Natural Remedies for GERD

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Aug 6, 2010
Hi, my girlfriend has very bad GERD (we think) with excessive burping. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem and have they found a good treatment option (she doesn't have insurance.) What are some good probiotics and digestive enzymes for GERD, or any advice at all you could give would be appreciated, thank you.

EDIT: I am in the United States.
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It would help if we knew what country you are in. Not everyone has the same name or stores. Maalox extra strength is my choice when even Nexium doesnt cut it. Dont know of any natural stuff ...ANYONE?
advise her to try a totally lactose-free diet for a few days, she might notice a remarkable difference.

also, drinking hot plain water helps disperse acid/gas, and eating bland foods little and often during the day.

a lot of over the counter indigestion meds don't work longer than the next swallow, but there is a medicine here in the UK called Kolanticon - which is fantastic, has really helped me and also my mother who has IBS. maybe worth looking it up to see if there's something similar where you are.

sleeping slightly raised with an extra pillow or two helps as well.
The following is just a random brainstorm on some of the things I do to manage my GERD and LERD.

A brick under the feet of the bed to raise about 8 inches. No soda or pop drinks, no caffine. I also have 8 pillows as well as having raised my bed and I have a chest of draws so I prop them up in the corner and I sleep sort of sitting up. My GERD and LERD are worse when sleeping. Eliminate spicy foods as well. No peppermints. Yes to manuka honey with the active extract, yes to ginger.

In saying this I have tried three different Proton Pump Inhibitors - they dont manage it well only about 65% if that. I am scheduled to have a ph study etc in August and hopefully an operation to strengthen the eosphagus valve near the stomach.
all the above.... no caffeine, no fruit juices, no tomatoes (anything with high acidity) NO ONIONS, broccoli, no soda, no dairy - it is really very much like Crohn's and what foods to avoid... waht affect you ..may not affect me so keep a food journal to figure out which ones you need to stay away from.

here is a link:

(not sure why alcohol is not on this list as it relaxes the valve as well ... )

it might help to google "GERD DIET" I found there were lots of links that told me what not to eat and very few that says what to eat...

has your girlfriend gone to a GI if it is very bad?? They did a endoscopy and found I had a hietal no diet changes would make that much of a difference... i am not at all overweight (they will tell her to lose weight is she needs to). I also had gastritis...


avoid any NSAIDS all together... this can cause gastritis...
and try what others mentioned by sleeping with bed raised... I found I started to sleep sitting up by the time it got worse anyway... it relieved it a little Dingbats suggestion re: plain hot water was soothing as well....
Get her to go check it out as if left untreated it can turn in to Barretts esophagus.... nothing to play around with... GERD sucks and can be extremely painful - you are a nice boyfriend looking in to this for her. It is also embarrassing as the excess gas cant be helped.

and Aura... I feel for you - the PH test is unpleasant :( (is that the tube down the nose test??)
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Hi Keona

Yes it is the tube down the nose and throat test and then go and do a normal working day and come back the next day to have it out - oh what joy that will be for the students!!! The docs also want to watch be swallow and test the strength of my osephogaus.

I probably have done more damage now as I threw up soo much last night, cos I stopped taking the lactulose to keep my bowels moving. I'm having a crap time of it.
LOL...i know what you mean.. when they told me - they said would have to go about my day as per usual....ummm..right!! I haven't done it yet as the GI put it on hold to figure out what to do with my bowels. Are you sure it is GERD and not crohn's in your esophagus? I think that is why they put it on hold for me - to see if there is a connection. Also, I have temporarily gone off the omeprazole until Monday (went off a few days ago). Not sure if there is a connection but do you or have you experienced sulpha burps?... with nausea? I started to get that again.
I am also on lactulose syrup... are you on the syrup (in a word - gross) - why did you throw-up when you stopped taking it? I am new to it (just finished my first bottle. I take 30 ml twice/day). Do you mix it with anything if it is the syrup? Im afraid to as that would mean it would make more liquid to drink if it makes it worse.

