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Jun 10, 2010
I was recently diagnosed with Crohns disease. a few months ago I never had any symptoms. But around April of this year my feet started to hurt really bad to the point i was unable to walk. Originally i went to a podiatrist who suggested i take a bunch of ibuprofen because i had inflammation in my feet but after taking ibuprofen for a couple of weeks my stomach started to hurt really bad. Eventually i had blood in my stool, had loose stools and after a while couldn't eat anything because it hurt sooo bad when i went to the bathroom. I finally was admitted to the hospital had a colonoscopy which states my condition favors crohns which from what my GI says indicates yes i do have crohns disease. This issue has been very hard to deal with because i've never really been a strong person. I find myself crying uncontrollably at the uncertainty of a uncurable disease. Praying and reading has seemed to help alot. I just keep questioning myself, will i live in pain forever, because it still hurts when i go to the bathroom, will i ever be able to eat anything, will i be able to finish school, i only have one semester left to finish. I have four kids and have just layed in bed for the week, I feel soo bad.
Awe Donna, so sorry you are going through so much. We are stronger now because this disease makes you stronger, you have to learn and do the trial and error thing, heck I am still do it 18 years later. Yes I have my bad days and yes I hate it when I have no life sometimes. But I have good things I am happy for like family and no pressures in my life. My daughter is in University and I still worry but I am trying hard not to let small things bother me and I am looking after me. Everyone is different in the disease and medications, I envy those who have it very mild. I have done alot of sobbing thru the years but I am still here and damned if I am going to let this disease get the better of me. You have to try and be strong, your children and husband need you too. You'd be surprised where the strength comes from, so hang in there, hope you cheer up soon, seeing a counselor would be a good idea and not be ashamed. Keep us updated on how you are doing and if we can help you. Hugs.
Donna don't beat yourself up over this. Life is wonderful even with a few bumps along the way. I have had Crohn's since 2007, and yes it can be hard at times, but it's not a death sentance. You doc will get you the right meds and you will be doing much better. Think positive, and if you need someone to vent to I'm here.
Take care it will get bettr.
Donna, sorry you are going through this. I also was recently diagnosed with crohn's and had sore shoulders so I started taking ibuprofen. I think it really contributed to how bad I felt. You should not take ibuprofen or aspirin, Tylenol is OK.

Is the doctor putting you on any medicine? I would think they would put you on steroids, prednisone. Prednisone is not good for you long term but it is sort of the fire department of drugs for crohn's and often a course of it over a month or two can get you calmed down while they start you on a more permanent drug. I went from that to Lialda and I am doing pretty good.

Back in April-May I was in terrible shape, I lost almost 30 pounds, had no energy etc. Now I am doing a lot better, I actually have gained back 9 pounds.

So hang in there, you should be able to get to a more comfortable place with some meds. Don't hesitate to call your doctor either and ask them to speed things up also if your not on anything yet.

Good luck!

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