Need advice on Biologics

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Feb 17, 2015
I have started to begin remission from being on steroids,I have been on them since december. However, I have weird tb results and need to start biologics so I can be in remission long term and be on steroids for ever. I feel like my life is consumed by this disease and I am having a hard time dealing with the stress of doing biologics. Any advice would really help on how to handle all this stress.
sweethomeswing - it would really help other people see your post and respond with advice and support if you started a new thread of your own, perhaps in the "Your Story" forum

I know there are lots of people on this forum who can relate to the anxiety of starting a new med, worries about side effects or if it will work, and to the way this disease can make it so hard to live your life.

For me Remicade has been great, no real side effects and it gets me to a level where I can function pretty happily.

As for the stress, someone gave me this advice: write a list of 5 things you are stressed about, cross off the things you can't do something about right now, the things remaining do whatever you can to minimize, change etc.
Being on steroids long term can drain you and studies have shown it is not good for long term treatment. My 14 YRS old has been on all of the biologic available for kids here in Canada, some not yet approved for kids. To start them was not a light decision but benefits can totally outweigh the potential side effects. She has had much better quality of life on them then when off.

It helps to talk to others with Crohns like on the forum here or a local support group. It has helped me have strength to make these decisions. In the end you have to put a bit of faith/trust that new treatment like a biologic will be worth it. Keep asking questions. Someone here probably has been where you are at some point.

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