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Nov 28, 2020
Its been quite awhile since i posted.
As i had abruptly disappeared without a clear case as to what was wrong with me.
I had two lovely gents trying to help me through it, and i left it on the idea that i had a gallstone? I believe thats how i left it.

Well after months of thinking that, that ended up not being the case(remained dormant). In fact, my stomach issues over just the past two years have evolved tremendously, dozens of times, and not one time was i in the hospital (maybe 2 years ago, but memory fades). Of course i recently had a cat scan, i do still have appointments nd such that i regularly frequent. However, the issue lies in -how many times the stomach situation changes for me, and it makes me look... Well, crazy.

At the moment i have, what i believe is constipation now. Yes, after all of that i have been left with constipation. Of course it is not that simple. As the last 3 months i desperately tried to see my gastro about a possible abscess that i felt, somewhere different this time. He even said that he saw 'liquid'(from the ctscan results)-in the message he left with my grandmom (my grandmom is old nd she mis-translates messages all the time though).
Long story short, im not hung up on that idea now, as my main concern is fishing out this gooky excrement. Im just trying my best to drink alot and not add to any remaining issues. I just feel horrible, as im in constant pain and cant eat again, after i recently lost+regained 20 pounds, twice, spring season as i contended with -the issues of months prior. I just dont understand how one week i had diarhea, then the next im constipated. It does not make sense.
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That happens all the time with IBS-M (mixed) also called IBS-A (alternating) as in alternating between diarrhea and constipation. Has your doc assessed you for that?
Thank you for reply.. Wow, ive never heard of that.. I dont believe ive been tested for that, not to my knowledge. Usually i tell him how i havent had issues passing stool, nd usually experience a so&so pain... So i believe it would be a recent occurence...
I have been trying to get ahold of the doctor, as he is always busy. What im crossing my fingers for, is that im able to drink alot and pull water into the stool, and have it become 'passable stool', once again, cause im not getting much movement -to allow me to pass one- atm. Ive had something like this happen before, nd i had to... Well, make mess, so to speak, to get it out lol... I think u can draw to conclusion, but like... Iuno this is quite unusual. I need to look into IBS-M, IBS-A, that sounds interesting... I'm diagnosed with Crohns atm and have been on humira for several years, but it hasnt been working as well as it should be.
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"If you don't eat enough you're not getting enough food AND fiber and you're going to have less insulin coming from the pancreas. This lack of insulin leads to water loss which is necessary for a soft stool. If you lose water you won't have water to mix the food with the stool, it will get hard, and you'll get constipated."

I was seeing if there was any way i could leave a personal document on my hospitals site records, that all doctors could view, like update-history. As i did stay for 7hrs. I had to run due to an anxiety attack.
It was a fortuitous leave though, as i passed a giant bm, cleared myself out, and can start accounting from the point of what i ate yesterday. So i will continue to keep things documented from this thread.
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Long segment of stricture in the terminal ileum with imaging findings of active inflammation. Upstream small bowel dilatation. There is also involvement of the cecum and the appendix. Inflammatory mass in the right lower quadrant adjacent to the ascending colon with tiny locule of air. Possible fistulous communication between the inflamed terminal ileum and the appendix...

I highlighted this record of mine from a month ago, as it shows "me" from a point where I had similar issues. My current plan is to really get on this relentless inflammation, but it seems to aggrivate/spur activity all around when anything passes a certain area.
I can do it, if I really get ahold of my stress levels. I will need external help if the inflammation becomes overpowering.
Long segment of stricture in the terminal ileum with imaging findings of active inflammation. Upstream small bowel dilatation. There is also involvement of the cecum and the appendix. Inflammatory mass in the right lower quadrant adjacent to the ascending colon with tiny locule of air. Possible fistulous communication between the inflamed terminal ileum and the appendix...

I highlighted this record of mine from a month ago, as it shows "me" from a point where I had similar issues. My current plan is to really get on this relentless inflammation, but it seems to aggrivate/spur activity all around when anything passes a certain area.
I can do it, if I really get ahold of my stress levels. I will need external help if the inflammation becomes overpowering.

That excerpt from the medical report sounds serious enough that the inflammation may already be overpowering. The possibility of fistula is especially concerning. You may well need something stronger than a reduction in stress levels (i.e. strong medication) to get the upper hand with this condition.
That excerpt from the medical report sounds serious enough that the inflammation may already be overpowering. The possibility of fistula is especially concerning. You may well need something stronger than a reduction in stress levels (i.e. strong medication) to get the upper hand with this condition.

I agree with you, as it does feel pretty gnarly pain wise nd everything...
Thank you for looking that over, as i needed an outside opinion/human interaction.
I am doing liquids today and thinking over my options. I gave my doctor a letter that says how i feel now that ive passed the BM.
The next thing is to get an MRI. I believe that was next on the agenda.
I was /?able to eat 3 eggs benedicts (no ham) yesterday.... Able as in, suffered through the pain. Damn did they taste great though...
If i can atleast poop/flush those out, atleast i will know i am still going. If not, the blockage and 'bad area' have really taken over.
Update after MRI/+ Question, regarding what i can do...

"....There is a complex fistula with tethering of multiple loops of bowel in the right lower quadrant, involvement several loops of distal ileum, sigmoid colon, and likely the appendix. There is associated bowel wall thickening and enhancement of the involved loops compatible with active Crohns. Seen is a 2.7 cm gas-containing inflammatory mass posterior to a loop of distal ileum involved with the fistula."

This does jive with how it feels as food passes it.
My question is, what can i do about this? Im very nervous in facing the possibility of remicade/infusion, as i have severe anxiety being in hospital for even an hour/2 hours... I mean, maybe I could do an hour, but still it builds up over time and i cannot stop myself from getting impatient.
There must be an alternative, right?
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So there are injectable biologics
Such as humira,cimiza ,Stelara
Which can be given at home
No hospital required

my kiddo was on humira for over 5 years
And now has been on Stelara for over 5 years
No issues
Can you talk to your therapist about your concerns ??
So there are injectable biologics
Such as humira,cimiza ,Stelara
Which can be given at home
No hospital required

my kiddo was on humira for over 5 years
And now has been on Stelara for over 5 years
No issues
Can you talk to your therapist about your concerns ??

