his health and are we going on the right path or are we missing something?
Ibuprofen can not be taken when you have Crohns it can cause bleeding in the gut
Please see a rheumoologist
Spondyloarthritis is very common with Crohns
There are two types
One that flares with GI flares and one that is independent of GI flares
If your dh has SpA that runs independent of GI flares then entivyio will not help
Entivyio only affects the gut
Stelera affects both gut and joints

Here is a link on SpA
Thank you for your reply!
Crohn's disease is something that we never heard of. Ulcers were the common disease but not crohns... so we really don't know anything about what kind of flare up is causing this disease. According to his GI the stiff joints is because of a type of protein that is present in Humaira which lead to this reaction. So until and unless that drug stays in his blood these pains are common. I just want to know if there someone else who witnessed the same problem with Humaira or crohns.
Thank you
I looked at a website about Humira that says stop the medicine if joint pain occurs. I wish the best with your husband.
I have a lot of joint problems and they seem to flare up when my Crohns flares up. I'm not on humaira. My pain occurs in my larger joints after sitting a while, then subsides a bit when I move around.
I have a lot of joint problems and they seem to flare up when my Crohns flares up. I'm not on humaira. My pain occurs in my larger joints after sitting a while, then subsides a bit when I move around.

Same thing happens to me and I'm not on any biological. Prednisone helped the joint pain