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Hello All,
I joined a few days ago, my daughter found how she had Crohns after months of pain with what she thought was a hemmiroid, had minor surgery to clean out the site, but it wouldn't heal..fistula had developed, and she had colon blockage, bleeding, she was just a very sick girl, lost 70lbs i finally got her to go into the hospital 16 days 5pints of blood, 2 surgeries and a
remicade treatment later, she came home couldn't sit up but she felt better with her stoma, doctor said it had to be done to give the rectal area a rest and the fistula area could heal 3-6 months, it was a very large area, and has shrunk a bit, but it's still open and red in color, had to be taken off remicade due to a reaction, now she takes humira shots weekly, has gained some weight back, feels good (no pain in the butt,lol) can i change her diet to make it heal faster? she does want to return to work, vitamins maybe? i ask her to speak to the doctor who said trial and error, but that could take forever...thanks Sam
Welcome . . . Sounds like your daughter has been through a lot. Many of us have too. Hang in there and keep searching for what works the best for her. We are all individual and have to trial and error a lot about this illness. Keep posting and asking those questions, there's a lot of experience from our members.
Hye there,

Thoughts going out to your daughter, I am pleased that things can start to calm down for her now. I am a strong believer that positivity and smiling can help to cure a person. I amn't sure about the diet situation and some of us crohns people don't dissolve vitamins into our system or it can cause stomach upsets depending on how the person reacts with it. I hate to say it but I agree with your doc and use the good old trial and error technique.

All the best for you and your daughter.
Aloha Sam and welcome to the forum! Your daughter is truly blessed to have you helping her get through this. Ditto what the others said. Trial & error because it's different for everyone, and can be different for an individual as time passes. What works this week might no be so good when symptoms change.
Welcome to the forum Sam..I hope your daughter is recovery quickly. I'd sya it's more trial and error for her individually as far as food goes as well. She'll learn with time what foods her body can handle and those she can't. A good multi-vitamin is sure to help. Trust me, I'm going through the vitamin thing as we speak. (Crawling slowly out of this hole I'm in) It's a lot to handle all at once, so just learn as much as you can about Crohn's and be there for her to lean on. Just having someone that cares makes a world of difference. You'll both be in my thoughts. Take Care ~ Tonya
I was doing a little research and just saw this and thought of your daughter. I have never heard about this before so can only show you what I read and maybe someone from the forum can give more info or you can find somethig on it. Hope it helps.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Several studies have suggested that HBOT may be a useful additional treatment for some people with CD. HBOT is a technique in which a person is given 100% oxygen at greater than normal pressure. The increased pressure raises the amount of oxygen being delivered to tissues, and this enhances the body's wound-healing abilities. This enhanced ability is particularly useful for people with CD in difficult-to-treat areas such as the anal region.
WELCOME ABOARD ... I am sure that you will find the awnsers that you are looking for here & I will pray for you that you will find the help that your looking for too.

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