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Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 1, 2010
Im 23 and live in NJ. I hope this forum can help me maybe make some decisions or answer some questions i have.
For about a month i was having diarrhea around 4 to 5 times a day. Not really having any pain in my abdomen i dont really know what i was thinking it could be. During this time I was going thru crazy pain in my legs do to a pinched nerve from 2 herniated discs in my lumbar. Also TMJ witch makes my jaw hard to open and difficult to chew. Going thru that I guess put the diarrhea in the shadows. Till one night at work I had a bowel movement and it was just blood. From work I want straight to the hospital. I was there for 5 days.

At the hospital they did a ct scan that showed inflammation on some part of my intestines. I was hooked up to all kinds of IV for dehydration, enema and who knows what else. The whole 5 days I was there I didn't eat one thing. The night before I left I had a colonoscopy. They knocked me out for it, all I remember is them giving me a shot then when I woke up for no reason I flipped out. The colonoscopy and biopsy confirmed Crohn's.

Since leaving the hospital I was given asacol 400 mg (2 pills 3 times a day). I didn't take them right away because i was also taking pain meds for my legs and started a steroid pack also for the leg pain (pinched nerve). Im no Dr. but I just dont think taking all these pills together is a good idea. I been seeing a chiropractor and as of now have no more pain in my legs and have not taking any pain meds for a while. Then what felt like a month after being diagnosed I had a follow up with the gi and thats when i finally started taking the asacol. From the first pill to the last pill I took I had a constant headache. This was a bad two week headache. I ran out and since then no pain in my head.

I had a 2nd appointment with my gi and told him every thing that was going on. The little pain I was having before the asacol was still there, maybe feeling it fewer times. And other then this new feeling of pressure or something just right of my belly button. No diarrhea or blood since leaving the hospital, and around the same type of noise (squishing and moaning) inside my stomach, and the asacol was giving me headaches. So now he proscribed me Pentasa 500mg (2 pills 4 times a day). He also wanted me to start IV (Remicade). After thinking it over i dont think I want to do the iv.

I haven't taken any meds for 10 days. I have been taking omega 3 fish oil, probiotics, Curcumin and a multi v. Along with those I have been eating high antioxidant foods and food with anti inflammatory properties.

I still have those pains on the left side and lower right side. There not bad enough to make me want to go to the hospital. Other then that I have been feeling good and started to go out again and hang out wit friends.
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Have the alternative meds been helping? Otherwise, I'd consider the meds....the alternatives are what most wouldn't want to consider...

Just my 2 cents..
Welcome Nick,
I cant really add much except to comment on your first sentence. The people on here are very supportive and very knowledgeable - a lot of people have had Crohn's for 20 years or more. Most people on here are very open to just about any question and give great suggestions.
I am sure that some of them will be able to help you with your decisions :)

Anyhow, just wanted to say hello and welcome!
Extreme vaporizers
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Welcome Nick! I am not surprised you dont want the meds, that is my theory too, but I also ignored and did my own natural stuff too and eventually (Crohns can creep up on you silently) I got back to getting worse. No one wants meds or the side effects, you are young and I get that, but I truly hope you can keep your Crohn's under control your way. Keep us updated . Since there is no cure, and everyone is different we do what we have to do, to stay well ;).
Hi Nick
and welcome

I have to agree with Jetta on this, ignore it, and you will pay the price in the future. I was young once, honest! and I was in that big river D-Nile! I didn't take my meds neither, thought that I knew best, thought that taking multi vits and having a healthy lifestyle would 'get rid of it' WRONG!!!
Inflammation can jump up and quite literally bite you on the arse whilst you're not looking!
Do yourself a favour, take your alternatives, but also take a maintenance drug like Pentasa, which is a prophylactic med, warding off future inflammation.
Unfortunately, during a flare, Pentasa is too mild, so don't write off a biologic like Remi or Humira, or a course of steroids like Pred.
good luck with your decision, glad you found us
lotsa luv
Joan xx

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