Good Morning Everyone. My name is Kristy and I'm a 29 yrs woman from Long Island NY. I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease 2 years ago and just when I think I'm improving a flare comes up. It's a constant battle and well I figured I would join a forum for support being as though you guys know exactly how it feels. They had me on sorts of medicine: Pentasa. Prednisone, Imuran and something else that I can't remember the name to. None of it seemed to helps so i stopped taking medication and completely changed my lifestyle. No drinking, smoking, no fried foods, red meat, heavy sauces...lots of things. I've lost over 130 lbs and which that is good it's bad too. I find myself with no appetite often and my hands and nose and feet are often very cold. I'm very sensitive to a flare up whether it be...moving, mentrual period, stress and its very frustrating. I went back to the doc and got put back on Pentasa hoping that would help, but I feel as though the pain has subsided for the most part but the diharrea is still very much there and I sometimes feel feverish. I havent had children yet and I really want to so i dont want to take lots of meds. I have a great family and boyfriend who are very supporting but at times I feel all alone. Is there anyone out there that can relate? and have any tricks that may help. I was reading on Goji juice and has anyone had the same side effects from Pentasa? I appreciate the support.