Need advice for fistula currently in hospital

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Sep 22, 2013
hello all i currently am in the hospital and have been diagnosed with crohns. After belly pain and sickness was attributed to inflammation and a small(2cm) abscess Ive been on alot of antiboitics and the have performed a into radiology operation thing on my abscess and placed a drainage tube.

Heres the bad news (imtold) They said they found a small fistula in my ileum next to the abscess(or used to be abscess it seems to have responed to the treatment) now the surgeons are coming to talk to me about cutting up my intestines and its very overwhelming. there does not seem to be much or maybe any drainage (less than 5cc a day) here is my main question.

Is there any treatment options for this type of fistula (Enteroenteric fistula i believe but dont quote me on that?) The doctors here seem a bit uneducated on crohns and have already made multiple mistakes (ive been here 3 weeks and just now are finding all this out)

So thank you all very much for any advice on small Enteroenteric fistula's
you may have. Its a real bummmer being in this spot and its so nice to have support forum from people who have been in the hospital or at home who can relate and empathize.

P.s. really trying hard to stay off the hard drugs i.e remicade humira ect... but you know i gotta do what i gotta do would like to be drug free and control with Scd diet/things of that natue

Thank you all soooooo much :hug:

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