My long winded story

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 18, 2011
Hi all I thought I should share my story with you all.

As a kid I have always had problems with my stomach, firstly started off with sickness then it turned to the other end. The first time I was bad when I was 20 went to my GP to explain that I was getting worse and at that point I was getting the same smell coming up from my stomach as it was coming out my bottom. I was told this could not happen and I was given gavison and sent on my way.

Not getting better asked to be sent to a gastro expalined what had been going on he told me I had IBS and I was overweight which was causing my problems. He did all the cameras flexi, colon and gastro all to be told some infrlamtion but its IBS. during this time I started with bad acne so he said I needed some treatment to sort this out as this might also be casuing the problem. As a good patient took his advise and took the tablets.

Still no improvemnt and not getting any better asked to see the other gastro who told me I was dairy introlent and should cut it out and because I could be of an irish desent I should cut out potatoes and bread as it causes IBS. Didint understand why so sent on my way. Next visit I expalined I was no better so he did a CT and told me it was my gallstones causing the problems. So I was sent to the surgon expalined I was haveing the big D all the time and was told I had a couple of stones but not to have my gallblader out as it will cuase more D later on.

Following on what the surgon said I was told by my gastro he would do nothing more and would refer me for hypno. 3rd gastro never examined me told me I had IBS and hypno will work wonders so two years of waiting and three months of hypno still no better.

So I paid to see a dietion who did a number of poo samples and came back that I had some form of parasite in my gut. Went to see the GP who told me what a load of rubbish and said I had wasted my money doing the test. I was so fed up knowing there was something wrong I asked to be seen by a diffrent gastro again, he would only agree if I went private I agreed and chosse one of them at random from a list at a BMI hospital. Went expalined said it sounded like IBS but would do all the tests gain to rule out anything else. Breath tests, nucual scans, colon and gatro cameras pill cam and MRI to be told I had small bowel crohns. Well when I was told I thought the wrold had ended but the relef to be told that your not going mad and its not all in your mind. So I am trying to get in remison but having a bit of a job doing it enocort was great then I was put on AZA which has made me ill back on enocort didint work so on to pred the drug works but its evil then 6MP making me ill now trying MTX.

Sorry this is long and winded but I agree with the most people that its easy to label and then geting stuck with it is hard to get rid off. thanks for reading!
While you are in the healing and discovery process, please be sure you are eating and drinking only non-processed foods and eliminate much wheat, corn, dairy, etc., as you see if affects you. Keep an open mind and continue to work with the dietician to help you determine what foods may be causing more stress to your body, so you can eliminate the inflammation. I found that docs want to prescribe things, but not help determine the root cause. It is as though you have to accept their diagnosis and assume you will add on more auto immune diseases. Drop weight to your correct body weight and that will certainly help your health, but continue to eliminate garbage from your diet as that can seriously work against you as you search for what works for you. Best to you! Oh, I heard the Irish diet thing as well from a doc long ago. Cracked me up!
Hi ormsklad,

Thank you for sharing your story with us. I hope your current treatment option will be helpful. We all know that it can be exhausting having to keep switching medications, so hopefully you can acheive remission soon.
Hi, I posted on your other thread but I do agree about looking at your diet as much as possible. This was the very first thing that was tried for me before all the meds and it is only because I was having flare ups on liquid diets that meds had to come into play. I will always be greatful that my doc tried this before anything else though. Fingers crossed this may help you get into remission so you can taper off the MTX :)
omsklad what a good read ( if you know what i mean ) there seams to be sooo many docs that seam to brush off bowel issues and the fact that you have to be in a flare or a bad way to get diagnosed ......we 'little people' all know the diffculty in getting diagnosed why dont they !!!!!! good news you have a diagnosis tho but boo hoo its not working quik enough for you , i agree with earlier posts elimination diets do a wonders for bowels , i am currently undiagnosed but doc suspects crohns , but i do find i have a few trigger foods and when i am really bad its liquid only and this helps me ...... good luck in all of this and i lllooooovvvee this forum its so helpful ..stops me from going mad !!!!xx
To you Omsklad, High five on the getting that shizzle off your chest... does it feel any better? :)

I dont know how you feel about this , but i wonder what specialists are actually paid for if they are not keeping up to date with the most current research for these conditions. surely the crohnically sick shouldnt have to try and work out these complex medical terms themselves to then have to explain them to a medical practioner?!!

damn... maybe we do! thats gutting! :(

fingers crossed no more stupid mis-diagnosises, or backward steps for you caused by silly remarks from people who dont understand! its a bad enough condition to live with as it is ))hugs!!((