I will try to make this short but concise but I have some questions and the doctors are all clueless or so opinionated that they think they know it all. So she have been living witth Crohns for about 20 years or so now had several surgeries to remove multiple parts of bowels. At least once ever two months we end up in the ER because of complication. The do CT scans, X-Rays, blood work and even scopes from time to time and everything comes back normal. She has seen so many doctors I could even begin to name them all, been on every know medicine aside from Humara and a new one I cant remember the name of that that FDA just appoved a few years back. Nothing has helped her. But 20 mins after eating anything she is curled up in pain. The doctors think she is nuts and the only relief she ever gets is from opaites, the problem here is all the doctors think she is some junk just seeking meds. She has been told she has crohns and then she doesnt then it's IBS, or Colitous, or nothing at all or all three. She clearly has in the past had a crohns issue bad enough to cause her to need surgery but is it possible that the years off taking pain meds have cause her bowels to because super sensitive to anything and the real undelying cause for all of her pain is the pain meds. I know for a fact she isnt taking the meds as a way to get high or anything like that as she does not get the euphoric effect the junkies seek. But I'm at a loss the doctors cant find anything wrong but she is serious pain 24/7 and is lucky if she eats once a week because of the pain. Even just drinking water cause her issues. Ironically the only thing that doesnt seem to cause her serious pain is iced tea and sun flower seeds, neither of which should be good for her and should cause her serious pain but don't. I would love some input from you all and see if maybe I can come up with something the doctors have missed.