I see my GI on Monday - I will ask him for you if there are any natural remedies for GERD.
HI ya - you have asked some really good questions - My GI sent me to an ears nose and throat specialist and he stuck a tube down my nose then and there (made me gag) and said that he could see I had LERD.

I had big stress in 2009 where I was vomitting daily for three months. This has caused the GERD and LERD and set off my crohns again. The GI is confident that my crohns is coming undercontrol on methotrexate. Now I get constipated - and yes I am on lactulose. I have thought about putting it in my coffee - but I havn't as I was afraid it would not work the same. It is gross. I am supposed to take it daily but I forget - I take 22 pills and seem to regularly forget my nasal spray and asthma inhaler and the syrup. - It just gets too much to take to stay healthish.

I think I vomitted as I was consitipated - I had not been for 5 days, then taking the syrup - the cramps came, along with nausea and she was all systems go. With too much pain.

My PPi - is solox rather than losec.

I regularly cough, regurgitate and have major difficultly swallowing and eating. As yet I have not had sulpha burbs.
man...what a way to ruin a good cup of coffee :D
There is definitely a connection for me between stress and GERD. I am in a flare and have been for quite some time as I haven't been given medication for Crohn's yet - just lots of tests to see the extent - Monday I will get some answers.
Currently, I regurgitate and the back of my throat feels like it is raw. A few months ago, I had great difficulty swallowing and eating. i also had a huge fear of eating b/c i was worried it would effect the GERD.
I have been on PPi's for around 12 years off and on... the last 3 yrs. I have taken them twice a day every day. I went to the GI a year ago b/c they weren't working anymore and he did the endoscopy and seemed to have forgotten about me and jumped on the Crohn's issue instead.
When is your test??
You are probably right about the coffee :ybiggrin: I find it soooo sweet. As a diabetic I don't do a lot of sugar and drink the syrup is like OMG to my tastebuds.

My date is August the 10th - a long time - so it seems
You do know there is a strong warning on the label re: diabetic I assume.. it is prescription here..not sure about New Zealand. I agree - it is way too sweet and I don't take sugar in my coffee. have a lot going on as well.. I feel for you.... mighty painful!
It will definitely be unpleasant - I hope they can help you in the mean time... that does make it seem like a long time away...
It's prescription here too. My GI said that the sugars dont stay in the system and go straight to the bowels without binding to anything. So it will be ok with the diabetes. Here's hoping :) Bring on August - it's time to sleep lying down again.
do you have a barcalounger? haha... I know for me it is rather uncomfortable on my couch you can also buy pillows that look like cheese wedges.... very pricey for a hunk of styrofoam
-- that is still a long time to wait in the grande scheme of things. I have some info on fundo wraps if you like
We call them Lazy-boys here :ybiggrin::ybiggrin::ybiggrin:

No I dont have one - but our sofa is a double chaise lounge. A Lazy-boy would be nice though. I do have a tripillow at the base of my other pillows and I build them up in a wedge.

What info do you have on the fund? I am interested, thanks
ya they are here as well :D

I have:
The impact of illness in patients with moderate to severe gastro-esophageal reflux disease

surgical outcomes of the fundo wrap
and one on esomeprozole (SP)
also what the hospital gave me about what I can eat..what I cant and aftercare
I have more but I would have to search my computer

all medical journals except the one from my local hospital
The first two sound good and also what you can and can't eat afterwards - it would be good to get a heads up. I like to be prepared - if possible.

Thank you so much for everything tonight. I have to go and pack some boxes as we are moving soon.
thats an excellent way to reduce stress NOT..hahaha Good luck on your move!! is good to know there are people who understand.
As soon as I figure out how to upload it to here - I will

(I am getting this message (surgicaloutcomegerd.pdf:
Your file of 213.9 KB bytes exceeds the forum's limit of 19.5 KB for this filetype.) so I may have to cut and paste them)
I will also PM you my home e-mail but I understand if you prefer to keep it to forum email...

..unless someone knows how???

Happy packing :D
DGL is what I use for GERD. Prilosec, Prevacid, Nexium, and all cause horrible intestinal pain for me. DGL is all natural and has some side benefits. It is working for me. It is not an instant fix.
