My Story as a Crohns Mom

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 17, 2012
Ok-I have read that it can be beneficial to tell your story in order to get better acquainted with the forum community. Since I plan on being here for a while I decided to take the plunge & bare all lol...

My son, Jake is a strait A student -has only had after school detention once (because I kept getting him to school late) and had never had any real health issues until 2010. Around August 2010 Jake age 16 began having symptoms of what appeared to be a stomach virus. We took him to the local doctor who placed him on antibiotics-After loosing 25lbs and submitting some lovely stool samples he was finally referred to a pediatric gastroenterologist.
He was ordered to complete a barium swallow (THIS IS THE WORST SUBSTANCE THAT HAS EVER BEEN INVENTED) and a colonoscopy/endoscope.
I prayed-wished -hoped crossed fingers & toes that it wouldn’t be Crohns.
Right after the colonoscopy the Doc said it didn’t look like Crohns.
On 11/10/2010 I got a call at work informing me that it was Crohns. A prescription for pentasa and enticort was called in. His father & I sat down with him that evening and had to tell him-His dad said ya know its like luggage or Herpes (Dad’s attempt to lighten the situation) it never goes away-We were devastated-He took it like a trooper-No tears-No freak out -He just calmly said OK-What do we do now.

He was finally taken off the Enticort and only took Pentasa until last month-
In April his labs were not good so his Ped GI finally referred him to an adult GI. The Pentasa had done nothing for him-His ped GI never called us after the labs-During routine check ups she would just say his levels were high but that was normal for Crohns etc... Come to find out he was just getting worse-I asked about the lab results-she actually said-"We don’t treat labs we treat symptoms & he doesn’t have any" -I knew this was NOT right
His new adult GI ordered all new labs-ct scan-colonoscopy/endoscope no barium!! WooHoo!!

The almost 2years of light treatment have resulted in severely diseased upper & lower bowels-ulcers-a polyp-a fistula beginning to form and his ileum almost completely closed. He started azthropine and is scheduled to begin Remicade Monday. I am fearful of the side effects but Hopeful that this might just be the medication he needs.

Through it all he maintained a part time job & strait A's -he missed some school-I tried my best to explain everything to each teacher at the beginning of each semester via e-mail-Sadly most of them never read it.

The teachers who did though were AWSOME!!! One wasn’t going to let him make up missed work-I called her & was like do you have any idea of what this is like-Do you have any idea of what its like to try to concentrate when your in pain & afraid you might have an accident?!!

Through all of this I have been disgusted by the Alabama education system in my county. They have no understanding of what these kids go through. He did get a full ride scholarship for College at Troy State university & is scheduled to begin in the Fall.

So we are here-He is to begin Remicade Monday – attend National Honor Society Awards Tuesday & Finally graduate Thursday. I am hoping and praying that he does not have a bad reaction but honestly if he does I will simply carry him across the stage :)
Hi and :welcome:

Oh my, what a story and such a shame that the first doc was such a :quack: BUT thank goodness you have found someone that is on the ball! :)

Please pop by the Parent's Forum, Remicade Forum and the Imuran Forum and have a good look around. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

In the parent's forum we have a number children on Enteral Nutrition and many are now looking to Low Dose Naltrexone as a possible treatment, we also have forums covering these areas as well. Of course any choice of treatment will be very much dependent on disease location and severity. I hope your boy responds to the new regime and soon finds himself feeling back on track and fab!
My own children required surgery very early on, they both take Imuran and are doing very on it.

We have a thread in regarding school and university that may have info in it that is of interest to you... also contains other useful links for parent's.

Lastly and certainly not the least...MEGA congrats to your son for his outstanding academic achievements! They are fabulous in their own right but given the circumstances it puts them in the amazing category! :medal1:

Good luck and welcome aboard!

Dusty. xxx
Welcome to the forum! You'll find out quicly how awesome and caring the people are here. I'm so sorry for all the trouble your son has experienced. My son was diagnosed in Feb. and due to the severity and theGI's like for the top down approach we went straight to remicade his diagnosing GI put him on pred to no avail so we're still tapering right now and go for his second loading dose of Remi tomorrow.
I completely understand the school aspect but let me congratulate you on your son's determination! These kids are so amazing in the face of this disease! We had a couple of issues with school until C went on 504 plan. It excuses absences and gives extra time for makeup work among many other things. It is also available at college but you really have to be your own advocate which we are trying to teach C now. He really doesn't have a lot of the D issuez of Crohns and being 15 doesn't want to feel different so504 just allows for absences now but has a lot of things incl. unlimited bathroom pass, stop test time and others. Well take care and take a look around the forum, you'll meet all kinds of amazing people!
Thank you woo much Clash & Dusty :)
Thanks for the info on the 504 plan & the school thread. I have already found amazing information on this site. Everyone has been so helpful- the remicade club is Awesome!!!
It cab such sn embarrassing disease for teens- just really aux :p
Thanks again for the warm welcome-am really hopeful for good results w/ remicade
You must be so proud of your son!!! He must certainly be quite a strong person to accomplish all that he has while dealing with his Crohns!

I so hope all goes well for him next week! :ghug:
Thanks Tess-
I was re-reading some of my earlier posts-Uh-Spelling is awful- I swear I can spell lol
I have been posting from my phone which is NOT fat finger friendly.
Thanks soooo much for the warm welcome everybody :)
Hi and welcome ! :)

Your son sounds quite amazing ~ I'm sure you are so proud :D

Wishing him the best of luck with his first Remicade infusion today!
Good luck today!!! And I hope all goes well for him at all his events this week! He certainly deserves it! :)
Welcome to the forum, nearly missed you as I tend to have a look around the parents forum and come off. Hope your son does well on the Remicade - good luck with it all. That's great that he still managed to do so well at school even with everything he had to go through!
CrohnsMomFreakingOut (CMFO from now on... :lol:)

Yes, please drop by the Parents of kids w/IBD - like Sascot, I often only pop into the Parents forum... :)
Today went off without a hitch-So far No reactions!!! WooHoo!!!!
He was a little chilly & sleepy...
Our Remicade nurse was AWSOME~!!! She said that we would know in two days if he was going to have negative side effects-or it would have happened while he was in the chair...
Thanks for all the help guys-I will check out the parents forum to :)
So happy to hear the infusion went by without any problems. You must be so proud of your son, and all that he has accomplished, despite the hand that has been dealt to him. I also want to say, that as some of the members here know, my child was on Remicade for many years - and was actually the 1st pediatric patient to test drive Remicade. I want you to know that she has never had a reaction, has come off, and gone back on many times, and the medication really helped her. I hope that all goes well, just be patient, as it may take a while to kick in.
"and was actually the 1st pediatric patient to test drive Remicade"

WOW-That is AMAZING-!!! I am sooo glad to hear it-I am hoping that it works for him. He starts College in September & I would really like for him to go flaire free :)