Hi everyone! My name is Laura and I'm 17 years old. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in March of 2014. When I was diagnosed, I started off with just Pentasa which didn't help much, then added 6 MP, then Remicade this past February. This past July, I was really sick for a week with high fevers. My remicade was delayed and I haven't had an infusion since then. After a month, the fever came back again and just wasn't going away. I switched doctors and the new doctor immediately made me stay in the hospital. This past September/October, I was in the hospital for two weeks trying to figure out where these fevers were coming from. My symptoms included: fevers, abdominal pain, night sweats, losing 20 pounds in about a month, fatigue. All the blood tests for infections came back negative, so the reason for my fevers was unknown. They just thought it was a symptom from my Crohn's. The MRE/CT scans I had done showed severe inflammation in different parts such as my terminal ileum and part of my colon. As a result of the hospital visit, my doctor decided to have me start on Prednisone, zinc/vitamin D supplements, and Nexium. Along with this, I am on a EEN nutrition diet (drinking 5 Boost plus supplements a day) and allowing approximately 200 calories of real food. I have currently been on this for 6 and a half weeks. My last doctors appointment was on Tuesday, and I am currently tapering down on the steroids and continuing the EEN diet for another month. In 3 weeks, I will visiting the doctor again for a follow up to see if the Crohn's is better so I can start up on Remicade again. The diet has been really tough, I MISS FOOD! I was wondering if there is anyone here currently on this EEN diet or have been on it and could let me know how effective it was for them. There's so much more I could say, but if you guys have any questions about my story, I'd be happy to share. Thanks for reading and I hope to get some comments back 
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