As we know, large amounts of MAP can easily be found in the feces and tissues of Cattle with Johne’s disease and cultured with the standard methods established long time ago. It is the scarce of MAP in the feces and tissue of Crohn’s disease made the report of successful culture of higher rates of viable MAP in the blood of Crohn’s patients become quite an important event.
Well, cows are not the de-facto comparison that should be used to compare humans with and even then it's quite easy to counter this argument you made against MAP.
In sheep for example, Johne's disease is paucimicrobial, you can not isolate the bacteria in stool or blood, PCR testing and other immunological tests are incredibly unreliable and the best way to know the sheep has Johne's disease is to look at clinical symptoms of the animal's intestine, frankly what people do for crohn's disease.
Are we now going to argue a cow looks more like humans than a sheep. Again a discussion that leads nowhere and arguments that lead nowhere.
I will admit that often strains in humans are bovine strains, but there are other strains too found in humans. You can argue back and forth like this all day long.
And as far as easily detected in cow feces, the rate of detection is 50%, that's half of the cows with PTB who do not show MAP in feces.
May I remind also that the infection and actual clinical symptoms in the intestine of animals is 2 to 10 years difference.
I also do not agree with the notion that Crohn’s disease is more closely linked to diseases like leprosy rather than ulcerative colitis. There is no misdiagnosis between CD and leprosy at all. However, no matter how splendid the hospital, how good the doctor and how hard they try, there is always a portion of cases Non-Differentiable as either CD or UC. In addition, CD and UC but not leprosy also shared many similarities in epidemiological distribution, treatments, etc.
I did not say in my reply that Leprosy was clinically linked to crohn's disease, I mentioned that 6 out of 8 susceptibility loci for leprosy conincide with crohn's disease, which is not the case for UC at all.
Which I will show here (2012 Nature study):
I will also show you that genetically UC is nothing at all like crohn's disease.
NOD2 and Atg genes indicating autophagy deficiencies are exclusive to crohn's disease and IL23R mutation has a different function in both disease.
As far as clinical resemblance, if you ask any pathologist if full cut histology pictures from UC and crohn's disease look alike and he will tell you the diseases are as different as water and fire. Crohn's disease is a disease that features full thickness transmural inflammation in a patchy pattern, UC is non-stop inflammation of the intestinal mucosa easily differentiated during a colonscopy.
Differntiating Intestinal tuberculosis from crohn's disease is much harder than differentiating classic crohn's disease from UC, it requires study of crypts and requires bloodwork and other tests to make a final conclusion, UC and crohn's disease show clinical mucosal differences that can easily be seen by the eye alone.
I don't "think" or claim that MAP is causative in crohn's disease, I just think the arguments against MAP are usually arguments that lead nowhere, or often too broad or misinformed, or people try to brush them off as only of academic important even though lives are at stake.
I was tested negative for MAP with PCR, and even I can stay objective and am completely unwilling to ignore MAP as a causative agent because I know how unreliable testing really is, not only that we discussed this in the lab and negatives often become positives. So when I can stay objective, why can't GI or some researchers, when they themselves have less personal evidence than I have who did the tests with my own blood and am unwilling to accept most counterarguments because they are not arguments, they are misjudged dismissals.
And yes I think some people tend to get emotional when GI or other people straight up dismiss MAP or other agents, because you tell me what the alternative is, a live-long chain on extremely dangerous immunosupressants? Or acknowledge the evidence that there has been a lack of evidence of self-targeted immune response, acknowledge that genetic deficienicies now show bacterial handling deficiencies and acknowledge that this difference
to us means the diffrence between life-long medication and a cure.
Maybe if some people had the disease themselves who so vehemently try to argue in our name (not referring to you) trying to dismiss anything that speak in favor of MAP or mycobacteria in general, they would see what a disservice they are doing to the people who suffer from the disease. I really truly hope that this contoversy can be solved without wasting the lives of people for another 10 years because some people are too stubborn to acknowledge each other.
I can ask 1000 GI tomorrow what crohn's disease is and half of them will say it's an autoimmune disease. If I ask all of them which autoantigen is invoking this self-directed response there will not be a single one who will be able to tell me, but ask them about MAP and they all have their reply ready, they're not arguments, they're dismissals and a lack of objectivity, and it's very detrimental to the people who actually suffer from the disease.