My supplement adventure pays off

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Feb 25, 2007
my supplement adventure pays off

I have had active crohn's for over 3 years now. Around a foot of my small bowel is constantly cramped and inflammed and no medicine prescribed by a doctor had any effect on the condition. I was on 6mp and prednisone for a long time and it pretty much did squat. Tried methotrexate for about 6 months as well and it had no real effect on my condition either. So, the doctors decided remicade was the route to take. I took 1 infusion about 6 months ago and nothing happened! So many people say how much of a miracle drug this is but I had no such luck with it. However, I'm glad that it did not work because I have found the culprit of my problem.

Seeing as how I was out of options, I turned to the world of natural healing. Lots of people think this stuff is quackry and I too believed that until it became the last option. So what I did was invest in some probiotics, antifungal supplements, vitamins, and alot of chicken, fish, and vegetables. Out of all of them, probiotics were clearly the biggest help. They took my levels of inflammation from severe to mild/moderate in about a 1 week timespan. I was impressed with how well they work to say the least and was hoping they alone would be the cure to my ailment. Alas, it would not be so. Although they help ALOT, they did not cure me. There was a level of inflammation that the probiotics could not get rid of. Although it was not alot, it bothered me and I didn't want to live with it that way. So I continued my research. When I say research, I've spent hours in libraries reading about IBD and other bowel disorders and diseases. Epidemiology has actually become sort of a hobby to me.

So.. probiotics worked but no completely. I figured there had to be sometihng else I'm missing. So I went to my local health food store and walked up and down the aisles looking at what they had to offer. I picked up some gluten free bread and some calcium/magnesium/zinc/vitamin d all-in-one supplement. I went home and made some a sandwich with the bread and what do you know, no cramping. I was impressed.. so I began going over things in my head (something I'm sure all of us do constantly :) ). From my run-ins with my "bad foods" I wasn't convinced I was a celiac. I'm sure you can have intolerances with Crohn's but I did not believe this was the root of the problem. I've been tested and it has come up negative multiple times. So what could be causing the problems?? There was a common link. Lactose. yes lactose. I went over it in my mind again and again convinced that my problem was too severe, complicated, etc. etc. to be simple lactose intolerance. I ran over it again and again and it seemed to be in alot of stuff I ate most everyday. Even bread and butter contains small amounts. So I thought what the hell I, let's give this a shot.

I went back to my health food store and picked up some more gluten free bread, gluten free muffins, and some Lactase (supplement to help you break down lactose in milk). I got home and took one of the pills before I ate. Voila! 4 hours later I notice some serious inflammation reduction. It can't be.. I took some more. Same result.
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I can't believe how much that one pill has turned my life around. It's been a few months now and I can eat almost anything I want again with the exception of heavily dairy filled foods.

The crazy thing is it made so much sense to me after the fact. Tons of people report serious bowel cramping, migraines, headaches, bloating, gas, throwing up, etc. with lactose intolerance. I've had all of these for years before finally getting real bad off with what doctors diagnosed as crohn's disease.

What I really think happened is this. When you don't produce enough lactase in your body, the lactose sugar in milk does not get broken down. So basically it sits in your intestinal tract for a while because it is difficult to pass. Not only does it irritate the hell out of your bowel, it is a ready made food source for a variety of bad bacteria. Talk about a bad situation. It's also well documented that people with Crohn's have bad problems with lactose. If I remeber correctly off the top of my head, it is because lactose is made in the lining of your small intestine and people with Crohn's obviously have a problem with that.

My question now is is it maybe Crohn's is the result of severe lactose intolerance? I would like to hear you guys experiences with this. Hopefully my story will help others see a common link in what's causing them anguish from this damn disease. :)

Also some food for thought.. if lactose intolerance was actually the culprit how many lawsuits would there be especially with how hard the government pushes dairy and carbs on the food guide pyramid and how hardwired america is to having dairy in their diets from tons of "Milk, does a body good" commercials. Wouldn't you be reluctant to disclose that information to the general public too? Not saying there is a blatant coverup going on but there definetly could be some researchers not recognizing a set of conditions or looking the other way on data so pharmo companies can develop new drugs to give to people for the rest of their lives and make $2800 per infusion.. conspiracy theories! ah well it's fun to think about anyways and i certainly hope that this isn't the case. :p
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Thanks for sharing Brando! I think there are some things to keep in mind here though:

-everyone is different. What works for someone (who may be lactose intolerant) may not work for someone else. This seems to be most true with nautral remedies.

-Research is important! It is important to know why you are taking something and what it is supposed to do. Just because a product is good or works well at doing something in someone you know, does not mean it will be beneficial for you (it could even be harmful!)
quite true mikey.. believe me i've done alot of research and know exactly why i'm taking certain things. everyone should do their own research and ask a doctor or nutrionist before taking any supplement. i do think that this has some substantial weight in the argument for Crohn's though. it might be worth it to see if it helps.
is it expensive to get tested for food allergies? I've been meaning to do it ever since i got diagnosed, especially for wheat, gluten, lactose, etc.
check out this site regarding food allergy testing:

it is a little expensive but it mostly depends on what lab you send it to. i'm pretty sure it is covered by insurance but the downfall is it is not always an accurate test. talk with your doctor about it. it's going to require alot of personal testing with foods to figure out which ones give you problems and which ones do not. this is probably the most reliable way to figure out what you re allergic to even though the process is not going to be fun.
Gluten intolerance can be tested by a blood test. My doctor prescribed this for me, and it came negative. I noticed that I can eat bread but a certain amount. Lots of it causes me problems.

Lactose intolerance I think needs a biopsy from the intestines. for me I can handle dairy with no problem, except milk and lots of cheese. I try to stick to fermented products, mainly yoghurt.

Brando, what probiotics did you use?