My son

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Nov 14, 2011
My youngest son, Alex, had always been a bit sickly, I suppose you could call it.
He has had excema since birth, a persistant cough that has been put down to asthma but inhales don't make any difference, he has temperatures about once a month and sore throats more often.
We just went to get my new prescription for the latest lot of drugs they want me to try.
He complained of a sore throat and did feel a bit warm to touch. We were walking to the pharmacy in store and all of a sudden he went totally white and doubled over in pain.
He tried to go to the toilet but nothing would come.
We got him home and gave him some calpol and he iis lying on the sofa. He said the pain was on both sides of his sstomach and was a bit stabby.
I, obviously, am worried and concerned. I want to get him to the docs on monday and get them to do a blood test to see if anything is going on.
My husband is of the opinion that Alex will be fine. He probably just needs to have a poo!

Am I overeacting? I still might make an appointment and get him to see someone. Even if its just for my peace of mind.
I know that just because he has a stomach ache its not definitely UC or Crohns.
Have you read the Gut and Psychology Syndrome book? (Campbell-McBride) I'm wondering, since bowel problems are genetic.....

You dont need anymore stress Shazzy.
I could see how you would be really worried. I would maybe give it a day or two and see how he gets on. If he hasn't passed any stool and is still in a lot of pain and such, I might want to call the doc.

However, in saying that, I completely agree with you wanting peace of mind!!! I get pretty worked up if I ever think something is wrong with little Sadie.
And that Sadie Bear is the most gorgeous girl! We would not all, each one of us die ourselves to take any pain from our babies?

I dont care how sick I am, if my grandbabies get ill, I just freak!
Misty - not read that book. Will see if they have it in the library. Xxxxxx

Manzy - i hate it when he is poorly. But now even more so. I am so aware of every little thing. I think i am possibly being a bit paranoid but it would not hurt to get him checked out.

He said he has been toilet today and the pain doesn't feel like a poo pain.

He does get constipated sometimes but not for a while.

Will keep an eye and see how he goes.

Thank you both for your support.

Go with your instinct hun. I know you know that this may be nothing and if it is then your mind is put at ease but if it is and you did nothing about it then you would carry that guilt with you. :hug:

I hope more than anything your boy is okay and all he does need is a poo!

When Matt first became ill his symptoms were so very, very mild that if Sarah didn't have Crohn's i wouldn't have given it a second thought. To be honest Crohn's was the farthest thing on my mind when I asked the doc to do inflammatory markers on him and I really was only doing it to ease my mind. I guess something was nagging at me and I truly thought I would see the results in black and white and they would normal and I would go on my merry way. Hmmm, didn't quite work out that way! :lol:

Make the appointment hun and most important of all...good luck to your boy!

Dusty. xxx
Thanks Dusty.

I will phone up first thing Monday morning and get him in to see my gp. If nothing else it will put my mind at rest.
Thanks Rachel.
He does seem a lot better today.
He has got a few mouth ulcers come up today though.
Will see what the doc has to say.

I found this one update thanks to Rachel...

Shazz, I hope its a one off. I know you are ringing the GP on Monday, so all digits are crossed that your son is just got a wee bug. I dont like the mouth ulcer thing. I am very glad to hear he is feeling better today, and hopefully was enjoying the garden with you and Dad today!
To be honest Misty he hasnt really been 100% for a while.
He gets tired quite easily but that has been put down to his asthma. His legs hurt a lot and he complains of this at least once a week.
With all that has been going on with me it has been far to easy to dismiss it as attention seeking.
It will be good for me and him if he has a good check out by our doc. It will put my mind at ease or give us a heads up if there is anything starting to go wrong.
Thought i would update you on Alex.

He was fine all weekend. Me and hubby thought we were blowing things out of proportion. You know how we parents get!

Anyway he came home from school yesterday and he was really happy cause he has gone up another level in reading. We were just talking away and he suddenly ran to the toilet. He seemed ok and said he was. About an hour later he went really pale again and complained of stomach pain like he did last week. I got him to lie down on the sofa and keep still for a bit. It eventually went away. He says the pain is in the middle, just under his belly button.

He has now asked me if i can take him to the doctor so they can check out his tummy. His legs are still really painful and his excema has started to go bad again. He had got 2 creams for it but they are not helping at the moment. He has also started to cough again and has got a runny nose and is sneezing a lot.
I have got him some allergy medicine today to see if that helps.
I am taking him to the doctors on friday so will let you know how we get on
Good luck to your boy Shazz, bless him...:hug:...and hugs to you too Shazz! I know what a worrying time this for you...:ghug:

Dusty. xxx
I hope that your son is okay Shazz! You hang in there too. I know how worried you must be. Keeping my fingers crossed he just has a little bug!!
Perhaps its an allergy to a food as well. Never mind kids back in school and all of em down with bugs right now. (they are all that way here anyway)

Alot of his symptoms can be allergic reactions. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and your son Shazz.
Thank you all soooo much for your support.

He is, as we speak, on the toilet again. Will ask for a blood screen for crp, vitamin levels and fbc,wbc and anything else I can think of.
Suggestions welcome!
How about some faecal tests too. Get them to rule out infection and also maybe ask for faecal calprotectin, that way you will have some sort of indication if there is inflammation specific to the bowel.

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Glad you are getting it checked out.

Sarah had faints prior to dx. Her only symptoms until 3 months prior to dx were mouth sores, low weight gain, mild anemia with low iron which was not improved by iron tablets and stomach pain every couple of months.

Hope it not crohn but otherwise would great to get it early.
There is a very common condition in children called mesenteric adenitis. When any of us are ill our glands swell up. In many children their abdominal glands swell whenever they get an infection and this causes tummy pain.
It is a very common condition(particularly under 10years and with tonsillitis) and can be very painful, it tends to be worse when the temp is higher but can continue intermittently until the infection is completely settled.
Any bloods for inflammation will be raised if he has had a recent sore throat.

If he were mine and was repeatedly unwell with sore throats once a month, I would be wanting to see ENT. He may well have a grumbling low level infection much of the time which could be contributing to his tummy ache.
Good luck Shazz.
Btw recurrent sore throats are often associated with big adenoids which cause chronic cough ( often misdiagnosed as asthma in children)
Another reason to ask for Ent referral

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