Yes I've currently been discussing my issues with therapist. We are trying to work out a solution, although I'm unsure how to resolve such things mentally, tho time will tell....
O wow, *Cimzia, *Stelara i never heard of those, i'll have to look into it. That's great, Definitely sounds like somethin... I'm nervous i'll need surgery for this fistula situation, although to be honest, my gastro has yet mention anything of the sort.. My mom has had 3 or 4 surgeries for her Crohns dilemmas, ive only ever had an abscess drained, which was a very simple process. Surgery makes me nervous, altho i suppose im just goin' w/ the flow for now. Thank you.
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In the US at least
Remicade etc….can be done in your home with infusion from a home health nurse
So no actual hospital visit
In the US at least
Remicade etc….can be done in your home with infusion from a home health nurse
So no actual hospital visit
O wow i didnt know that... I am likely to consider that, absolutely as i am much more comforted, relaxed, etc at home..
I was approved for avsola which i suppose is the same as remicade in that regard... I will ask my gastro about this, thanks.
I'm DEEP into this, when it comes to 24 7 grueling, lethargic, exhausting, pulling on my mind to wrap around either -> "its the acid pains!... its the cramping pains!!"...
... and what to do about.... how to go about eating... how to manage the torment.

And so i waited 5 months to get on a new biologic, Avsola... My 1st infusion (at home mind you) just happened a couple days ago... i felt like it helped. I felt like it was a contribution I need, in the overall process of things i have needed to go on...

I'm monitoring this thing to death. It's all i can do. I'm very weak and vulnerable. But i feel confident. My digestion is very poor. Its like, carrying a large boulder for 10 hours down the shaft, just to shimmy a small portion/morsel down my intestine. Its this dang fistula(what i call the bad area) that tends to hold things up... And its changed position many times -as being acclimated to different positions would heal one area, and inflame another.

Thats my life rn... Im digging DEEP like i said. I sometimes have one good moment in the morning, and Im trying to exploit that. But it is tough let me tell you.
It has become incredibly complex since prior posts.

Im just gonna fast forward right now, and say how im in the hospital, had my surgery yesterday.

Has anyone had surgery before... ?like, w/ a big incision in both stomach and intestine.... how does 1 go about healing...

How do i heal faster. What do i do about the pain?
I would like to report now... lets do the math , Jul 11, 2023... and its now what... December 3 2024 (so almost two years—it will been in july of next year)

I can say that, not only have i not had ANY any any crohns related issues, i have also not had diarhea or any mucus or any kindve weird bowel movements. Now this is largely due to how i have remained steadfast, eating the same super healthy things every day... And if anyone wants to learn wat that is id be happy to share...

Suffice to say that, thats it... i wish i got surgery a long long time ago, instead of struggling for two decades... So thats my two cents, get surgery lol.. I wouldve saved myself a lot of trouble. Now, ive had many other terrible things that were happening at the very same time, multipliers to that, making it even more stressful, more painful and unbearable. But i also moved, and got away from it. Though, a part of me is now like... This ball of chaos, free floating in space, after armegeddon, so its kindve like... the embers after...
I would like to report now... lets do the math , Jul 11, 2023... and its now what... December 3 2024 (so almost two years—it will been in july of next year)

I can say that, not only have i not had ANY any any crohns related issues, i have also not had diarhea or any mucus or any kindve weird bowel movements. Now this is largely due to how i have remained steadfast, eating the same super healthy things every day... And if anyone wants to learn wat that is id be happy to share...

Suffice to say that, thats it... i wish i got surgery a long long time ago, instead of struggling for two decades... So thats my two cents, get surgery lol.. I wouldve saved myself a lot of trouble. Now, ive had many other terrible things that were happening at the very same time, multipliers to that, making it even more stressful, more painful and unbearable. But i also moved, and got away from it. Though, a part of me is now like... This ball of chaos, free floating in space, after armegeddon, so its kindve like... the embers after...
I’ve had my colon + taken out, managed life with continuous diarrhea (due to no colon to hold the water) but was OK because I’m scared to go on biologics, especially since I have no veins and live in a remote area! Now Crohn’s has moved up into my small intestine so my Dr. is beginning another push for biologics.

I’d like to KNOW what you HAVE BEEN EATING to keep you well! Your entire WELLNESS REGIME. I’ve dealt with Crohn’s since 1983 when I had my first major surgery, etc. etc. Around 2,000 I stopped worrying about what I ate and went with a regular, good4, healthy diet. Now, perhaps if I paid more attention to what types of foods I ingest I could get better, it’s worth a try again, at least.
So I’d appreciate it if you could share your thoughts with at least me, on remaining healthy!
Thanks for your time and input!
As to my history, I stayed on the old type of Crohn’s diet for 20 years with it not seeming to be beneficial, that’s why I stopped paying attention to what I ate minus a few exceptions to the rule.
I’ve had innumerable surgeries: 3 major abdominal ones related to Crohn’s and revisions plus over 10 for rectal fistulas that were the bane of my life for a decade. Not to mention infected port-a-caths, central lines, etc., and a major clot that one produced. Crohn’s hospital stories are endless so I will stop 🛑! Suffice it to say I’ve been through its wringer BUT it’s not the worst thing to deal with! Try severe episodes of acute pancreatitis for no reason behind EITHER ONE of these diseases. No causes, family hx, etc. Frustrating? Very!!! Now I’ve added Chronic pancreatitis (all assume I’m an alcoholic but I don’t even drink) is now on my resume with bouts of acute pancreatitis thrown in occasionally. The big problem/ question is when I’m experiencing pain it’s difficult to differentiate between the two unless the pancreatitis gets bad enough for hospital admission. My threshold for pain is very high so I usually don’t know which disease is inflamed, therefore in need of treatment.
So, I wish to return to a healthy diet that’s working for someone else who was dealing with so many of my same issues (despite that most of mine were caused by surgery)! 😂 Regardless, as rare as it is to have Crohn’s in the colon, I did. And when they finally figured it out my entire colon was in shreds so it had to be taken out, thankfully they were able to save my rectum.
Now, I want to try eating the best way possible so I can hopefully avoid biologics!
Thanks, Mo7
I’ve had my colon + taken out, managed life with continuous diarrhea (due to no colon to hold the water) but was OK because I’m scared to go on biologics, especially since I have no veins and live in a remote area! Now Crohn’s has moved up into my small intestine so my Dr. is beginning another push for biologics.

I’d like to KNOW what you HAVE BEEN EATING to keep you well! Your entire WELLNESS REGIME. I’ve dealt with Crohn’s since 1983 when I had my first major surgery, etc. etc. Around 2,000 I stopped worrying about what I ate and went with a regular, good4, healthy diet. Now, perhaps if I paid more attention to what types of foods I ingest I could get better, it’s worth a try again, at least.
So I’d appreciate it if you could share your thoughts with at least me, on remaining healthy!
Thanks for your time and input!
1983!!?!. . Wow ur like my mom who has had Crohns since her young years (not quite sure wat year it wouldve been, but shes bout 60 now..)

Anyway im tryina remember if its our small or large intestine we had issues w/ (shes had multiple surgerys, i, only this one, but we have had virtually the same exact issues...)

So heres my life/opinion. Theres a several things to understand, like... A) How much to eat, B) What to eat, C) Getting the extra vitamins either through liquid/drinks, or some other means (not shakes, unless you like them—ive never drank and will never drink...) D) Knowing when to give your stomach rest (for getting into remission) which usually implies either eating very little that day/week, making sure your not overeating def, and worst case scenario, just not eating until youve gotten enough rest.... I'll go on addressing these in more detail.

i should posit the fact that, if you currently have any issues like fistulas or some sortve inflamation, youll have to tweak what im saying to best reflect your circumstances, cause this is like, the life i live now.. however back when i had severe issues, things were much harder, and it really couldve only been solved surgically (this is goin back to like, 10+ years ago, as i went on far too long with severe issues, not knowing that my life would become such chaos, and so too would my crohns..)

A-1) How much depends on how much you weight. My mom and i are little people (im 5'7 120 lbs at my heaviest) so i eat like one meal a day anyway... so i recommend one meal that you give all your heart and love, poured into,... but thats just me...

A-2) p.s. i dont sit when i eat anymore. i found that to be really really disruptive to the whole like.. primal factor and the natural stomach flow

B) What to eat. Now we can have fun revealing my pride & joy work, as i stand around in kitchen all day and experiment/work on this Asian style of cooking (with no Wok, no bad oils — only avocado oil, and very little used).. Its quite simple really, however if youve never cooked asian white rice—and you want to know—ill have to explain that in detail, because you will screw it up over and over until...

So besides the rices, its quite simple. However the sauce for the chicken (tenderloins) does have some very particular things. Heres the parts that are commonly found: apple cidar vinegar, ketchup, Sunluck duck sauce, (occasionally i add the smallest bit of plum sauce and hoisin sauce by the brand SunLuck as well)... now the part that is actually quite specific and highly contested between me (whos not asian at all) and all these asian ppl i have been talkin to online now, is the "oyster sauce". This is because, i believe, it HAS to be Premium Oyster sauce (i will tell you the brand when i get home as im out atm, and its slipped my mind), i have tried non premium, and it was too salty... it should have "oyster" listed as first ingredient (theres more to the story, but its still being experimented w/ and such... cause originally i was trying to replicate a very different flavor.. long story..)

lol, sorry this is like gone with the wind. theres just alot to say here, as its a very heated and passion subject i guess)

in my next post i will tell you how i cook the chicken and how i then toss the sauce in later, cause you may not be familiar with the use of , what is (flour + cornstarch combined) the coating. sauce goes in pan after about, oh... couple minutes?.. i should wait til i get home , as i will be able to write all of this better when im home, without 3,000 ppl around me shoving me around in foodstore.

Alternatives: Healthy choice meals. i like the "sweet n sour" obviously, cause that is what this dish would be considered that we're making/describing.
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Other alternatives: before i got into this particular dish, i was also eating sushi... specifically, crab sushi rolls (without avocado) but the avocado is good in retrospect, also tuna rolls are good too. Many alternatives would be chinese/japanese things...

In the future there will be italian meals too, i just havent got around to it.

Also "Chicken & broccoli", however ive not learned how the sauce is made, so its kindve like, unfortunate , especially if you dont live near chinese places.
The rice is called " Nishiki" white rice, i remember that as they sell it at my foodstore... it has to be that kind, cause asian white rice has a special "sticky" thing in it . American rice doesnt have this. i dont even understand anything American, it all makes people ill... too much sugar or preservatives, etc. really bad stuff
I should also make sure that this is somethin you have a taste for, as perhaps you have to start at the beginning. as i first started appreciating chinese/japanese food.. i think sometime around the "Chicken &broccoli" phase ill call it, where we started trying sushi and sushi rolls after. That was like, the entry way into deciding i was gonna go full asian and just dedicate all resources into making my own version of (what ended up becoming) sweet n sour chicken. So, let me know if this is even something you would be in to atm, as i understand if it means you have to experiment a little, to get that part of ur mind on the map w/ trying asian food/cooking nd such.
So, I wish to return to a healthy diet that’s working for someone else who was dealing with so many of my same issues (despite that most of mine were caused by surgery)! 😂
Oh yes, my mom has had alot of issues now do to surgery. however shes doing just as good as me right now...

i guess you could say theres more to the story , beyond just eating well now, but its like... iuno how deep you wanna go...

You mentioned they took out your entire colon? im tryina think, like my mom has lots of scar tissue now, but iuno if shes ever said if her whole colons now out, ill have to ask her towhat extent they removed. that sounds pretty narly.

