Hello all, I am new to this but have a feeling that I may have some type gastrointestinal disease, possibly crohns.
Please bear with me as this post may be a bit long.
Roughly 7 months ago I got super sick, doctors never diagnosed me with anything but said I had some kind of very bad viral infection. Was tested for Covid, mono, bacterial infections, fecal tests, all came back clean. Around that time my symptoms were mainly GI, upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting/nausea, loss of appetite, throat felt super think and it was hard to swallow anything. Had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy, both came back normal. After a couple months of going through that and 30 pounds lost, I started to get better from that part of the Illness and started having nerve related issues. I gained most my weight back but still felt ill everyday plus some mild right side flank pain. My arms and legs always felt like they were burning and my lower back as well, also had full body muscle twitches which spooked the heck out of me. Since day 1 my ears have always been ringing and popping daily. I was sent to a rheumatologist and they did a full blood work up, where I tested Ana positive but clean of everything. No sjorgens, lupus, RA or any other autoimmune disorder. After a couple months of nerve related issues I was sent to two different neurologists. Both conducted emgs and told me my emgs were clean, no peripheral nerve damage, absolutely no signs of als, and no pinched nerves. Also brain mri with contrast normal and lower lumbar mri normal with a couple discs protruding. Over the last few months I have good days and bad days when it comes to my nerves and overall malaise feeling. I have consistently been constipated over the last few months where my stool is usually super flat.
Well a couple of weeks ago I had an mri with contrast and barium swallow performed roughly a week ago. Around that time I started to feel a tad better even my diarrhea came back and I wasn’t as constipated. Literally the day after the mri I started to get a burning/stabbing sensation on my lower and upper right abdomen. Same location burns when I eat and drink anything. It comes and goes and sometimes it’s super painful and sometimes my lower back pain and left arm pain is worse. My hands are super itchy especially my fingertips. I have been to the hospital over 10x since this illness and everything comes back normal including my bloodwork.
Here are the results of my mri:
Gastrointestinal: Stomach, duodenal sweep, jejunal and proximal ileal loops appear normal. Multiple ileal loops in pelvis and RIGHT lower quadrant appear less than maximum distended somewhat limiting wall and lumen evaluation. Terminal ileum is less than maximally distended also limiting evaluation. Nevertheless, minimal wall thickening and mild hyperenhancement of terminal ileum appear to be present compared with more proximal ileal loops. No inflammatory change in adjacent fat. Recommend colonoscopy with endoscopic evaluation of terminal ileum and if needed tissue diagnosis for definitive evaluation. Moderate RIGHT colonic stool, poor LEFT colonic distention. No obvious pathologic wall thickening or hyperenhancement of colon.
Any opinions or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Please bear with me as this post may be a bit long.
Roughly 7 months ago I got super sick, doctors never diagnosed me with anything but said I had some kind of very bad viral infection. Was tested for Covid, mono, bacterial infections, fecal tests, all came back clean. Around that time my symptoms were mainly GI, upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting/nausea, loss of appetite, throat felt super think and it was hard to swallow anything. Had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy, both came back normal. After a couple months of going through that and 30 pounds lost, I started to get better from that part of the Illness and started having nerve related issues. I gained most my weight back but still felt ill everyday plus some mild right side flank pain. My arms and legs always felt like they were burning and my lower back as well, also had full body muscle twitches which spooked the heck out of me. Since day 1 my ears have always been ringing and popping daily. I was sent to a rheumatologist and they did a full blood work up, where I tested Ana positive but clean of everything. No sjorgens, lupus, RA or any other autoimmune disorder. After a couple months of nerve related issues I was sent to two different neurologists. Both conducted emgs and told me my emgs were clean, no peripheral nerve damage, absolutely no signs of als, and no pinched nerves. Also brain mri with contrast normal and lower lumbar mri normal with a couple discs protruding. Over the last few months I have good days and bad days when it comes to my nerves and overall malaise feeling. I have consistently been constipated over the last few months where my stool is usually super flat.
Well a couple of weeks ago I had an mri with contrast and barium swallow performed roughly a week ago. Around that time I started to feel a tad better even my diarrhea came back and I wasn’t as constipated. Literally the day after the mri I started to get a burning/stabbing sensation on my lower and upper right abdomen. Same location burns when I eat and drink anything. It comes and goes and sometimes it’s super painful and sometimes my lower back pain and left arm pain is worse. My hands are super itchy especially my fingertips. I have been to the hospital over 10x since this illness and everything comes back normal including my bloodwork.
Here are the results of my mri:
Gastrointestinal: Stomach, duodenal sweep, jejunal and proximal ileal loops appear normal. Multiple ileal loops in pelvis and RIGHT lower quadrant appear less than maximum distended somewhat limiting wall and lumen evaluation. Terminal ileum is less than maximally distended also limiting evaluation. Nevertheless, minimal wall thickening and mild hyperenhancement of terminal ileum appear to be present compared with more proximal ileal loops. No inflammatory change in adjacent fat. Recommend colonoscopy with endoscopic evaluation of terminal ileum and if needed tissue diagnosis for definitive evaluation. Moderate RIGHT colonic stool, poor LEFT colonic distention. No obvious pathologic wall thickening or hyperenhancement of colon.
Any opinions or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Sick and tired of being sick and tired.