My Peanuts Story

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 29, 2014
Hi there, I am Susan and I would like to introduce myself and share my daughter's story. Please feel free to offer any advice or suggestions you may have. Being new to all of this, I appreciate any information I can get my hands on without scouring the internet for hours upon end. :smile: Warning this will probably be very long and boring. I am going back to her birth as I think there are things that have happened that could be relevant...

Our youngest baby girl, Ella, was born in July of 2011. Pretty much a normal PG, just an irregular heartbeat that resolved itself soon after she was born. Her sugar was a little low but that also resolved on its own. We denied any vaccines while in the hospital and had them done via our Pedi office at her 2 month appt. She ended up being Coombs positive and jaundiced and we left the hospital with a Bili blanket that we were able to stop using after 4 days. At her 4 d/o appt, we were told that she was not gaining enough and that we should start supplementing with formula as she was EBF. We refused and continued to EBF and she started gaining weight by her 6 day follow up.

After about a month, we noticed that her stools were changing from the seedy yellow to a very gooey green color. She also had a very bad case of Sebhorric dermatitis. We were advised by our Pedi to use a certain shampoo and to try block feeding to resolve the green stools. We started block feeding and by the next day, we had blood in her stools.

We again went back to the pedi and I was advised to avoid dairy in my diet to resolve the blood in her stools. I started avoiding dairy and after 4 days, the blood in the stools was increasing and we were still having positive occult samples. 2 days later again and were at the ER because she had a fever of 101.3. ER cleared her with no obvious reason found for the fever. (1.5 months old at this point)

We followed up with our Pedi the next day as she still had a fever, although not as high as it was the night before and he determined she had an ear infection and prescribed amoxicillin. We started it that night and also received a referral to a GI for the blood in the stool.

1 day after starting the antibiotic, she has severe diarrhea and by day 3 she starts vomiting. We start limiting our nursing to only 5 minutes at a time to reduce the amount of liquid in her stomach. By the next day, she is sleeping a lot and still having the vomiting and diarrhea. We took her back to the Pedi the next day and she has lost 8 ozs over the last 4 days. They cleared her ears at this point and advised us to stop the antibiotic.

By this point, she isnt sleeping well, I am not sleeping well and we are both beyond miserable. We had our GI appt the next day and her weight was down again. The GI told us that if things were not better in 24 hours, we would need to hospitalize her. We left that appt feeling utterly defeated and I was in tears at the prospect of yet another night of my baby vomiting and pooping and crying. I called my pedi in tears and he had us bring her in. At this point, her weight was down 1.2 lbs from 5 days before, but she wasnt lethargic or severely dehydrated as her mouth was still moist. Our Pedi wanted to avoid the hospital at all costs so he wanted us to see what the next 24 hours would do and we were told to come back tomorrow for a weight check but to go to the hospital if her Fever was higher than 100.4. So that night, things are as they have been, she's crying, pooping, vomiting, etc and I'm just beside myself. I take her temp and it's 100.4. I couldn't remember if it had to be higher than that or that to take her to the ER. So I texted our pedi and he said if it goes even a 10th of a degree higher to take her. So 30 minutes later, its 101.2. I loaded up the other 2 kids and called my husband at work and we made the trek to the ER. I tell you I never felt so relieved in my life to be at a hospital. I just finally felt like the weight was off my shoulders and she would finally be taken care of.

The ER did all of the things they normally do, spinal, labs, etc for babies with fever and by morning told us that she would be admitted to monitor her output and weight. They never did find a reason for her vomiting and diarrhea and blame the antibiotics for masking what the culprit was. She ended up in the hospital for 6 days. The vomiting stopped on day 3 and the diarrhea stopped on day 4. She was getting 2.5 times the amount of daily fluid by IV that she needed plus what she was getting from BF'ing and was still in the negative when compared to what she was putting out. She lost a total of 1.5 pounds and started losing her hair at the same time. They never did anything more than just labs and cultures, no imaging or otherwise. We were discharged and while she did start gaining weight again, she never did get back to the 50th percentile.

Since her hospital stay, we had the bloody stools once in a while but chalked it up to me having had some dairy that I didn't realize. She wasn't big on eating any solids (would gag if we tried) until she was a year old and was still on a downtrend weight wise when looking at her growth chart. Her height was also on a downtrend, but not as severe as her weight. At her 18 month appt, her Pedi still wasnt very concerned because she was developing and growing, but based on that she was still BF'ing and not eating a whole lot, contributed the slow weight to that. By her 2 year appt, she was now in the 5th percentile weight wise and the bloody diapers were getting more frequent and we knew it wasnt dairy that was causing it all the time, all thought when we did a dairy challenge, the blood was much worse the next day. So a day before her 2 year appt, she had bloody diaper that was the worst we have ever seen. Her Pedi looked very shocked and said he was surprised we had not brought her in immediately. (It's amazing what we get used to I guess) He wanted us to go back to the GI for further evaluation at this point as she was now anemic in addition to everything else.

Back at the GI, she too was very shocked with the amount of blood in the diaper and wanted to do a colonoscopy and decide from there on any other tests. She also wanted us to start Sulphasalazine, Steroids, Nexium, and folic Acid but we refused and asked to wait for the test results. So we did labs, got the scope done and received our diagnosis of UC. She again asked us to start meds, but also wanted to do an Upper GI series and a endoscopy. We again asked to wait to start meds until all the tests were done as I wanted to know how things looked un-medicated. The other two tests came back clean so while we can't rule out Crohn's at this point, its more than likely UC. Also to note, after her colonoscopy, other than the blood she had after the procedures from the biopsies, she remained blood free for 2 months and gained 2 lbs! The most weight gain we had seen in a looong time. At this point, we scheduled an appt for a second opinion. We decided to transfer care to him based on that he was willing to let us try a month of strict dairy free just to see how things went. So the dairy free was still resulting in bloody stools so we resigned ourselves to just using the sulphasalazine. The new doctor didn't feel that the steroid was necessary as her symptoms were mild at this point. At her 1 month appt after starting her meds, all her cultures were negative and she was up a pound and had grown 3/4 of an inch. We started our second bottle of medication and she started fighting the meds and ended up relapsing with blood in the stools again and tummy pain. We called the pharmacy and the only thing they could tell from the file is that they may not have added the banana flavor. The sent us a new bottle the next day and things are better as far as taking the meds, but not nearly as good as they were on the first bottle.

That brings us to where we are now. She's been on the medication for 2 months now, we've been blood free for about 1.5 weeks and we had a formed stool yesterday. (YAY!) We go back in March and will have labs done then to see how everything looks. I feel like we should have labs sooner since she has not had any since starting the medicine back in December, but you guys tell me. She has also started waking up at night with knee and ankle pains and getting bruises on her legs. I don't know if that's normal for a 2 year old's activity level and perhaps growing pains? I know I used to get real bad pains in my ankles and knees as a kid as well. I just feel like there are still too many unknowns and that the doctor's office brushes all of concerns off etc.

Thanks to DanceMom, we have a 3rd opinion scheduled on April as well just because I'm not entirely confident we're getting the attention she needs. Maybe we're just paranoid, over-protective, whatever, but I hate feeling like this medicine is causing other problems and because its not a known side effect, they aren't concerned. Add to that, we can never get anyone on the phone, it's all voicemail based and if we miss the call (which they always seem to call when I'm in the bathroom or something :ybatty: ) they wont even call back until the next day. Soooo frustrating.:ymad:

So there you have it, more than you probably EVER wanted to know. If you read this far, thank you for taking the time and interest. Ask any questions you like. Oh and no one else in our family has IBD on either my side or hubby's. So this was very much not expected.

P.S., I'm also curious as to what Multivitamins any of you recommend.
Sorry to hear about your little one. There are many of us who have had to fight to get our kids diagnosed - my son took a year and a half. My son was 12 when diagnosed, so I don't have a lot of advice for little ones. Just wanted to wish you luck with the third opinion, it's definitely worth finding a doctor that you really trust.
Wow... well, first off, kudos to you to keep seeking out opinions and answers. I'm glad you demanded test results before treatment - very smart!

As for labs, I guess my opinion would be that if she seems to be responding to the meds, then wait until the appt? If she starts going downhill again, then run labs. I'm guessing getting poked is no fun for her.

My only question for you is if you've tested for food allergies or intolerances, including gluten. Is she on many foods now? Still BFing?

Please keep us posted on how things go. Poor thing. There are some here who've had young kids dx'd and I'm sure they will pop in soon.
Hi, I don't have any advice but just wanted to welcome you to the forum and send many healing thoughts to your daughter. She's lucky that she has such a wonderful Mum fighting for her.
Big hugs to you to x
Thanks, Sascot, third times a charm right? :)

Mehita, You are correct, labs are definitely no fun. I am just concerned more so with the things were seeing that started at the same time we started the medication and knowing the potential for side affects, I am just being paranoid. I just don't know at what point we should push the issue with the doctor regarding the leg pain etc.

Thanks, Lucinda, I appreciate it. :)
Hi again,
Grace also had issues since birth.

I'm so glad your seeking a second opinion. I think that's smart no matter the doctor.

As to the labs, I've asked point blank for the blood draws. Then it was up to the doc to say no. At least he knew where I stood. I usually get my way.:smile:

Grace has suffered for years from knee pains and weakness (always falling). I was always told it was growing pains. Grace now has been dx with juvenile particular affecting most of her joints.:confused2: now I'm not saying this will be your child's fate but if it's persistent please keep after the docs until you get answers. I wish I had.
If you are sure she is bruising more easily than before then this should definitely be brought to the GI's attention. It is a potentially urgent situation.

Labs including liver enzymes should absolutely be done prior to March. Should be done now IMHO - 75% of problems with sulfasalazine show up in first 3 months and it is a med that a lot of people have problems with due to sensitivity to aspirin. I think your instincts are great - starting a new med with a young child and not taking an aggressive monitoring approach? Glad you have a 3rd opinion.

Will they give you an e-mail contact to NP so you can get through without fighting the VM system?
You are doing a great job! I am sorry for all you have been through. I am not an expert on the drug she is on but can tell you that joint pain is an extra intestinal manifestation of IBD and not necessarily a side effect of a drug. The fact that she is experiencing these pains needs to be considered by he GI. perhaps her disease is not under control? Even if it is, a child should not be left in pain and she should be seen. If not by a GI then perhaps a rheumy consult is in order.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Whoa. :ghug: I am so very sorry to hear of all that you and your little are going through.:(

I second what Mehita has asked regarding allergies and food intolerances. And also Patricia regarding monitoring and labs.

The joint pains may be independent of IBD as Farmwife has suggested but it may also be an EIM (Extra Intestinal Manifestation) of her ?UC. Large joint pain runs parallel to intestinal inflammation. The bruising may be a blood problem and as Patricia has said it needs attention. Also you need rule in or out EN (Erythema Nodosum), an inflammatory skin condition that very often has the appearance of bruising and most commonly occurs on the legs.

As to a multivitamin, I personally do not particularly like them but that is just me. If the diagnosis of UC is correct then as a rule your little one should not suffer with the malabsorption issues that those with small bowel Crohn’s do but that is not to say they won’t exist particularly with such a long history. :( I prefer to individually supplement to deficiencies as multivitamins don’t contain the necessary levels to reverse a negative result. Having said that, with a young child the less tablets the better chance of compliance!

Good luck mum, my thoughts are with you. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
So sorry for all you guys have been through, its so tough. I think I would get the bruises checked out before march as well, glad you are getting a third opinion - as others have said you need to be able to trust her doc. Sending big hugs xxxx
Hi Susan welcome and sorry you had to find us. My little girl Lucy is now 5 and was diagnosed at 2 with onset of symptoms at 9 months. Looking back she was probably showing symptoms from birth - she vomited at least 3-4 times daily from 2 days, never had a formed bm and always cried going to the toilet and was generally cranky and unsettled. Hard to believe it is three years since crohns tool over our lives - it has been a rocky road but u am happy to say that thanks to her current meds she is doing great - so there some light at the end of the tunnell.
From your post it looks like you have been through the mill. I would push for labs and if refused just insist also agree that you should get another opinion and keep getting opinions until you are comfortable wit your doc. I agree that the joint pain could be linked to the bowel so you should talk to your GI. Hang in there mom it absolutely sounds like you are doing everything you can for Ella.
Polly xx
Thank you, everyone! I am sure you all know how much this extra support you are providing means to us.

I realized I left out some information that you asked Mehita. We did stop BFing when DD was 26 months old. This was after the really bad bloody diaper. We have not tested for food allergies and the reason being is that her Pedi and her GI both agreed that the tests aren't always conclusive and they didn't want to put her through any more if it wasn't going to provide concrete answers. We do know she has an egg allergy as well because when she was about a year old she touched some on my plate and broke out all over and her eye swelled shut. That said, she has never had an issue digesting eggs that are used in baked goods etc, we just avoid it in its whole form alone.

Thank you Patricia56, we will be calling the GI tomorrow and insisting that 1. We get an order for labs and 2. We get another means of contacting them as the voice-mail Ping Pong match is not working for us.

DustyKat, does EN always progress over the 6 weeks like I read online? Cause these bruises certainly did not last that long and were worse a few days after they first appeared and then gradually faded. Typical bruise behavior. That said, when I looked up EN, some of those pictures certainly looked like what she had.

Polly13, I'm sorry you guys seem to have been on a similar path as us but and so glad to hear Lucy is doing better. How has her growth and weight been overall? That is what concerns us the most at this point since they do so much of there growing during this time. Feel free to PM me as well if you would prefer to chat that way. I would love to compare notes, especially since you also think Lucy showed signs from birth like I think Ella did. Although they all want to say its impossible. HA!
Hi welcome to the forum, sorry you had to find us but glad you did. A few things has she seen an immunologist? There is something Primary Immune Deficiency which UC and Crohn's can actually be symptoms of. It is something I would think of in a child so young with symptoms. Here is an article about it. Please show it to your doctor and ask them about having her tested.

That said I agree with MLP seeing an allergist would be super important for her as well. We are in Florida too. We have not found the doctors down here to be very good. We went up to CHOP, children's hospital of Philadelphia for a second opinion. They were pretty good. I think though if I did it again I would go to Mayo clinic. There is one in Jacksonville that is supposed to be good. Though I am not sure how they compare to the one in Minnesota.
If anyone can answer that please chime in!
Anyway please keep us posted.
Welcome to the forum, but I'm so sorry to hear of your baby girl's illness. My son was dx'd last Spring at age 8. He became sick quite suddenly, and thankfully we got a quick dx. But when I think back, he had hints of Crohn's back to toddlerhood, maybe even when he was an infant. He had bad diaper rashes, spit up a lot, had frequent constipation, and "growing pains".
I would recommend you follow your mother's intuition and do what ya gotta do to get your baby feeling better. Hang in there, it sounds like you are getting some answers now. As far as multivitamins, we use Swiss brand's chewable for kids. They have both vits and minerals.
You've gotten some great advice on here already. You'll find everyone on here to be a great support and wealth of knowledge.
Take care!