But yea, i think like... iuno... my mom kindve like... failed on several points that i basically carried her through... and i feel like, theres definitely more to the story. I kindve awoken a sleeping dragon, thats like... infinite information and possibilities that i dont know how to contain, or what direction—as far as imparting that information to you.
I think theres something like, a resectection right? like theres a possibility of having the colon re inserted or something? i think i heard somethin like that before. iuno, i am so far from the world of stomach issues, that im totally uninformed and not up on anything... i was like, researching all this like, tpn bag, nd crohns medicines at one point. but eventually it was just like... welll... okay wait, there was like , a trinity of issues i was experiencing at once... and they were all sortve like... wellone was my mom unfortunately... cause its like, im worrying about a person who was sabotaging everything around us (long story) , two was my neighbor, who lived... basically inside our anus, so that was unavoidable. he could just walk next door and pretend like he hadnt been... third was the crohns, and, it kindve got like... dormant for a little, when the chaos first started i think, but at the height of it, it was just like an all out war. hard to really explain. and i lost alot of friends do to this like, inability for anyone else to comprehend these... what would u call them, mid life crisis's of people, and like, iuno... ive never actually met people like the ones i was living with, or at one point i was staying at my grandmoms but she died. and so it was like... we ran from that house, then we stayed w my grandmom briefly, my mom nd i, before she died. then we moved again. so we lost our house (which was paid in full) as well as both my great grandmoms house, and my grandmoms, who had originally been owned by my uncle... these were like, historical homes, that atleast one of we shouldve been living in...
So sorry you've been through such stressful living at the same time as your disease seemed to be changing.
I believe the best thing you could give me is your Asian Rice recipe + ingredients whenever you have the time to do so. No hurry! I know everything physical there is to know, and there are no more SURGICAL fixes, thankfully. Had enough of those 🤗. Just trying to eat a bit better! Believe it or not, I discovered eating almost any type of rice helps slow down diarrhea! But your Asian rice sounds good and healthy! If I can slow down the amount of diarrhea I experience each day I believe I'll be able to reduce the amount of Chrohn’s inflammation, hopefully.
Yes, I'm 5,2”; 105 1bs; eat once/day for 1 full meal & also stand up to do so 🤗. Funny how we've developed many of the same habits. Is your mom still alive?? I couldn't quite tell from what you wrote, I hope so! I'm 72, developed Crohn’s when I was 18, but wasn't able to be diagnosed correctly until I was about 24! Crohn's used to be a much rarer disease then but I must say, I had docs that assumed psychological issues (a woman w stomach issues and regular tests show zilch). In nursing school I dx myself! Validated at last!
Thanks again for your input! I rarely, rarely, visit this forum any longer—just happened to catch your success record, congrats!
So sorry you've been through such stressful living at the same time as your disease seemed to be changing.
I believe the best thing you could give me is your Asian Rice recipe + ingredients whenever you have the time to do so. No hurry! I know everything physical there is to know, and there are no more SURGICAL fixes, thankfully. Had enough of those 🤗. Just trying to eat a bit better! Believe it or not, I discovered eating almost any type of rice helps slow down diarrhea! But your Asian rice sounds good and healthy! If I can slow down the amount of diarrhea I experience each day I believe I'll be able to reduce the amount of Chrohn’s inflammation, hopefully.
Yes, I'm 5,2”; 105 1bs; eat once/day for 1 full meal & also stand up to do so 🤗. Funny how we've developed many of the same habits. Is your mom still alive?? I couldn't quite tell from what you wrote, I hope so! I'm 72, developed Crohn’s when I was 18, but wasn't able to be diagnosed correctly until I was about 24! Crohn's used to be a much rarer disease then but I must say, I had docs that assumed psychological issues (a woman w stomach issues and regular tests show zilch). In nursing school I dx myself! Validated at last!
Thanks again for your input! I rarely, rarely, visit this forum any longer—just happened to catch your success record, congrats!
I'd also particularly like to know if you're regularly NOT EATING fresh fruit &/or veggies. I started back doing so. Plus, I'm quite familiar with month long elemental diets. I used to be treated w those via nasogastric feedings. I do knowhow to do that at home, short-time. I'm asking about an overall, long-term diet. Thanks!!
Oh yes, very much alive. though, shes had times where she (and maybe you can attest to this since yous seem to share many a similar issues now..) times where she... really, just kindve gave up?.. she gave up on herself... i dont know exactly why, as there was many different times, but of course our issues that stemmed from this very odd domestic dispute typeve situation u might call it, really was like... a major force... i mean... (let me send you this little... uhh... well its words. and then ill show you what i wrote about the cooking(you can just skip this next part nd go str8 to the cooking too...)
my mom was the queen of her high school. she was like, the person my friends would say, wow you have a hot mom. and stuff like that, but at the same time, i was under the impression that she was like... an adult?... And im not sayin she hasnt slowly become one, but like.. i guess its like i feel as though i gave her too much room to like... have confidence, when she needed to be told, "mom, you are over talking and *acting* confident, but really this is like a situation where you need to shut the f up now, and figure out what you are doing...", unfortunately i never said anything like that, and so we would find each other in these excasterbated situations... i have to blame my dad in part too, cause he never really did anything like that either for her, and... this is a long winded way to say that i trusted her in too many areas that were actually leading me into a death trap. And i got trapped, myself, in this hell hole that is too long a story to illustrate, suffice to say that i am like, tryina like... iuno... i feel as though a part of myself died in that house we ran from... a part that was suppose to traverse a normal routibe.. sleep... nd work somewhere, as wen i would try working and sleeping, the neighbor would knock at all hours, and.. so ive been stunted/awoken in this way to never sleeping.. and im in an infinite podt traumatic stress, that really ive gotten over, but that im like, trying to defend against a force that doesnt exist anymore... like, im preempting these midlife crisis that (im 35) but im like, okay any day now these people are gonna have a melt down all around me.

Except its completely silent... no sound... no rowdy neighbors, no gunshots and screaming, just a quiet that is like a dark woods. It sounds jovial and serene, but i just feel like, i could go in either direction, as at one point i weighed 40 lbs. and i was so stressed and breaking my teeth at night trying to withstand this... iuno wat u would call it, it was anxiety that made you wanna rip your skin off, or breakall your teeth, which i did. but its hard to really understand why unless i went through it in elaborate detail... okay lets jus see the instructions lol
### Sweet and sour

**Begin**: When i first start prepping i do two things, i soak the rice in a bowl (which isnt necessary, but its like tradition at this point, just to kindve "activate it". and only needs 1 or 2 washes max) When you make the sauce, you start with a small amount of apple cider vinegar in cup—you will discover/ find whether you like it more *sour* or not, as it is the ingredient that gives it the iconic sourness. Youll also add tablespoon (or a squirt from sink) of water (though i do this after all ingredients are in... dont really matter when it goes in though lol... i realize we are really gettin detailed now lol)

Okay at this point, you now have, white rice soaking, and like, a little cup of apple cider vinegar, that youve squirted a squirt of water in, or maybe not, as i put it in after everything else.

edit: i forgot to mention "how much rice" you should start with... start small, cause your most likely gonna get it wrong... but as you get use to it, youll understand the amount you want purely by feel... ill talk more about rice in the next post which is dedicated to the rice part...

So now you continue with sauce... lets measure it in *squirts*, it would be, mm roughly 2-3 squirts of ketchup, 1-2 squirts (call it a dallop of..) MegaChef Premium oyster sauce... and a dallop of Sunluck duck sauce. But, like i said, i like adding a small amount of their plum sauce, and a smaller amount of hoisin sauce too... (now ive been likin it me savory, so less duck sauce has been goin in, and more oyster sauce taken its place...)

**Oil**: Authentic Asians add ALOT of really bad oil, which is bad and we move to avocado only. tastes amazing on its own... taste like air, literally. if you taste a flavor in it, ill be surptised and ill apologize for being so confident. I only use a little though. I dont like deep frying *(forgive me, as youll see the words "i dont like" used alot in here, lol)*

**Batter**: If you are gonna have breading involved, its usually small amt of flour, small amount of cornstarch in a bowl. thats it. dont need nothin else.

note: i dont like the deep fried batter that taste like funnel cake.

**Chicken Broth**: I dont think anyone uses this in sweet n sour sauce, nevertheless its used in other sauces, BUT it has to be College Inn brand. If you buy a different brand by accident, youll learn youve made a mistake (note: this isnt in the recipe, but i just include it cause one day there will be something that requires it..)

**The Chicken**: One thing to note is, you have to break apart the chicken like they do in chinese (going against the strands) else itll be tooo chewy and disgusting... You break all the fiber apart, while still maintaining some semblance of each piece... If all else fails, dont be afraid to break it apart completely. keep it in clumps (then you coat it in the flour+cornstarch) That parts prettyself explanatory.. You coat it as much as you like. I make sure its coated thoroughly.

Step number... oh whatever.. this step is for prepping the pan. Avocado oil goes in the pan, and you have it simmering, as... you dont want the coating to washaway... it should only take a minute or so before its ready to transfer the coated chicken to the sizzling oil, which again isnt that much oil, only small amounts (Btw, one thing i havent yet addressed is the *height*, or strength of the flame(s)... it should ideally (believe it or not) be fairly high) —But whyy high and not med or low?... You could do medium, if you feel you need time to like.. gather your bearings, and do things in a more graceful manner i guess... so yeah, start slower the first time... im a savage when i get in the kitchen, but at the same time, i understand different ppl move at different speeds, and if you arent use to cooking like this, it might be unfamiliar territory. Though, what am i saying, your 72 like quadruple druple my age im sure you know more than me... Im just use to having to explain things in excusite detail for my mom and grandmom, etc.

so.. lets review where we're at... we took the coated chicken ... and then we spread it on the pan so that each semblance of each piece is separated, if that makes any sense, and then we would continue working, as its cooking... that means, you have a spoon or spatchula, or some means to flip those bad boys..

note: you wanna flip each piece like, every 30 seconds or so.. like... the "time frames" at this point are about quickness and agility... like, it puts your cognition to the test, cause you gotta be rdy to do multiple things at once, like an octopus w multiple arms...

Important, you are gonna have to add the sauce in once you flip it the second time... that means, the chiken may still look"raw", WHICH IS GOOD... perfect time to add the sauce, when youve "sealed" in the coating... so you toss the sauce!

note note: i actually think this is important (because i dont have many teeth, i need it chopped up specially—or i just like doing it, iuno) so that means that, after ive flipped it twice, and put in the sauce, i start choppin it vertically, then horizontally into little, itty bitty pieces.. while its cooking because... I FEEL like the texture is better when its miniturized bites. you could also wait til its done cooking, but im impatient, and its become part of the process for me.

Youll know its cookin right, because itll be congealing and, turning towards a "dried cranberry texture"... that actually means you slightly over cooked it when that happens, however, i like it when its like that.. Although, you might feel like, "Whys this taste like cranberries?" if that happens, so ... i mean it depends... ideally its somewhere between "sauce-like texture— and dried cramberry, that you want the sauce to be.

Hypothetical question: does it matter if the sauce is sizzling around on or underneath (soaking) the chicken?.. It doesnt matter, its just part of the process, and if you prefer to cook this sauce in some other way, then thats fine to. im not sure theres a reason, other than the fact that the sauce mixes with the oil and cornstarch, which gives it a slightly more asian texture.

**Overcooking**: Put on a low/med flame to gauge/&avoid overcooked, as we had said... although youll start to understand the benefits of high flame over time.

Anyway... its at this point we have to describe the rice, which ill do in the next post (usually, i am cooking the chicken WHILE im cooking the rice, so it means youd probably have already rinsed the rice... i had kinda hinted at the idea that we wouldve been doin multiple things while chicken was cooking.. but i digress... as its probably better to make sure your doin it right first, before you go at full speed. much like anything..)

if theres anything i forgot ill edit, or ill include it in the next post.
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### Dedicated Nishiki rice post

okay lets see if we can get this right on the first try, lol. or maybe you already said you know how to do this. if you do, thats good, your saving yourself from having to relearn, what ostensibly was akin to a nightmare (as its kindve like an ancient secret to those who dont know what they are doing...)

lets just describe it in terms of steps... as far as the relativity to what we described w/ cooking the chicken, its up to you if you wanna do it at the same time, but clearly if we are experimenting our first time, it takes some finesse and practice, practically speaking... cause its like a delicate flower the first time. once you get it right, then its a cakewalk.

You start with the easy part ... Which is how much rice to add... Because, its the only part that doesnt drastically effect the ratios, oddly enough... Lets not call them ratios, lets call em components, and theres four (technically five, if you count the width of the pot your cooking
- how much rice
- how much water
- how high the flame is
- how long to cook it
- and how wide the pot... i use a smallish pot so less rice is touching the bottom surface.

Now we are using a property of cooking that isnt quite steaming, and its not quite, cooking normally... think of it more like how electricity runs through wires—not as a literal stream of something, but that is effecting the actual metal and its atoms in some way. this is what we are doing to the rice, and the steam... We are effecting both the pot & the air molecules by heating it up. On your first tries youll be burning the bottom (cause its hard not to do that at first...) As, you will know when its done when it smells like someones making coffee (or a burning popcorn smell)

Thats fine. i often know its done by smell. however, ive done it so many times now that i can stop it right before (i usually have my nose up to the pot)

So, lets go backwards and figure out what we are doing, as ive yet describe wtf is actually going on here. And you can tell ive kindve lost my mind with this rice thing. But ive also lost my mind in general, so all tasks/activities are treated with the same temperment. it must. it shall.

So, assuming the rice has been soaking, oh, say a good half hour to hour. thats fine, done. pour out the water (i dont have any special contraption to catch rice, i just pour the b out) Then fill it back up w/ some water (as, we will gauge how much water to have in the pot, when its been poured into the pot, if that makes any sense..)

Now presumably speaking — You have poured/transfered, said contents of you soaked rice bowl, into pot... presumably, that pot has a lid (good to make sure you havent misplaced the lid... you never know... the fairies...)

And now, you are lookin at your pot like, "damn, i gotta get this water thing right?".. right. right,?.. Okay... What now?..

Look into the pot... is the water above the rice, below the rice, or like, *half* submerged, half, rice sticking out?...

IF its in fact, half submerged, PERFECT .. as THATS what you want, however... just to be sure we are on the same page, pour out even a tiny tiny tiny bit more, just so consensus shows that we did something. As, this is actually the hard part... And we want to be extra sure that you didnt add too much water...

What happens when youve overwatered?... it turns to sticky mush!... which isnt edible unless youve been cravin mushy oatmeal.

What happens if you dont add enough water?... Welll.... i mean, its not as bad as the mush, but youll have burnt alot of the bottom, and only some small amounts will have cooked , but remember, you can always add in more water, you cant really remove water, because once it soaks into the rice, your screwed.

You also dont wanna be taking the lid off over and over, as we are still using the steam, and each time the lids off the steams let out... You get it? Now that analogy i made about electricity is makin more sense if u catch my drift, because, yes, we want to steam the rice, but, what is actually producing the steam?.. Ding, ding.. The water. And water can be a good thing, or it could be your worst enemy. So its better to have added less water in most cases... thats the moral of that story..

but we're not finished... now in the next post is "How High The Flame?" (as well as how long to cook too)
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"How High The Flame?"


But not like, burnin down the drapes high, if thats even asetting. just like... the kindve high, where its like, "Woh, im no longer runnin it on medium anymore!.."

Now for "how long"....

This parts tricky, cause i dont count. i turn on the heat. go have a cigarette. i come in, wait about 5 minutes, and its usually done. i dont have a timer or anything goin on, i simply... figure it out in the moment everytime. I mean, ive been meaning to actually see how long its been taking, i just keep forgetting. But it makes sense, cause times are always gonna vary. Youll never make the same amount of rice twice. Your always gonna be like, "Let me try a little more of this... this time ill try doing that...", youll be twirking/fine tuning it to better fit your ideal taste, texture, etc..

I like my rice AL DENTE... You know al dente?... well, iuno wat to really compare it to, but chinese places make there rice on the mushy side imo... So, mine comes out more firm, more bite to it. It comes out, what id imagine is, the perfect rice texture. Although my mom prefers it like a mush
I'd also particularly like to know if you're regularly NOT EATING fresh fruit &/or veggies. I started back doing so. Plus, I'm quite familiar with month long elemental diets. I used to be treated w those via nasogastric feedings. I do knowhow to do that at home, short-time. I'm asking about an overall, long-term diet. Thanks!!
I eat lettuce and broccoli. but no fruits or rarely... i eat plums if i do, mostly... but i dont fret if i hadnt had fruit in awhile. im fine w like, vitamin C things.. its my vitamin d thats low sometimes, but i dont really fret about it... theres too many priorities on the list, and trying to focus on these vitamins isnt that high for me... i dont think in terms of vitamins, i think in terms of like a story, like, "Okay, we're in the wild... what is there to eat, what do we see around us.. is there a bushel of rosebuds amidst the snow covered shrubbery, or a laurel of raspberries... do we track the wolves, or focus on the horizon, and into the dawn the sun...", etcetera... i just try to mimick what those hunter gatherers would do, not for a health reason in that sense, but to like, feel my imagination doing something that isnt harping on like, ("Oh this girl said somethin, and it continues to bewilder me...") cause thats what i would be thinking had i not been setting myself towards some more grandeous vision.. i gotta be lost in the grandeur, for reasons that make it so that its not like, not making sense, all the time, if that makes sense. cause theres too many aspects that didnt make sense, and i cant bare to keep revisiting things that only make 5% sense, and im like, trying to insert myself into those equations/scenarios, and lines of questions... although, in some sense, to be lost, is to be discovering who the shadow is in the darkened lit room, like... to be confused is to seek people out. to know everything is to be in some sortve, individual place forever.
i wana add one note about the rice and water part that i forgot to mention... If its your first time doing this, you should have the impression that "Isnt this too little water?.. shouldnt there be more?"...

If you are asking yourself that question after, then you are on the right track and good job lolol...

i mean, im saying that humorously, but im very serious. the first time i cooked the rice right, i felt like there was literally no water in the pot... eventually i did figure it out... but i mean... it was not without a many wasted packages of rice, and thinking that there was some unbelievable secret or something, like some unattainable version of the rice that existed on a far out planet somewhere. cause whatever i kept buying was like, sticky mush rice. thats what i thought.

turned out, i just had to like... never listen to anyone ever? like, thats basically what it was, like... i someone learned more by talking to people less, its amazing lol (but we do have internet that is feeding us information 247, so iuno if it really can be called not talking to people... its talking to someone, just not in person-to-person in real life, talking)
though we did lose something by creating computers... we lost spontaneity... we lost like... actually working together to discover like... uhhh ... you know?
wup i forgot another thing. i drink seltzer water (and or sparkling water) as its good for cancerous cells and such. i heard that somewhere
@Aaahs Your right about the regular white rice bein good too. as, i just tried it w brussel sprouts, and i had a change of heart, it kindve blended well, and in my head i could see it working with some things, however.... one thing i forgot to mention thats probably even better (atleast to me) is riced cauliflower, or riced broccoli.... Another, that i recently just got into, was *Oatmeal*, as i was tryina find recipes, not purely for eat, but for skin purposes (my skin, with lack of vitamin d, and also sun, is also very very dry atm...) therefore i created this oatmeal blend/mask with avocado oil (repurposing avocado oil) and, i also found that "vitamin e oil" can sometimes help... in regards to dry skin now, as i found coconut, arghan, and other such oils that are commonly used were not working for me... and its still an ongoing experiment, so... im still trying different things (.. you might know of something that works for dry skin, if so id like to hear bout—like, something that gets applied to the face, as i recall using something back at my old house that we ran from, but i dont remember what it was...)
@Aaahs Another vegetable i didnt mention is potatoes and squash, as squash is sometimes considered an unusual one, but i know it has potential in certain italian dishes and such (my family was Italian, and so there were several dishes they all grew up on nd such..) not that she used squash, but i found later that, it was such the perfect kind of vegetable to pair with tomato based things.

they spent like two days straight cookin it, marinating chicken for spaghetti - and there aint really any recipes online that resemble it, because it wasnt just like normal sauce thats like, heavy on the stomach (becauseve how tomatoey and acidic tomato sauce straight can be) but the sauce was like, merged with the spaghetti somehow (almost like it was sun dried- however it wasnt, because you taste each bite like its a full flavored sauce, so im really confused..) Iuno if she sat there stirrin it for hours or something, or how she did it... i wanna say the pasta itself was angel hair, but thats all i know, nd that might not even be right.

Ive also tried another families borsche soup, that was almost like, italian, becauseve how vegetably it was, with no meat, no sour cream (they didnt make it like traditional families, and didnt use any spices) and like.. iuno, i gave up on trying to figure it out... but it would presumably be alot easier than the italian food route, where the recipes seem a bit too far out of reach for me at the moment. Also, italian recipes require oil, and garlic, and tomato sauce... and overall, things that are kindve like ... a little sketchy when it comes to crohns... its usually like, iuno, i personally dont eat anything with heavy sauce for that reason, however on occassion i buy one of the cheap tomato pie/pizzas from the foodstore (that have that almost sweet flavor to them..) which is perfect, because its almost like... the sweetness *mutes* the acidity a little, which prevents diarhea (assuming your not in a flair up) fopr flair ups its like, all hells breakin loose, and who knows what can work in them situations. I never found anything to work 100%, and at one point i was just eating goat cheese, cause i was too afraid to eat anything else.
Srry i keep messaging but i forgot one more... i dont know if it technically counts as fruit, but "Apple butter", which is like apple sauce, without the acidic element .... i actually have to mix two different brands to capture the right flavor, cause every brand is different, just like every apple sauce brand is a little different.
Its been quite awhile since i posted.
As i had abruptly disappeared without a clear case as to what was wrong with me.
I had two lovely gents trying to help me through it, and i left it on the idea that i had a gallstone? I believe thats how i left it.

Well after months of thinking that, that ended up not being the case(remained dormant). In fact, my stomach issues over just the past two years have evolved tremendously, dozens of times, and not one time was i in the hospital (maybe 2 years ago, but memory fades). Of course i recently had a cat scan, i do still have appointments nd such that i regularly frequent. However, the issue lies in -how many times the stomach situation changes for me, and it makes me look... Well, crazy.

At the moment i have, what i believe is constipation now. Yes, after all of that i have been left with constipation. Of course it is not that simple. As the last 3 months i desperately tried to see my gastro about a possible abscess that i felt, somewhere different this time. He even said that he saw 'liquid'(from the ctscan results)-in the message he left with my grandmom (my grandmom is old nd she mis-translates messages all the time though).
Long story short, im not hung up on that idea now, as my main concern is fishing out this gooky excrement. Im just trying my best to drink alot and not add to any remaining issues. I just feel horrible, as im in constant pain and cant eat again, after i recently lost+regained 20 pounds, twice, spring season as i contended with -the issues of months prior. I just dont understand how one week i had diarhea, then the next im constipated. It does not make sense.
I hope you are better soon
I hope you are better soon
oh yes. im very much better now, its been almost two whole years since ive had any issues. i dont even know what i had mentioned gallstones about in that message from years ago, but theyve not told me about gallstones ever since. I had the surgery, and ever since, its been like, "Man... i really screwed up not gettin surgery a long time ago...", though i know from both my mom as well as @Aaahs that surgery isnt for everyone. i wish i could tell yas who did the surgery, cause hes who really was like, a really smart, young guy, who was in & out, had the whole surgery done in like a half hour.

