My Story-OMG this is long

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 28, 2009
:depressed: In July of this year I was experiencing abdominal /stomach pains along with diarrhea. My DR thought it was IBS cause I have severe anxiety and my dad had IBS. So I was being treated but it wasn't really working. I took myself to the emergency room and they did a cat scan and found a endo. chocolate cyst on my right ovary that destroyed the ovary and fallopian tube. Also the cat scan showed inflammation in my cecum, which they thought was from the cyst. So everything was removed. I was so scared. But the stomach cramps continued along with more frequent bathroom trips (still though it was anxiety). So I finally went for a colonoscopy in October where whey discovered Crohns on my right side and some in my transverse colon. I have alot of pain and gurgling on the left which I dont understand. I they had a pill cam in November and he said it looked like it was almost gone (but I had been on prednisone and Pentasa). Oh by the way Prednisone drove me nuts literally, high blood pressure, increased anxiety, heart pounding. So now I am on 3000mg of Pentassa and 50mg of Imuran. I hurt everywhere sometimes, back, ribs,shoulders,head. I think this is anxiety related. I have 2 teenagers Anna and Tyler, 4 dogs, and 2 birds. I am very depressed and my husband is not that supporative. He says he is sick of talking about it. Oh and they only person in my life that would have been 100% supportaive was my dad who passed away this month. I dont usually have diarrhea and my stools are pretty formed with no blood. I just have pain and gurgling and lately nausea. Oh and yes my name really is Mary Mack!
Well is a proper :welcome: for you Mary :O) OK - this makes it much much easier to know where you are coming from. And *no* - your story isn't long at all!! Mine was probably twice as long as that LOL!

1) I am soooo sorry that you have recently lost your father. I can only imagine that some of what you are experiencing physically is from that all by itself.
2) How long have you been on Imuran? Maybe this is where you nausea is coming from? I just read this online:
Gastrointestinal side-effects occur commonly with Imuran. Nausea (with or without vomiting) occurs in 10-15% of people taking this medication. This most often happens during the first 3 months and can be minimized by taking the medication after eating.
3) Great on the prednisone practically clearing everything up (even with those annoying side effects! - They probably need to put you on something anxiety wise if you have to take it again to level you out). The important thing now is to let the Imuran get up to the level it needs to be to keep the disease away - that is its function. If you *just* started it, it can take a month or two to get leveled out. If you feel like you are flaring *right now* - maybe a visit back to the doc would be a good idea. They may need to bridge you over with something like entecort (since you didn't tolerate the pred well) to get you through until the Imuran can kick in fully.

Men on here have attested to the fact that sometimes they aren't so good at being able to offer support. Guys tend to be "fixers" and if it is something they feel they can't fix for you - sometimes their reaction can be helplessness, or indifference, or even anger. Maybe it would be a good idea to find a local CCFA chapter in your area and see if they offer any support groups you could join in? It might really help you, especially with the anxiety.

And....well, we have already talked about the anxiety. I still think that is a super important thing for you to look into. By itself it can be detrimental to your health. Add a chronic illness on top of that - and it can be down right trouble. I believe I have created flares for myself just by being upset. Take it from me....I'd look into medication - even if it is a trial period of it - just to see if it helps you out.

OK - my 2 cents. Thank you for posting your story Ms. Mary Mack ;o)
Welcome Mary and thanks for sharing your story. As Peaches said, it makes it so much easier for us to know where you are coming from!
I totally understand the anxiety. It is an awful beast and can cause all sorts of physical sensations in your body, so sometimes it is hard to know if it is anxiety or somethign else going on. DEFINATELY if you aren't on anything for anxiety, I would recommend it. I started taking something recently as it (and depression) just got way out of control. And it has helped, not completely, but made a difference!
Also, if it helps, I had a really bad night and day a few days ago with pains and cramps and D and then everything was fine. I don;t know if that was what could be called a small flare or not. Just saying, sometimes it does pass!

Real sorry to hear about your dad, Mary. I lost mine a year and a half ago to colon cancer. Seeing him in severe pain not unlike what I once went through was very difficult. I lost my best friend.

Don't be afraid to discuss anything here.

Hopefully you feel better soon.
Welcome Mary... your story def wasn't long.. my was probable triple that!! :)

I hope you get everything under control soon and start to feel better I know I didn't react well with Imuran so keep an eye on that but hopefully you have more success.

Any questions you have feel free to ask nothing is too big or small for us to try and help answer or give support. Good luck.
Hi Mary. I am truely sorry about your dad. My wife and I lost our dads a year apart and with CD the stress really did some damage.

I know what you mean about the Pred. I have taken it many times and suffered from anxiety every time, The first time being the worst. But it did what it was suppose to do and that was get things under control.

I'm glad you found us because we will be here to help and support you every step of the way. Plus when your having a really bad day, some of these ladies on here will do something silly and you will laugh. Trust me! Its the ladies!!!!
Welcome aboard, Mary. Happy New Year!

Sorry about your dad. Sorry about the CD diagnosis. Pred does drive you crazy. I'm on Imuran too (actually 6-mp, but same thing) and it's doing well for me. Hope it helps you too.
Welcome Mary! :)

I am really sorry to hear about the loss of your father and your suffering from Crohn's.

I can't give much advice since I just found out I had Crohn's this month, but I joined the forum immediately after and I can tell you the people on here are great and so supportive. I think this will be like my internet "family" for months/years to come. These people know where you are coming from and no problem is too big/small for them.

You came to a great place and I hope you find comfort in talking to people who are in the same boat.

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