My story of confusion...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 8, 2011
Hello everyone,
I feel like I'm lurking at the wrong party but I'm desperate for some information. He's the deal...About a month ago I noticed that I was having very loose watery diarrhea that had blood mixed in and I was freaking out. I thought it might just be an internal hemorrhoid flaring up. But it persisted for a few weeks and I decided to go to a doctor. I was also noticing that I was having leakage when I passed gas. I had no abdominal pain aside from not passing gas for fear of soiling myself. My doctor did stool samples and a blood test and then sent me to a Gastroenterologist. Based on what I told him he suggested that I may have Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis, but he won't be sure until I have a colonoscopy done. I'm a few weeks away from the colonoscopy but I'm going stir crazy worrying about getting this diagnosis. I have read several websites describing the symptoms of both and I just don't seem to match the main ones. I have no pain, and I only have a bowel movement maybe twice a day, usually I'm going to the bathroom for fear of a wet fart. It's never painful but there is usually blood. I wanted to ask others to see if they have similar symptoms and what did they do about treatment? I admire anyone with this condition, but I'm still nervous about joining the ranks...
Hi and welcome. I am sorry you found yourself here. I understand how nervous you must feel about this possible diagnosis. And I must say, though you may not have all the typical symptoms, it does sound like IBD is possible. To be honest, my story started similarly to yours. The only symptom I had at first was passing mucus (I was nervous to fart, too), with a single episode of a 48 hour period of feeling fluish in and out of the bathroom with blood and mucus. That episode led me to the GI, and I was diagnosed with CD immediately after a colonoscopy. I had inflammation and ulcerations in my terminal ileum and rectum. I started taking Lialda, an anti-inflammatory. I think it has helped, and I have had more good days then bad. But at the moment I am battling a flare. For this I have added in cortisone enemas to try to reduce the inflammation.

I wish you luck with your upcoming procedure. I hope you don't have IBD, but if you do, remember it is not the end of the world. It will be challenging, but hopefully you will start treatment that will get and keep you well. Keep us posted!
Hey there and welcome!

First off, let's pray that you do not have IBD and that what you have is easily treatable. IF you do have it, we're of course here for you.

In the meantime, you're welcome to post anywhere on the forum and of course we also have an Undiagnosed Club you may want to check out.

Keep us updated and good luck!
I'm not a doctor, but have you been tested for C. Diff? It's standard almost everywhere at this point, I think, but it's worth asking about. If it's C Diff you'll want to know sooner than later.

Good luck!
Hey lafguy! Welcome to the forum.

Not matching the main symptoms is definitely not that uncommon. A lot of the sterotypical IBD symptoms like to pop up, a while after initial problems begin. Which of course, makes it difficult for people who don't have all the normal issues.

Like David said, it'd be great if you didn't have IBD, but if you do, I would get yourself too overworked.

As per treatment: doctors vary in how they initially treat. Some believe that it is important to start with less dramatic therapy, in hopes of not subjecting you to anything you could have avoided. Some doctors prefer to use the big guns, in hopes of putting patients in remission ASAP. But if you're only bleeding, in no pain, and nothing abnormal, I wouldn't be surprised if your doctor just put you on a 5-aminosalicylates... These are kind the bottom line drug. Affordable, with few side effects. I wouldn't think he/she would do anything dramatic unless you were in obvious pain.

Don't be nervous :) There's nothing you can do to change it, so why bother wasting time thinking about it? It's not all bad.

Good luck, and nice having you here :)