i feel like i wanna get the surgery for minor ailments now, like, "Got a cold?", -"yeah, lets get the surgery for it, cut that cold brewin membrane out"... jk , but thats how i feel about it. its was super painful of course after surgery, but hey... once i started eatin, and realized there was zero pain, it was like. "Wow thats crazy". ive really been doin myself a diservice.
@Aaahs in case you wanna see how it looked, right after it was done... iuno why youd want to, but maybe its informative in some way... i never found out what the purple stuff is, but it looks cool


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the scar closest to the groin was to try doin it, such that he'd might not have to cut open belly, i believe.. the one on the far left is... i dont know, but the one on the right was something that had been draining pus, that i even had in prior to the surgery.. and man did that thing kill.. i mean, it was like , everyday i wanted it out, and it was draining for long, long. thats all i remember really.
oh yes. im very much better now, its been almost two whole years since ive had any issues. i dont even know what i had mentioned gallstones about in that message from years ago, but theyve not told me about gallstones ever since. I had the surgery, and ever since, its been like, "Man... i really screwed up not gettin surgery a long time ago...", though i know from both my mom as well as @Aaahs that surgery isnt for everyone. i wish i could tell yas who did the surgery, cause hes who really was like, a really smart, young guy, who was in & out, had the whole surgery done in like a half hour.

i feel like i wanna get the surgery for minor ailments now, like, "Got a cold?", -"yeah, lets get the surgery for it, cut that cold brewin membrane out"... jk , but thats how i feel about it. its was super painful of course after surgery, but hey... once i started eatin, and realized there was zero pain, it was like. "Wow thats crazy". ive really been doin myself a diservice.
Glad you are better
Experimentation: in regards to the other asian sauce im tryina figure, somebody recently suggested something called Kwong hun seng (which is a kind of sweet soy sauce) i have already tried sweet soy sauce, but it was very long ago, early in my experimentation... With that said, i had mentioned that, i thought the sauce had a sortve 'apply' quality to the sweetness, which got me experimenting (using the same base ingredients i mentioned, which ill put at the bottom of this message) and with the apple butters that i said i am a big fan of, and then omitting the duck sauce in place of those apple butters (musselmens is more like their sweet and chunky apple sauce, but other store brands often have that like *tangy* quality that musselmens is missing now..) And so, in this new sauce, you can choose to go in two different directions. If you are just having chicken , and want to go in a BBQ direction for bbq chicken, i recommend Jack faniels. They seem to have a very interesting original sauce recipe... However, if you prefer to go towards this mythological, chicken n broccoli sauce direction, it might mean adding a little chicken broth... of course, i myself am still figuring it out, but i realized that the apple butter kindve works in terms of finding that sweet apply flavor. theres then just the *savory* side to it that needs to be fleshed out.

Another thing i forgot to mention thats pretty important, is Kikkoman soy sauce, which i combine with a few drops of regular vinegar+water, to mix with the chicken n broccoli from chinese places i like to order from (i only ever orderfrom one place here, that i happen to now live around the corner from) as, although very good, its very rich, and so the soy/vinegar/water base dilutes it a little.

Base Ingredients: MegaChef Premium Oyster Sauce, Ketchup of any brand, Apple cidar vinegar, SunLuck brand of the following three: Hoisin, Plum and duck sauce, the duck sauce being primarily what i use, also... kikkoman soy sauce never hurts to have on hand.
note: i forgot to make a note of, if you try adding broth to anything it has to be *College inn* brand broth, else you will wonder why everything has a weird flavor. other brands have like, very strong carrot and other sorts of things that instantly ruin whatever your wrkin on.
Its been quite awhile since i posted.
As i had abruptly disappeared without a clear case as to what was wrong with me.
I had two lovely gents trying to help me through it, and i left it on the idea that i had a gallstone? I believe thats how i left it.

Well after months of thinking that, that ended up not being the case(remained dormant). In fact, my stomach issues over just the past two years have evolved tremendously, dozens of times, and not one time was i in the hospital (maybe 2 years ago, but memory fades). Of course i recently had a cat scan, i do still have appointments nd such that i regularly frequent. However, the issue lies in -how many times the stomach situation changes for me, and it makes me look... Well, crazy.

At the moment i have, what i believe is constipation now. Yes, after all of that i have been left with constipation. Of course it is not that simple. As the last 3 months i desperately tried to see my gastro about a possible abscess that i felt, somewhere different this time. He even said that he saw 'liquid'(from the ctscan results)-in the message he left with my grandmom (my grandmom is old nd she mis-translates messages all the time though).
Long story short, im not hung up on that idea now, as my main concern is fishing out this gooky excrement. Im just trying my best to drink alot and not add to any remaining issues. I just feel horrible, as im in constant pain and cant eat again, after i recently lost+regained 20 pounds, twice, spring season as i contended with -the issues of months prior. I just dont understand how one week i had diarhea, then the next im constipated. It does not make sense.
Welcome back I hope you can figure things out soon
one last thought on the diet/sauces, etc. There is somethin to the more traditional sweet n sour sauce that uses pineapple. i just havent invested enough time into exploring all the different angles... and i was mainly trying to figure out all the different options that can come from the base ingredients i had started with, seeing as i dont have lots of money to try lots of different things. thats not to say that someone else shouldnt try modifying everything and experimenting, as i wish i could experiment more, with different spices, etc.
Healthy choices sweet n sour
Heres the sauces ingredients after i looked up "healthy choice sweet sour sauce ingredients", online, though ive not actually sat down with it and worked on the exact ratios, nor have i tried it myself...

rice vinegar (or apple cidar vinegar is what i would use..), soy sauce, tomato paste, cooking wine, touch of ginger, and chili paste (probably not as important, if working with peppers: red, green and/or chili in the dish, and red peppers are my favorite, and safer for crohns probably too)

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