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Mar 18, 2013
how mmj helped my flare

I developed the worst flare of my life last summer. Since I have hip necrosis, I could not go on prednisone and had to wait a long time for azathioprine to work as well as budesonide to arrive in the mail. So basically I had 2 months of severe agony mostly laying in bed smoking a little trying to conserve it all since I didn't have a good connection. It was like this until the meds kicked crohn's down to where I could function.

What did MMJ (Mids) do for me?
1. Helped me eat. During the flare it felt like there was a wooden block in my mouth and stomach and I had NO interest in food. Weed helped. My first night smoking I ate 2 gluten free dominos pizzas. Still lost weight but I was eating/nutrients.
2. Reminded me to drink water (dry mouth lol)
3. Important one here. If I smoked enough, it literally would stop severe intestinal cramping and spasms in less than a minute. And that's with mids.
4. It helped me get up and out when I had an appointment or blood work, normally id be hunched over and having shortness of breath within just a short walk from bed.
5. This one goes back to #3..because of the pain relief I was able to get sleep which was nice because when I'm sleeping, there's less misery.
6. Reduced the timing of grastric emptying (Reduced trips to toilet) not sure if that helped or not to go 6-8 times instead of 12 but mentally, it helped.

I can't say for sure it has helped in terms of reducing inflammation but it's got to help when it relieves stomach cramping and spasms.

I'll be having chronic coming next month (Snow White) so i'll probably have a better idea of the healing powers then. I plan on makiing tincture as well.

Thanks for reading :)
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It helps me tremendously. I no longer have health insurance, and so my options are pretty limited in terms of medical care. (Just cant afford it) I am lying in bed right now in severe pain because I ran out. It provides instant pain relief. Nothing else seems to. Its too bad Va will never ever ever go medicinal.
VA actually was the first state to pass a medical marijuana law (look it up) back in the 70's. The problem is, it requires prescriptions from doctors but federal law says they can take away a doctors license if they prescribe marijuana. It works in others states that have MMJ laws because they use a "recommendation" and not a prescription.
Hey blazeking, welcome to CF :)

Indeed, cannabis is a wonderful, wonderful drug. It is even more amazing to think it is a simple plant anyone can grow in his backyard, harvest when it is ripe, and consume after a proper drying (curing) process. It doesn't get more earthly than this.

I have been flaring for a year now. My pancolitis is just pissed off for some reason. Were it not for MJ, I would be in constant pain and cramps. 5-ASA didn't do it for me, so I'm in an in-between at the moment, waiting to hear back from the GI on whether he's starting me on Aza or Remicade.

I feel very fortunate to have easy access to it. I am currently growing my own, legally, in Canada. It'll be my first harvest, so I'm very excited. It feels great to be able to grow your own medicine, especially when it works so well. It's almost like magic :)
It helps me tremendously. I no longer have health insurance, and so my options are pretty limited in terms of medical care. (Just cant afford it) I am lying in bed right now in severe pain because I ran out. It provides instant pain relief. Nothing else seems to. Its too bad Va will never ever ever go medicinal.

I know you aren't looking for sympathy, but having a reasonably good idea about what you are going through, I can't help but say I am so sorry to hear about what you are dealing with. If misery really loves company, then you have tons of comfort on this forum.:smile:

I have been doing tons of research on MMJ. A number of states including the district of Columbia are considering MMJ legislation. Hopefully an option will present itself for you soon.
If I were timumn I would grow it absolutely. If you're at your parents or with a loved one, let them know..actually they probably do know, that you need this medicine. If you're worried about the law, a couple plants in VA is actually not technically a cultivation charge because there is no cultivation law in VA, only a manufacturing one. People get off on growing a few plants all the time, down to a misdemeanor possession because growing for personal use it not illegal. Don't have baggies and digital scales around. If you are very desperate I would put an ad out on the platonic area of craigslist telling of your pain and your need for weed. I can't imagine the pain he goes through without at least some kind of medicine and cannabis is the best for the symptoms.

Also, look for charities in your area or have someone you depend on do it, there are places that will help you. You can put in an application for free care at MCV in Richmond and then see a crohn's specialist there, Dr Bickston, it's all paid if you are accepted.

BTW in my OP I said weed helps with 'muscle' cramping and pain. While it probably does that too, I meant intestinal cramping and pain.
Not to hi-jack your thread but you should defiantly grow your own. I have been off all my medications for a over a year now, was on 500mg Pentasa 9 pills daily, and Remicade. Now I just medicate with MJ. The rule of growing is tell noone, and you will 100% not get caught. I can help you out if you decide too. Best of luck!

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