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Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Sep 23, 2011
Hi i'm new to this forums and forums period lol i'm 20years old from Calgary,AB. I myself do not have crohns but my boyfriend does.... I joined this forum to see if there were any other people who have a partner who is dealing with crohns and to even talk to the people who to learn more ect.

My boyfriend is 28years old and was diagnosed in 2006. Since July of 2010 he has been dealing with an on going flare up as well as blood clots in his legs aswell in his arms. I kid you not it is still going on he was on prednizone I think is how you spell it and immurane for over ten months and he has recently been on Remicad and immurane.... the problums keep occuring and the poor guy can't get a break he is currently in the hospital right now dealing with it once again. He has had over 30 blood transfusions since last July and been on blood thinners for over 10months now.

I am new to dealing with crohns and i'm trying to learn as much as I can about it. I keep myself as invoved as I can with him and his doctors. It is mentally straining on me... I love him and I hate to see him in pain and so sick hes so young. If anyone could give me advice or imput on my situation I am more then glad to hear it Don't be shy im all ears!
You are doing the best thing already by just being there for him! It is very draining on the partners of Crohn's sufferers, sometimes we don't look all that bad even when we are having bad days. Ask your BF what it is that he wants; maybe he is too tired to go out, but would be up for watching movies in. I know sometimes I agree to do to much so I don't let my husband down, but it is better for everyone if I don't get worn out. Anytime you spend with him in as "normal" a situation as possible is great.

There are so many people that give up in relationships because it is a hard disease to deal with. Your boyfriend is very lucky to have someone like you who is willing to learn and help him. :soledance:

The most important thing you can what you're doing.

My fiance is the best he ask me every morning "How do YOU feel TODAY" as soon as I wake up. Its the littlest thing in the world but it means the most to me. He is always reading about Crohns and making suggestions and asking questions. I feel like a burden to him (like your boyfriend) but he just looks at me and kisses me and acts like he doesn't hear me apologizing for stinking up the house (again!) lol..

You are his best blessing right now....what a special lady indeed!!!
My husband has crohn's. It can be very tough at times. The CCFA has support local group meetings. I've never been to one, but I know that they are there if I need them. You may feel pushed away from your boyfriend, I know I felt that way from my husband when we were first dating. He didn't want me to seem him sick, he didn't want to appear weak he said, and he felt embarrassed of all of the things going on with his body. So I just ignored his want to push me away, and I pushed harder back- just sat with him as much as I could, and eventually he learned that I wasn't going anywhere, and that I don't judge what comes out of his body, and that none of that bothered me. I loved him and I knew that the love he had for me would help him to heal! Positivity is powerful!!! I am sorry that your boyfriend is having such a hard time. Is his mother around? Are you close with her? Maybe chatting with her about things may help?

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