Nausea after eating?

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Jan 10, 2013
Hi all. I am just wondering if anyone else ever gets nausea from eating. I have never really experienced this before and the past 2-3 days i have barely ate because every time I have I have felt very puke-y! I also was unable to pass any stool for a few days so I ended up drinking some Miralax in Gatorade. That did help with being able to use the bathroom, although I have noticed more mucus in the stool. I just feel gross. For example I just ate some mac and cheese and now I feel nausea! Does anyone else ever get this issue? :/
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I think you really ought to see your doctor. Not passing stool for a few days and being nauseous like this which is out of the norm for you sounds like an acute problem of some kind.
I am however thinking the constipation could have been because I took some anti diarrhea medicine last Friday :O I did have diarrhea so I took those pills and ended up not really going for 3 days.
What you are describing is very familiar to me. When my crohns starts to act up i can get quite constipated, usually following a few days of diarrhoea.
When i have constipation it is usually accompanied with horrible all day nausea which naturally makes me not want to eat at all.
I think it is a combination of not much is getting out due to the constipation and the fact i have some Crohn's in my duodenum.

I usually find that taking stool softeners help and just sticking to light foods such as soup, anything too heavy just aggregates it.
If it persists contact your GI, they can give you anti nausea medications or better laxatives and take images to see if there is anything else causing it.
I tend to get super nauseated, constipated, and have occasional diarrhea whenever I get dehydrated (which, for me, happens quite often because of loss of fluids during flares.) Have you tried upping your liquid intake? Sometimes just drinking more water and herbal teas, etc., can help me a bit. I also try to lay off the solid food as much as I can stand it until the nausea subsides a little.
I am however thinking the constipation could have been because I took some anti diarrhea medicine last Friday :O I did have diarrhea so I took those pills and ended up not really going for 3 days.

I cannot take Imodium because it blocks me immediately. I am on codeine for the diarrhoea, not ideal but the only med that helps.
I am a bit concerned. Your inability to pass stool for a few days (even though you took anti-diarhea meds) combined with nausea could be some warning sings. I think it would be worth a call to the GI, at least. Is this completely new, or have you struggled with constipation/nausea before?

Your GI may be able to prescribe anti-nausea meds like zofran or phenergan for you. In the mean time, if you are still suffering from nausea, 25mg of benadryl can be very helpful along with mint or ginger tea (as long as it's ok with your health/meds).
I have gone through periods of nausea. The nurse at my Remi clinic says it is a symptom of Crohn's. My advice is to drink water as suggested above, and DO NOT eat any of your favourite foods during this time as you may never want to eat them again! Still can't think about eating pan fried haddock!!! And that was last Sept!

I find the ginger natural gravol helps.

Hugs!! It is an awful thing to go through!