Hi everyone,
When i was 15 years old i became very ill, lost so much weight, stomach was so swollen and very sore, couldn't keep food or drink down etc, my mum took me to our gp and she actually asked if i was pregnant as i looked it!! I explained i didn't even have a boyfriend so there was no chance i was pregnant! It eventually got to the point i was very grey in colour and couldn't get out of bed as i was too weak and in too much pain. My mum took me to hospital where i was seen by a couple of surgeons who decided to stick a little camera into my tummy to see what was going on inside. I was in surgery for 3 hours because there was a blockage in my intestine and i had 6 inches of my bowel removed. The next day i was told i had Crohns Disease. The doctor also said it was the worst case of it he had seen and if i hadn't had the op when i did, i would have been dead within 24 hours!! Not nice to hear at 15 years of age!! My uncle was diagnosed with it just before i was. About a week after coming out of the hospital i ate an orange and almost ended up back in hospital, it caused excruciating pain. I'm now coming up to my 30th birthday so i've suffered with this nasty disease for half of my life!!
Foods my body can't tolerate are:
Lettuce, Peanuts, Tomatoes, spicy food, sweetcorn, peas, beans, oats (although i can eat porridge, it's things like flapjacks, or cakes with oats in them), oranges and high fibre foods.
As long as i don't eat any of these things i have no problems.
Unfortunately, i have watched my 11 year old daughter showing signs of the disease and was referred to a paediatrician who said if there was signs of crohns in her stool test she will be sent to a childrens hospital to see a gastroenterologist. Well a few days ago i received a call from our local hospital to say she has to go to the childrens hospital, so she must have crohns too. I'm so upset, i've suffered bad pains and had the op because of this and to think my daughter must have it too and may have to go through the same things I have 3 children and i'm worried incase any of the others get it.
Does anybody have any children with it who can offer advice?? I guess it's good that i have it and know what foods not to give her and can understand what shes going through.
When i was 15 years old i became very ill, lost so much weight, stomach was so swollen and very sore, couldn't keep food or drink down etc, my mum took me to our gp and she actually asked if i was pregnant as i looked it!! I explained i didn't even have a boyfriend so there was no chance i was pregnant! It eventually got to the point i was very grey in colour and couldn't get out of bed as i was too weak and in too much pain. My mum took me to hospital where i was seen by a couple of surgeons who decided to stick a little camera into my tummy to see what was going on inside. I was in surgery for 3 hours because there was a blockage in my intestine and i had 6 inches of my bowel removed. The next day i was told i had Crohns Disease. The doctor also said it was the worst case of it he had seen and if i hadn't had the op when i did, i would have been dead within 24 hours!! Not nice to hear at 15 years of age!! My uncle was diagnosed with it just before i was. About a week after coming out of the hospital i ate an orange and almost ended up back in hospital, it caused excruciating pain. I'm now coming up to my 30th birthday so i've suffered with this nasty disease for half of my life!!
Foods my body can't tolerate are:
Lettuce, Peanuts, Tomatoes, spicy food, sweetcorn, peas, beans, oats (although i can eat porridge, it's things like flapjacks, or cakes with oats in them), oranges and high fibre foods.
As long as i don't eat any of these things i have no problems.
Unfortunately, i have watched my 11 year old daughter showing signs of the disease and was referred to a paediatrician who said if there was signs of crohns in her stool test she will be sent to a childrens hospital to see a gastroenterologist. Well a few days ago i received a call from our local hospital to say she has to go to the childrens hospital, so she must have crohns too. I'm so upset, i've suffered bad pains and had the op because of this and to think my daughter must have it too and may have to go through the same things I have 3 children and i'm worried incase any of the others get it.
Does anybody have any children with it who can offer advice?? I guess it's good that i have it and know what foods not to give her and can understand what shes going through.