My scar and dating

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Sep 23, 2009
I feel very self conscious now that I have one large and three small incisions from surgery. I think guys might be grossed out and not want to be with me. Do I need to prepare ppl beforehand?
At the risk of sounding trite - if they are worried about a few scars - he's probably not the right fella for you. It marks the journey of who you are.

On the flip side - I can't wait to show off my scars!! I'm hoping a nice lady will think they are very cool & hot!!
im completely agree with samboi.. besides, theres no rush for a bloke to see that area of you anyway. depends how open you want to be about it. some people prefer to only let those closest to them know about their illness etc.

i really wouldnt worry about it, you'd be suprised that there are plenty of guys out there who aren't so shallow to be grossed out by scars ;)

dating is way too much fun to worry about that :)
Without trying to be too crude.. Must guys wouldn't be looking at your scars anyway... Men's eyes tend to wonder other places.

But in all seriousness, any decent guy wouldn't care. Bring it up whenever you feel comfortable with talking about it.
I've had no problem dating, although I have a stoma/bag, that seems to draw attention away from the scars. Guys are less concerned than you think.
After my hysterectomy I sport an 8 inch vertical scar. People were always trying to say I should hide it by not wearing low rise jeans, etc. Skip them. The right person for you won't care about it at all.

My husband could care less about my scar. When I asked him what he thought of it he said, "I think you fought a damn hard fight with disease and won." He's a keeper.:wub: