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- Nov 29, 2010
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Hello all, this is the first thread I have posted. I am a new member and hope that a site like this will help. My name is Erryn and I was diagnosed with crohn's feb. 2009. Knowing now that all the problems I had in the 4 yrs. previous were due to the disease and I just never got a dr. that put together all the signs and symptoms. I started on pentasa right after i was diagnosed, as well as bentyl, and belladonna for pain, cholesteramine for diarrhea. This did nothing for me and I could not choke down the cholesteramine if my life depended on it!
I was then put on prednisone 40mg for a week and tapered off. This did nothing but make me feel like I was going crazy... my bowel movments were to the point that I messed myself at work. (I work at a bank) SO EMBARASSING! This put me into high gear, I told my dr. that something needed to be done asap. Mind you this was feb. 2009 still. After rounds and rounds of pred. entocort and no relief I found myself off of work on short term disability over a year later in July 2010. In this time i have lost a little more than 50 lbs. Since I have gotten a new gastro who started me on Imuran, and then remicade. I have had three infusions thus far and on the imuran for three months and just had the dosage upped to 100mg per day. Within the past week and a half she put me back on pred. 20mg for two weeks then taper. I am starting week 2 on 20mg today. The past two weeks have been the disease at its worst for me. :frown: I cannot eat, sleep, take care of my three little boys, work, or be a wife. My couch is my mainstay and my bathroom is my jail cell. Vomiting, and what I call constipated diarrhea with the WORST belly pain I have ever had in my life! (remember, I have had three kids, this pain is sooooo much worse) I take percocet for the pain but it can't touch this. I also had major back pain in the last month and it was discovered that I have three buldging discs with inflamation in all the nerves and surrounding area, that they think is spondyitis??? I think that is it, not sure... I have a neverending UTI that my gastro seems worried about but wont really divuldge all the info it seems to me. I have taken dulcolax yesterday and today without having a bowel movement and am getting worried. this is what I was directed to do by my gastro. It feels like someone is ripping my insides out, and I just don't know what to do... This has taken over my life, I have now lost my job, and my health insurance will be next. As I type this my oldest son is playing basketball on a league and I am not there to see him play his first game ever. :frown: I'm sure this is the case with most of the crohnies out there, but I feel so alone and helpless. If anyone has any advice for me, or has had the same type of symptoms I would love any info you can give me. And even hear your story, so maybe I dont feel so alone in all this. Thanks in advance, and I pray everyone on this site gets what they need and has a super support system. God bless you all.:hug: