I am writing this for some therapy of my own because I find that it helps me to talk about it and get feedback from others. My story begins a month ago at the end of April when I began to get diarrhea about three times a week and only at night. I am a huge hypochondriac :eek2: and looked up what it could be. My dad has IBS and it seems everyone in his family has some sort of stomach issue. I did not take this well and thought my life will be over. My dad has told us some intense stories about his IBS and how he would have bloody diarrhea and cramping. I was terrified. After about two weeks of experiencing diarrhea at night I go the most fierce intense pain in my stomach. I had the most horrible cramping and I became really scared. The following day I ate nothing and still had horrible cramping throughout the day. Before all of this started I was taking Align to help with gas and such and I ended up with this monster! What I would give to just have to worry about gas pains. This whole time I am looking at and researching every symptom and thought I was going to be stuck with severe IBS. I was completely distraught. I cried and I cried and told anyone who would listen that I was in pain. I can be a little melodramatic but I didn't need to exaggerate this pain. I went to the emergency room and so has begun a viscous cycle. A couple of days later the pain subsided and I felt the constant need to go. I looked it up and read it was a sign of UC- I completely freaked out. I went to the University health center and the doctor let me vent for almost an hour. He told me that it was unlikely I had chrons or UC and that I needed to relax. He says the process of the disease is much different than mine and not to worry. I think hes full of it because everyone is different. The sensation would not go away and I completely lost it. I prayed to god to please stop all of this. I told myself that if I saw blood in my stool I would faint from the shock....and what do you know the next day there was a string of blood in my stool. Needless to say I hyperventilated called my parents and downed some xanax because I could not bear the thought of having an illness. This is the worst possible case scenario for a hypochondriac and I was living it. I immediatley went to my family doctor and he did a rectal exam- he said he did see some blood but didn't find anything else. I cried that whole day and as much as I try to console myself I feel helpless. I read stories online of people who were experiencing the same symptoms and they would write things like "I have bloody diahhrhea and cramping should I be concerned?" I was like HELL yes you should be concerned. I really admire the people on here who take things for what they are and are so calm and collected. I feel like I have completely lost it. I went to the GI doctor and he ordered a colonscopy. I demanded to see him right away even though the nurse dismissed my cramps and blood stating they must be from my Nuva Ring:ymad: I am super aware of my body and I know something is wrong- this is beyond hypochondriac status. Everyone is telling me its in my head and that it will just pass. For the past two days I have been experiencing a wonderful and oh so fun symptom- I have incredible joint pain. Its in my wrist, knees, and elbows. This is so overwhelming for me that I wont even look in the toilet to check to see if I have blood. This is so hard for me and I know i have to be strong but I am terrified! This is not in my head and I am really starting to think that I will complelty fall apart if I get a new symptom. My colonsocopy is scheduled on Wednesday everyone and their moms know that I am getting it. Yesterday I finally faced the fact that this is not going away and that something is definitely wrong. I felt relieved just accepting that fact but I am still scared. Everyone is tired of me crying and complaining and I am sure that this is just the beginning. I need a kick in the butt because I am letting this take over my life. I really admire all of you because truly you are all brave individuals. Thank you for reading my story and I will take any feedback even tough love !- :shifty-t::voodoo:
I will keep you all updated
I will keep you all updated